#define NONE 2\r
#define ANALYZE 3\r
-char move[2000][10], checkOptions[8192], iniPos[256], hashOpt[20], pause, pondering, suspended, ponder, post, hasHash, c, sc='c', suffix[81], *variants, varOpt;\r
+char move[2000][10], iniPos[256], hashOpt[20], pause, pondering, suspended, ponder, post, hasHash, c, sc='c', suffix[81], *variants, varOpt, searching;\r
int mps, tc, inc, sTime, depth, myTime, hisTime, stm, computer = NONE, memory, oldMem=0, cores, moveNr, lastDepth, lastScore, startTime, debug, flob;\r
int statDepth, statScore, statNodes, statTime, currNr, size, collect, nr, sm, inex, on[500], frc, byo = -1, namOpt, comp;\r
-char currMove[20], moveMap[500][10], /* for analyze mode */ canPonder[20], threadOpt[20], varList[8000], anaOpt[20];\r
+char currMove[20], moveMap[500][10], /* for analyze mode */ canPonder[20], threadOpt[20], varList[8000], anaOpt[20], backLog[10000], checkOptions[8192] = "Ponder";\r
char board[100]; // XQ board for UCCI\r
char *nameWord = "name ", *valueWord = "value ", *wTime = "w", *bTime = "b", *wInc = "winc", *bInc = "binc", newGame; // keywords that differ in UCCI\r
int unit = 1, drawOffer;\r
+volatile int logLen, sentLen;\r
FILE *toE, *fromE, *fromF;\r
int pid;\r
if(*anaOpt) EPRINT((f, "# setoption %s%s %s%s\n", nameWord, anaOpt, valueWord, val));\r
+{ // send setoption commands backlogged during thinking to engine, aborting ponder or analysis search if necessary\r
+ int len = logLen - sentLen, analyse = searching;\r
+ if(len <= 0) return 0;\r
+ StopPonder(pondering | searching); pondering = searching = 0; // force new search if settings change during analysis (multi-PV!)\r
+ fwrite(backLog + sentLen, 1, len, toE); sentLen += len; DPRINT("# release %d\n", len);\r
+ if(ponder && computer == 1 - stm) StartPonder(); // (re)start ponder search\r
+ return analyse; // return 1 if analysis search should be restarted\r
char *Convert(char *pv)\r
{ // convert Shogi coordinates to WB\r
char *p, *q, c;\r
if(fromF = fopen("DefectiveEngineOptions.ini", "r")) printf("# fake engine input\n");\r
while(1) {\r
- int i=0, x; char *p, dummy;\r
+ int i=0, x; char *p, dummy, len;\r
fflush(stdout); fflush(toE);\r
while((line[i] = x = GetChar()) != EOF && line[i] != '\n') i++;\r
if(strstr(line+9, "(none)") || strstr(line+9, "null") ||\r
strstr(line+9, "0000")) { printf("%s\n", lastScore < -99999 ? "resign" : "1/2-1/2 {stalemate}"); computer = NONE; }\r
sscanf(line, "bestmove %s", move[moveNr++]);\r
+ Release(); // send setoption commands that arrived during search\r
myTime -= (GetTickCount() - startTime)*1.02 + inc; // update own clock, so we can give correct wtime, btime with ponder\r
if(mps && ((moveNr+1)/2) % mps == 0) myTime += tc; if(sTime) myTime = sTime; // new session or move starts\r
stm = WHITE+BLACK - stm;\r
- char line[256], command[256], *p, *q, *r, mySide, searching = 0;\r
+ char line[256], command[256], *p, *q, *r, mySide;\r
while(1) {\r
int i, x, difficult, think=0;\r
fflush(toE); fflush(stdout);\r
i = 0; while((x = getchar()) != EOF && (line[i] = x) != '\n') i++;\r
line[++i] = 0; if(x == EOF) { printf("# EOF\n"); sprintf(line, "quit -1\n"); }\r
- sscanf(line, "%s", command);\r
+ if(think && !pause) Sync(PAUSE), think = 0, Release(); // if no longer thinking, take dummy pause\r
+ sscanf(line, "%s", command); DPRINT("# '%s' think=%d pause=%d log=%d sent=%d\n", command, think, pause, logLen, sentLen);\r
+ if(!strcmp(command, "easy")) {\r
+ if(*canPonder) ponder = 0, sprintf(command, "option"), sprintf(line, "option %s=0\n", canPonder); else continue;\r
+ }\r
+ else if(!strcmp(command, "hard")) {\r
+ if(*canPonder) ponder = 1, sprintf(command, "option"), sprintf(line, "option %s=1\n", canPonder); else continue;\r
+ }\r
if(!strcmp(command, "offer")) drawOffer = 1; // backlogged anyway, so this can be done instantly\r
else if(!strcmp(command, "post")) post = 1;\r
else if(!strcmp(command, "nopost"))post = 0;\r
else if(!strcmp(command, "option")) {\r
- char name[80], *p;\r
- if(searching) StopPonder(1), searching = 0; // force new search if settings change during analysis (multi-PV!)\r
+ char *p;\r
+ if(logLen == sentLen) logLen = 0, sentLen = 0; // engine is up to date; reset buffer\r
if(sscanf(line+7, "UCI2WB debug output=%d", &debug) == 1) ; else\r
if(sscanf(line+7, "Floating Byoyomi=%d", &flob) == 1) ; else\r
if(sscanf(line+7, "Byoyomi=%d", &byo) == 1) ; else\r
if(p = strchr(line, '=')) {\r
*p++ = 0;\r
if(strstr(checkOptions, line+7)) sprintf(p, "%s\n", atoi(p) ? "true" : "false");\r
- EPRINT((f, "# setoption %s%s %s%s", nameWord, line+7, valueWord, p))\r
- } else EPRINT((f, "# setoption %s%s\n", nameWord, line+7))\r
+ snprintf(backLog+logLen, 9999-logLen, "setoption %s%s %s%s", nameWord, line+7, valueWord, p);\r
+ } else snprintf(backLog+logLen, 9999-logLen, "setoption %s%s\n", nameWord, line+7);\r
+ DPRINT("# backlog: %s", backLog+logLen); logLen += strlen(backLog+logLen);\r
+ if(!think && Release()) break; // break will restart analysis; pondering is restarted by Release itself\r
else if(!strcmp(command, "pause")) {\r
if(computer == stm) myTime -= GetTickCount() - startTime;\r
suspended = 1 + pondering; // remember if we were pondering, and stop search ignoring bestmove\r
StopPonder(pondering || computer == stm);\r
- else if(!strcmp(command, "easy")) {\r
- if(*canPonder) { ponder = 0; StopPonder(pondering); EPRINT((f, "# setoption %s%s %sfalse\n", nameWord, canPonder, valueWord)) }\r
- }\r
- else if(!strcmp(command, "hard")) {\r
- if(*canPonder) { ponder = 1; EPRINT((f, "# setoption %s%s %strue\n", nameWord, canPonder, valueWord)) StartPonder(); }\r
- }\r
else difficult = 1; // difficult command; terminate loop for easy ones\r
} // next command\r
if(suspended == 2) StartPonder(); // restart interrupted ponder search\r
suspended = think = 0; continue; // causes thinking to start in normal way if on move or analyzing\r
- if(think) { // command arrived during thinking; order abort for 'instant commands'\r
+ if(think) { // command arrived during thinking; order abort for 'instant commands'\r
if(!strcmp(command, "?") || !strcmp(command, "quit") ||\r
!strcmp(command, "force") || !strcmp(command, "result")) { EPRINT((f, "# stop\n")); fflush(toE); }\r
- Sync(PAUSE); // block processing of input during thinking\r
+ Sync(PAUSE); Release(); // block processing of difficult commands during thinking; send backlog left because of race\r
if(!strcmp(command, "new")) {\r
computer = BLACK; moveNr = 0; depth = -1; move[0][0] = 0;\r