The dist target in the Makefile was changed to first copy everything to
temporary directory, and then pack that in a tar ball.
rm -f ${ALL} *~ data/*~ *.man md5sums
+ install -d -m0755 Fairy-Max
+ install -d -m0755 Fairy-Max/data
rm -f fairymax.tar fairymax.tar.gz
- md5 ./* ./data/* > md5sums
- tar -cvvf fairymax.tar fairymax.c maxqi.c fairymax.pod Makefile README changelog copyright md5sums data
+ cp fairymax.c maxqi.c fairymax.pod Makefile README changelog copyright md5sums Fairy-Max
+ cp data/* Fairy-Max/data
+ md5 Fairy-Max/* Fairy-Max/data/* > Fairy-Max/md5sums
+ tar -cvvf fairymax.tar Fairy-Max
gzip fairymax.tar
+ rm Fairy-Max/data/*
+ rmdir Fairy-Max/data
+ rm Fairy-Max/*
+ rmdir Fairy-Max
rm -f $(DESTDIR)/usr/share/games/fairymax/*