lg = sqx < 37 ? 1 : sqx < 59 ? 2 : sqx < 116 ? 3 : 4;
if(sqx == oldSqx + 1 && lg == lineGap + 1) sqx = oldSqx, squareSize = 0; // prevent oscillations, force resize by kludge
+ for(h=0; sizeDefaults[h].name && sizeDefaults[h].squareSize > sqx; h++) {}
+ if(!strchr(appData.boardSize, ',')) {
+ ASSIGN(appData.boardSize, sizeDefaults[h].name);
+ initialSquareSize = sizeDefaults[h].squareSize; // used for saving font
+ }
+ if(sizeDefaults[h].tinyLayout != tinyLayout) { // alter clipping of menu names to conform to board width
+ int clip = (tinyLayout = sizeDefaults[h].tinyLayout) + 1;
+ char text[MSG_SIZ];
+ for(h=1; mainOptions[h].type == DropDown; h++) {
+ strncpy(text, _(mainOptions[h].name), MSG_SIZ);
+ text[clip + (text[clip-1] == '_')] = NULLCHAR;
+ gtk_menu_item_set_label((GtkMenuItem *) mainOptions[h].handle, text);
+ }
+ }
if(sqx != squareSize && !first) {
squareSize = sqx; // adopt new square size
CreatePNGPieces(); // make newly scaled pieces
DrawPosition(True, NULL);
partnerUp = !partnerUp; flipView = !flipView;
- if(!strchr(appData.boardSize, ',')) {
- for(h=0; sizeDefaults[h].name && sizeDefaults[h].squareSize > squareSize; h++) {}
- ASSIGN(appData.boardSize, sizeDefaults[h].name);
- initialSquareSize = sizeDefaults[h].squareSize; // used for saving font
- }
static guint delayedDragTag = 0;