0, 0, 0, 0
-char *promote_pieces=" nbrqac=";
+char *promote_pieces=" nbrqac=+";
uint64 Random64[781] = {
U64(0x9D39247E33776D41), U64(0x2AF7398005AAA5C7), U64(0x44DB015024623547), U64(0x9C15F73E62A76AE2),
#define MOVE_BUF 100
+// fs routines read from memory buffer if no file specified
+static unsigned char *memBuf, *memPtr;
+static int bufSize;
+Boolean mcMode;
+fsseek (FILE *f, int n, int mode)
+ if(f) return fseek(f, n, mode);
+ if(mode == SEEK_SET) memPtr = memBuf + n; else
+ if(mode == SEEK_END) memPtr = memBuf + 16*bufSize + n;
+ return memPtr < memBuf || memPtr > memBuf + 16*bufSize;
+fstell (FILE *f)
+ if(f) return ftell(f);
+ return memPtr - memBuf;
+fsgetc (FILE *f)
+ if(f) return fgetc(f);
+ if(memPtr >= memBuf + 16*bufSize) return EOF;
+ return *memPtr++ ;
int_from_file (FILE *f, int l, uint64 *r)
int i,c;
- c=fgetc(f);
+ c=fsgetc(f);
return 1;
int ret;
uint64 r;
+ if(!f) { *entry = *(entry_t*) memPtr; memPtr += 16; return 0; }
if(ret) return 1;
int first, last, middle;
entry_t last_entry,middle_entry;
- if(fseek(f,-16,SEEK_END)){
+ if(fsseek(f,-16,SEEK_END)){
entry->key=key+1; //hack
return -1;
- last=ftell(f)/16;
+ last=fstell(f)/16;
return last;
- fseek(f,16*middle,SEEK_SET);
+ fsseek(f,16*middle,SEEK_SET);
int width = BOARD_RGHT - BOARD_LEFT, size; // allow for alternative board formats
size = width * BOARD_HEIGHT;
+ p = move / (size*size);
+ move = move % (size*size);
f = move / size;
fr = f / width;
ff = f % width;
t = move % size;
tr = t / width;
tf = t % width;
- p = move / (size*size);
move_s[0] = ff + 'a';
move_s[1] = fr + '1' - (BOARD_HEIGHT > 9);
move_s[2] = tf + 'a';
move_s[3] = tr + '1' - (BOARD_HEIGHT > 9);
// kludge: encode drops as special promotion code
- if(gameInfo.holdingsSize && p == 8) {
+ if(gameInfo.holdingsSize && p == 9) {
move_s[0] = f + '@'; // from square encodes piece type
move_s[1] = '@'; // drop symbol
p = 0;
-GetBookMoves (int moveNr, char *book, entry_t entries[])
+GetBookMoves (FILE *f, int moveNr, entry_t entries[], int max)
{ // retrieve all entries for given position from book in 'entries', return number.
- static FILE *f = NULL;
- static char curBook[MSG_SIZ];
entry_t entry;
int offset;
uint64 key;
int count;
int ret;
- if(book == NULL || moveNr >= 2*appData.bookDepth) return -1;
-// if(gameInfo.variant != VariantNormal) return -1; // Zobrist scheme only works for normal Chess, so far
- if(!f || strcmp(book, curBook)){ // keep book file open until book changed
- strncpy(curBook, book, MSG_SIZ);
- if(f) fclose(f);
- f = fopen(book,"rb");
- }
- if(!f){
- DisplayError(_("Polyglot book not valid"), 0);
- appData.usePolyglotBook = FALSE;
- return -1;
- }
key = hash(moveNr);
if(appData.debugMode) fprintf(debugFP, "book key = %08x%08x\n", (unsigned int)(key>>32), (unsigned int)key);
entries[0] = entry;
- fseek(f, 16*(offset+1), SEEK_SET);
+ fsseek(f, 16*(offset+1), SEEK_SET);
ret=entry_from_file(f, &entry);
if(entry.key != key){
- if(count == MOVE_BUF) break;
+ if(count == max) break;
entries[count++] = entry;
return count;
+ReadFromBookFile (int moveNr, char *book, entry_t entries[])
+{ // retrieve all entries for given position from book in 'entries', return number.
+ static FILE *f = NULL;
+ static char curBook[MSG_SIZ];
+ if(book == NULL) return -1;
+ if(!f || strcmp(book, curBook)){ // keep book file open until book changed
+ strncpy(curBook, book, MSG_SIZ);
+ if(f) fclose(f);
+ f = fopen(book,"rb");
+ }
+ if(!f){
+ DisplayError("Polyglot book not valid", 0);
+ appData.usePolyglotBook = FALSE;
+ return -1;
+ }
+ return GetBookMoves(f, moveNr, entries, MOVE_BUF);
+// next three made into subroutines to facilitate future changes in storage scheme (e.g. 2 x 3 bytes)
+static int
+wins(entry_t *e)
+ return e->learnPoints;
+static int
+losses(entry_t *e)
+ return e->learnCount;
+static void
+CountMove (entry_t *e, int result)
+ switch(result) {
+ case 0: e->learnCount ++; break;
+ case 1: e->learnCount ++; // count draw as win + loss
+ case 2: e->learnPoints ++; break;
+ }
+#define MERGESIZE 2048
+#define HASHSIZE 1024*1024*4
+entry_t *memBook, *hashTab, *mergeBuf;
+int bookSize=1, mergeSize=1, mask = HASHSIZE-1;
+InitMemBook ()
+ static int initDone = FALSE;
+ if(initDone) return;
+ memBook = (entry_t *) calloc(1024*1024, sizeof(entry_t));
+ hashTab = (entry_t *) calloc(HASHSIZE, sizeof(entry_t));
+ mergeBuf = (entry_t *) calloc(MERGESIZE+5, sizeof(entry_t));
+ memBook[0].key = -1LL;
+ mergeBuf[0].key = -1LL;
+ initDone = TRUE;
char *
-ProbeBook (int moveNr, char *book)
+MCprobe (moveNr)
+ int count, count2, games, i, choice=0;
+ entry_t entries[MOVE_BUF];
+ float nominal[MOVE_BUF], tot, deficit, max, min;
+ static char move_s[6];
+ InitMemBook();
+ memBuf = (unsigned char*) memBook; bufSize = bookSize; // in MC mode book resides in memory
+ count = GetBookMoves(NULL, moveNr, entries, MOVE_BUF);
+ if(count < 0) count = 0; // don't care about miss yet
+ memBuf = (unsigned char*) mergeBuf; bufSize = mergeSize; // there could be moves still waiting to be merged
+ count2 = count + GetBookMoves(NULL, moveNr, entries+count, MOVE_BUF - count);
+ if(appData.debugMode) fprintf(debugFP, "MC probe: %d/%d (%d+%d)\n", count, count2,bookSize,mergeSize);
+ if(!count2) return NULL;
+ tot = games = 0;
+ for(i=0; i<count2; i++) {
+ float w = wins(entries+i) + 10., l = losses(entries+i) + 10.;
+ float h = (w*w*w*w + 22500.*w*w) / (l*l*l*l + 22500.*l*l);
+ tot += nominal[i] = h;
+ games += wins(entries+i) + losses(entries+i);
+ }
+ tot = games / tot; max = min = 0;
+ for(i=0; i<count2; i++) {
+ nominal[i] *= tot; // normalize so they sum to games
+ deficit = nominal[i] - (wins(entries+i) + losses(entries+i));
+ if(deficit > max) max = deficit, choice = i;
+ if(deficit < min) min = deficit;
+ } // note that a single move will never be underplayed
+ if(max - min > 0.5*sqrt(nominal[choice])) { // if one of the listed moves is significantly under-played, play it now.
+ move_to_string(move_s, entries[choice].move);
+ if(appData.debugMode) fprintf(debugFP, "book move field = %d\n", entries[choice].move);
+ return move_s;
+ }
+ return NULL; // otherwise fake book miss to force engine think, hoping for hitherto unplayed move.
+*ProbeBook (int moveNr, char *book)
+{ //
entry_t entries[MOVE_BUF];
int count;
int i, j;
static char move_s[6];
int total_weight;
- if((count = GetBookMoves(moveNr, book, entries)) <= 0) return NULL; // no book, or no hit
+ if(moveNr >= 2*appData.bookDepth) return NULL;
+ if(mcMode) return MCprobe(moveNr);
+ if((count = ReadFromBookFile(moveNr, book, entries)) <= 0) return NULL; // no book, or no hit
if(appData.bookStrength != 50) { // transform weights
double power = 0, maxWeight = 0.0;
entry_t lastEntries[MOVE_BUF];
char *
-MovesToText (int count, entry_t *entries)
+MovesToText(int count, entry_t *entries)
int i, totalWeight = 0;
char algMove[6];
- char *p = (char*) malloc(30*count+1);
+ char *p = (char*) malloc(40*count+1);
for(i=0; i<count; i++) totalWeight += entries[i].weight;
*p = 0;
for(i=0; i<count; i++) {
buf[0] = NULLCHAR;
if(entries[i].learnCount || entries[i].learnPoints)
snprintf(buf, MSG_SIZ, " {%d/%d}", entries[i].learnPoints, entries[i].learnCount);
- snprintf(p+strlen(p), 30, "%5.1f%% %5d %s%s\n", 100*entries[i].weight/(totalWeight+0.001),
+ snprintf(p+strlen(p), 40, "%5.1f%% %5d %s%s\n", 100*entries[i].weight/(totalWeight+0.001),
entries[i].weight, algMove, buf);
//lastEntries[i] = entries[i];
return p;
+static int
+CoordsToMove (int fromX, int fromY, int toX, int toY, char promoChar)
+ int i, width = BOARD_RGHT - BOARD_LEFT;
+ int to = toX - BOARD_LEFT + toY * width;
+ int from = fromX - BOARD_LEFT + fromY * width;
+ for(i=0; promote_pieces[i]; i++) if(promote_pieces[i] == promoChar) break;
+ if(!promote_pieces[i]) i = 0;
+ if(fromY == DROP_RANK) i = 9, from = ToUpper(PieceToChar(fromX)) - '@';
+ return to + (i * width * BOARD_HEIGHT + from) * width * BOARD_HEIGHT;
TextToMoves (char *text, int moveNum, entry_t *entries)
int i, w, count=0;
- uint64 hashKey = hash(moveNum);
- int fromX, fromY, toX, toY, to, from;
+ uint64 hashKey = hash(moveNum);
+ int fromX, fromY, toX, toY;
ChessMove moveType;
char promoChar, valid;
float dummy;
- int width = BOARD_RGHT - BOARD_LEFT;
entries[0].key = hashKey; // make sure key is returned even if no moves
while((i=sscanf(text, "%f%%%d", &dummy, &w))==2 || (i=sscanf(text, "%d", &w))==1) {
entries[count].learnPoints = 0;
entries[count].learnCount = 0;
- to = toX + toY * width;
- from = fromX + fromY * width;
- for(i=0; promote_pieces[i]; i++) if(promote_pieces[i] == promoChar) break;
- if(!promote_pieces[i]) i = 0;
- if(fromY == DROP_RANK) i = 8, from = ToUpper(PieceToChar(fromX)) - '@';
- entries[count].move = to + (i * width * BOARD_HEIGHT + from) * width * BOARD_HEIGHT;
+ entries[count].move = CoordsToMove(fromX, fromY, toX, toY, promoChar);
entries[count].key = hashKey;
entries[count].weight = w;
int count;
char *p;
if(!bookUp) return FALSE;
- count = currentCount = GetBookMoves(moveNr, appData.polyglotBook, entries);
+ count = currentCount = ReadFromBookFile(moveNr, appData.polyglotBook, entries);
if(count < 0) return FALSE;
p = MovesToText(count, entries);
EditTagsPopUp(p, NULL);
-EditBookEvent ()
bookUp = TRUE;
bookUp = DisplayBook(currentMove);
if(count != currentCount) {
readpos = 16*(offset + currentCount);
writepos = 16*(offset + count);
- fseek(f, readpos, SEEK_SET);
+ fsseek(f, readpos, SEEK_SET);
readpos += len1 = fread(buf1, 1, 4096 - 16*currentCount, f); // salvage some entries immediately behind change
- fseek(f, 16*(offset), SEEK_SET);
+ fsseek(f, 16*(offset), SEEK_SET);
for(i=0; i<count; i++) entry_to_file(f, entries + i); // save the change
if(count != currentCount) {
do {
for(i=0; i<len1; i++) buf2[i] = buf1[i]; len2 = len1;
if(readpos > writepos) {
- fseek(f, readpos, SEEK_SET);
+ fsseek(f, readpos, SEEK_SET);
readpos += len1 = fread(buf1, 1, 4096, f);
} else len1 = 0; // wrote already past old EOF
- fseek(f, writepos, SEEK_SET);
+ fsseek(f, writepos, SEEK_SET);
fwrite(buf2, 1, len2, f);
writepos += len2;
} while(len1);
+NewEntry (entry_t *e, uint64 key, int move, int result)
+ e->key = key;
+ e->move = move;
+ e->learnPoints = 0;
+ e->learnCount = 0;
+ CountMove(e, result);
+Merge ()
+ int i;
+ if(appData.debugMode) fprintf(debugFP, "book merge %d moves (old size %d)\n", mergeSize, bookSize);
+ bookSize += --mergeSize;
+ for(i=bookSize-1; mergeSize; i--) {
+ while(mergeSize && (i < mergeSize || mergeBuf[mergeSize-1].key >= memBook[i-mergeSize].key))
+ memBook[i--] = mergeBuf[--mergeSize];
+ if(i < 0) break;
+ memBook[i] = memBook[i-mergeSize];
+ }
+ if(mergeSize) DisplayFatalError("merge error", 0, 0); // impossible
+ mergeSize = 1;
+ mergeBuf[0].key = -1LL;
+AddToBook (int moveNr, int result)
+ entry_t entry;
+ int offset, start, move;
+ uint64 key;
+ int i, j, fromY, toY;
+ char fromX, toX, promo;
+extern char moveList[][MOVE_LEN];
+ if(!moveList[moveNr][0] || moveList[moveNr][0] == '\n') return; // could be terminal position
+ if(appData.debugMode) fprintf(debugFP, "add move %d to book %s", moveNr, moveList[moveNr]);
+ // calculate key and book representation of move
+ key = hash(moveNr);
+ if(moveList[moveNr][1] == '@') {
+ sscanf(moveList[moveNr], "%c@%c%d", &promo, &toX, &toY);
+ fromX = CharToPiece(WhiteOnMove(moveNr) ? ToUpper(promo) : ToLower(promo));
+ fromY = DROP_RANK; promo = NULLCHAR;
+ } else sscanf(moveList[moveNr], "%c%d%c%d%c", &fromX, &fromY, &toX, &toY, &promo), fromX -= AAA, fromY -= ONE - '0';
+ move = CoordsToMove(fromX, fromY, toX-AAA, toY-ONE+'0', promo);
+ // if move already in book, just add count
+ memBuf = (unsigned char*) memBook; bufSize = bookSize; // in MC mode book resides in memory
+ offset = find_key(NULL, key, &entry);
+ while(memBook[offset].key == key) {
+ if(memBook[offset].move == move) {
+ CountMove(memBook+offset, result); return;
+ } else offset++;
+ }
+ // move did not occur in the main book
+ memBuf = (unsigned char*) mergeBuf; bufSize = mergeSize; // it could be amongst moves still waiting to be merged
+ start = offset = find_key(NULL, key, &entry);
+ while(mergeBuf[offset].key == key) {
+ if(mergeBuf[offset].move == move) {
+ if(appData.debugMode) fprintf(debugFP, "found in book merge buf @ %d\n", offset);
+ CountMove(mergeBuf+offset, result); return;
+ } else offset++;
+ }
+ if(start != offset) { // position was in mergeBuf, but move is new
+ if(appData.debugMode) fprintf(debugFP, "add in book merge buf @ %d\n", offset);
+ for(i=mergeSize++; i>offset; i--) mergeBuf[i] = mergeBuf[i-1]; // make room
+ NewEntry(mergeBuf+offset, key, move, result);
+ return;
+ }
+ // position was not in mergeBuf; look in hash table
+ i = (key & mask); offset = -1;
+ while(hashTab[i].key) { // search in hash table (necessary because sought item could be re-hashed)
+ if(hashTab[i].key == 1 && offset < 0) offset = i; // remember first invalidated entry we pass
+ if(!((hashTab[i].key - key) & ~1)) { // hit
+ if(hashTab[i].move == move) {
+ CountMove(hashTab+i, result);
+ for(j=mergeSize++; j>start; j--) mergeBuf[j] = mergeBuf[j-1];
+ } else {
+ // position already in hash now occurs with different move; move both moves to mergeBuf
+ for(j=mergeSize+1; j>start+1; j--) mergeBuf[j] = mergeBuf[j-2];
+ NewEntry(mergeBuf+start+1, key, move, result); mergeSize += 2;
+ }
+ hashTab[i].key = 1; // kludge to invalidate hash entry
+ mergeBuf[start] = hashTab[i]; mergeBuf[start].key = key;
+ if(mergeSize >= MERGESIZE) Merge();
+ return;
+ }
+ i = i+1 & mask; // wrap!
+ }
+ // position did not yet occur in hash table. Put it there
+ if(offset < 0) offset = i;
+ NewEntry(hashTab+offset, key, move, result);
+ if(appData.debugMode)
+ fprintf(debugFP, "book hash @ %d (%d-%d)\n", offset, hashTab[offset].learnPoints, hashTab[offset].learnCount);
+AddGameToBook (int always)
+ int i, result;
+ if(!mcMode && !always) return;
+ InitMemBook();
+ switch(gameInfo.result) {
+ case GameIsDrawn: result = 1; break;
+ case WhiteWins: result = 2; break;
+ case BlackWins: result = 0; break;
+ default: return; // don't treat games with unknown result
+ }
+ if(appData.debugMode) fprintf(debugFP, "add game to book (%d-%d)\n", backwardMostMove, forwardMostMove);
+ for(i=backwardMostMove; i<forwardMostMove && i < 2*appData.bookDepth; i++)
+ AddToBook(i, WhiteOnMove(i) ? result : 2-result); // flip result when black moves
+FlushBook ()
+ FILE *f;
+ int i;
+ InitMemBook();
+ Merge(); // flush merge buffer to memBook
+ if(f = fopen(appData.polyglotBook, "wb")) {
+ for(i=0; i<bookSize; i++) {
+ entry_t entry = memBook[i];
+ entry.weight = entry.learnPoints;
+// entry.learnPoints = 0;
+// entry.learnCount = 0;
+ entry_to_file(f, &entry);
+ }
+ } else DisplayError("Could not create book", 0);