safeStrCpy(firstLeg, machineMove, 20); // just remember it for processing when second leg arrives
} else if(firstLeg[0]) { // there was a previous leg;
- // only support case where same piece makes two step (and don't even test that!)
+ // only support case where same piece makes two step
char buf[20], *p = machineMove+1, *q = buf+1, f;
safeStrCpy(buf, machineMove, 20);
while(isdigit(*q)) q++; // find start of to-square
safeStrCpy(machineMove, firstLeg, 20);
- while(isdigit(*p)) p++;
+ while(isdigit(*p)) p++; // to-square of first leg (which is now copied to machineMove)
+ if(*p == *buf) // if first-leg to not equal to second-leg from first leg says unmodified (assume it ia King move of castling)
safeStrCpy(p, q, 20); // glue to-square of second leg to from-square of first, to process over-all move
sscanf(buf, "%c%d", &f, &killY); killX = f - AAA; killY -= ONE - '0'; // pass intermediate square to MakeMove in global
firstLeg[0] = NULLCHAR;