safeStrCpy(q, p, strlen(p) + 2);
if(gameNr >= 0) q[gameNr] = resChar; // replace '*' with result
if(appData.debugMode) fprintf(debugFP, "pick next game from '%s': %d\n", q, nextGame);
- if(nextGame <= appData.matchGames && resChar != ' ') { // already reserve next game, if tourney not yet done
+ if(nextGame <= appData.matchGames && resChar != ' ' && !abortMatch) { // reserve next game if tourney not yet done
if(q[nextGame] == NULLCHAR) q[nextGame+1] = NULLCHAR; // append one char
q[nextGame] = '*';
fprintf(tf, "%s\"\n", q); fclose(tf); // update, and flush by closing
DisplayMessage(buf, "");
free(p); appData.results = q;
- if(nextGame <= appData.matchGames && resChar != ' ' &&
+ if(nextGame <= appData.matchGames && resChar != ' ' && !abortMatch &&
(gameNr < 0 || nextGame / appData.defaultMatchGames != gameNr / appData.defaultMatchGames)) {
UnloadEngine(&first); // next game belongs to other pairing;
UnloadEngine(&second); // already unload the engines, so TwoMachinesEvent will load new ones.
int dummy;
if(matchMode) { // already in match mode: switch it off
abortMatch = TRUE;
- appData.matchGames = appData.tourneyFile[0] ? nextGame: matchGame; // kludge to let match terminate after next game.
- ModeHighlight(); // kludgey way to remove checkmark...
+ if(!appData.tourneyFile[0]) appData.matchGames = matchGame; // kludge to let match terminate after next game.
// if(gameMode != BeginningOfGame) {
int score[MAXPLAYERS], ranking[MAXPLAYERS], points[MAXPLAYERS], games[MAXPLAYERS];
char result, *p, *names[MAXPLAYERS];
- if(appData.tourneyType < 0) return strdup("Swiss tourney finished"); // standings of Swiss yet TODO
names[0] = p = strdup(appData.participants);
while(p = strchr(p, '\n')) *p++ = NULLCHAR, names[++nPlayers] = p; // count participants
+ if(appData.tourneyType < 0) return strdup("Swiss tourney finished"); // standings of Swiss yet TODO
if(appData.tourneyType > 0) nPlayers = appData.tourneyType; // in gauntlet, list only gauntlet engine(s)
for(w=0; w<nPlayers; w++) {
bScore = -1;
if(waitingForGame) resChar = ' '; // quit while waiting for round sync: unreserve already reserved game
- if(appData.tourneyFile[0] && !abortMatch){ // [HGM] we are in a tourney; update tourney file with game result
+ if(appData.tourneyFile[0]){ // [HGM] we are in a tourney; update tourney file with game result
ReserveGame(nextGame, resChar); // sets nextGame
if(nextGame > appData.matchGames) appData.tourneyFile[0] = 0, ranking = TourneyStandings(3); // tourney is done
+ else ranking = strdup("busy"); //suppress popup when aborted but not finished
} else roundNr = nextGame = matchGame + 1; // normal match, just increment; round equals matchGame
if (nextGame <= appData.matchGames && !abortMatch) {