QuickScan (Board board, Move *move)
{ // reconstruct game,and compare all positions in it
- int cnt=0, stretch=0, total = MakePieceList(board, counts);
+ int cnt=0, stretch=0, found = -1, total = MakePieceList(board, counts);
do {
int piece = move->piece;
int to = move->to, from = pieceList[piece];
+ if(!found) { // if already found just scan to game end for final piece count
+ if(QuickCompare(soughtBoard, minSought, maxSought) ||
+ appData.ignoreColors && QuickCompare(reverseBoard, minReverse, maxReverse) ||
+ flipSearch && (QuickCompare(flipBoard, minSought, maxSought) ||
+ appData.ignoreColors && QuickCompare(rotateBoard, minReverse, maxReverse))
+ ) {
+ static int lastCounts[EmptySquare+1];
+ int i;
+ if(stretch) for(i=0; i<EmptySquare; i++) if(lastCounts[i] != counts[i]) { stretch = 0; break; } // reset if material changes
+ if(stretch++ == 0) for(i=0; i<EmptySquare; i++) lastCounts[i] = counts[i]; // remember actual material
+ } else stretch = 0;
+ if(stretch && (appData.searchMode == 1 || stretch >= appData.stretch)) found = cnt + 1 - stretch;
+ if(found && !appData.minPieces) return found;
+ }
if(piece <= Q_PROMO) { // special moves encoded by otherwise invalid piece numbers 1-4
- if(!piece) return -1;
+ if(!piece) return (appData.minPieces && (total < appData.minPieces || total > appData.maxPieces) ? -1 : found);
if(piece == Q_PROMO) { // promotion, encoded as (Q_PROMO, to) + (piece, promoType)
piece = (++move)->piece;
from = pieceList[piece];
quickBoard[to] = piece;
pieceList[piece] = to;
cnt++; turn ^= 3;
- if(QuickCompare(soughtBoard, minSought, maxSought) ||
- appData.ignoreColors && QuickCompare(reverseBoard, minReverse, maxReverse) ||
- flipSearch && (QuickCompare(flipBoard, minSought, maxSought) ||
- appData.ignoreColors && QuickCompare(rotateBoard, minReverse, maxReverse))
- ) {
- static int lastCounts[EmptySquare+1];
- int i;
- if(stretch) for(i=0; i<EmptySquare; i++) if(lastCounts[i] != counts[i]) { stretch = 0; break; } // reset if material changes
- if(stretch++ == 0) for(i=0; i<EmptySquare; i++) lastCounts[i] = counts[i]; // remember actual material
- } else stretch = 0;
- if(stretch && (appData.searchMode == 1 || stretch >= appData.stretch)) return cnt + 1 - stretch;
} while(1);
int dateThreshold;
int searchMode;
int stretch;
+ int minPieces;
+ int maxPieces;
Boolean ignoreColors;
Boolean findMirror;
char *userName;
static char *modeNames[] = { N_("Exact position match"), N_("Shown position is subset"), N_("Same material with exactly same Pawn chain"),
N_("Same material"), N_("Material range (top board half optional)"), N_("Material difference (optional stuff balanced)"), NULL };
static char *modeValues[] = { "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6" };
-static char *searchMode;
+static char *searchMode, *countRange;
static int
LoadOptionsOK ()
+ appData.minPieces = appData.maxPieces = 0;
+ sscanf(countRange, "%d-%d", &appData.minPieces, &appData.maxPieces);
+ if(appData.maxPieces < appData.minPieces) appData.maxPieces = appData.minPieces;
appData.searchMode = atoi(searchMode);
return 1;
{ 0, 0,5000, NULL, (void*) &appData.eloThreshold2, "", NULL, Spin, N_("Elo of weakest player at least:") },
{ 0, 0,5000, NULL, (void*) &appData.dateThreshold, "", NULL, Spin, N_("No games before year:") },
{ 0, 1,50, NULL, (void*) &appData.stretch, "", NULL, Spin, N_("Minimum nr consecutive positions:") },
+{ 0, 0,197, NULL, (void*) &countRange, "", NULL, TextBox, "Final nr of pieces" },
{ 0, 0,205, NULL, (void*) &searchMode, (char*) modeValues, modeNames, ComboBox, N_("Search mode:") },
{ 0, 0, 0, NULL, (void*) &appData.ignoreColors, "", NULL, CheckBox, N_("Also match reversed colors") },
{ 0, 0, 0, NULL, (void*) &appData.findMirror, "", NULL, CheckBox, N_("Also match left-right flipped position") },
LoadOptionsPopUp (DialogClass parent)
+ ASSIGN(countRange, "");
ASSIGN(searchMode, modeValues[appData.searchMode-1]);
GenericPopUp(loadOptions, _("Load Game Options"), TransientDlg, parent, MODAL, 0);
#define OPT_GameListFind 1981\r
#define OPT_Grid 1983\r
#define IDM_LoadProg2 1984\r
+#define OPT_Range 1985\r
+#define OPT_Ranget 1986\r
// Next default values for new objects\r
{ DLG_TimeControl, IDC_Babble, OPT_TCUseMoves, OPT_TCUseInc, OPT_TCUseFixed, \r
OPT_TCtext1, OPT_TCtext2, OPT_TCitext1, OPT_TCitext2, OPT_TCftext, GPB_Factors, IDC_Factor1, IDC_Factor2, IDOK, IDCANCEL }, \r
{ DLG_LoadOptions, OPT_Autostep, OPT_AStext1, OPT_Exact, OPT_Subset, OPT_Struct, OPT_Material, OPT_Range, OPT_Difference,\r
- OPT_elo1t, OPT_elo2t, OPT_datet, OPT_Stretch, OPT_Stretcht, OPT_Reversed, OPT_SearchMode, OPT_Mirror, OPT_thresholds, IDOK, IDCANCEL }, \r
+ OPT_elo1t, OPT_elo2t, OPT_datet, OPT_Stretch, OPT_Stretcht, OPT_Reversed, OPT_SearchMode, OPT_Mirror, OPT_thresholds,\r
+ OPT_Ranget, IDOK, IDCANCEL }, \r
{ DLG_SaveOptions, OPT_Autosave, OPT_AVPrompt, OPT_AVToFile, OPT_AVBrowse,\r
801, OPT_PGN, OPT_Old, OPT_OutOfBookInfo, IDOK, IDCANCEL }, \r
{ 1536, 1090, IDC_Directories, 1089, 1091, IDOK, IDCANCEL, 1038, IDC_IndexNr, 1037 }, \r
RECT rc;\r
SIZE sz;\r
POINT pt;\r
int backColor = whitePieceColor; \r
int foreColor = blackPieceColor;\r
PUSHBUTTON "Cancel",IDCANCEL,195,190,40,14\r
-DLG_LoadOptions DIALOG DISCARDABLE 10, 18, 170, 261\r
+DLG_LoadOptions DIALOG DISCARDABLE 10, 18, 170, 281\r
CAPTION "Load Game Options"\r
FONT 8, "MS Sans Serif"\r
CONTROL "Also match &left-right mirror image",OPT_Mirror,"Button",\r
- PUSHBUTTON "OK",IDOK,56,242,50,14,WS_GROUP\r
- PUSHBUTTON "Cancel",IDCANCEL,112,242,50,14\r
+ LTEXT "final piece count",OPT_Ranget,46,242,94,8,NOT WS_GROUP\r
+ EDITTEXT OPT_Range,16,242,28,14,ES_AUTOHSCROLL\r
+ PUSHBUTTON "OK",IDOK,56,262,50,14,WS_GROUP\r
+ PUSHBUTTON "Cancel",IDCANCEL,112,262,50,14\r
DLG_SaveOptions DIALOG DISCARDABLE 6, 17, 218, 119\r
SetDlgItemInt(hDlg, OPT_Stretch, appData.stretch, FALSE);\r
CheckDlgButton(hDlg, OPT_Reversed, appData.ignoreColors);\r
CheckDlgButton(hDlg, OPT_Mirror, appData.findMirror);\r
+ SetDlgItemText(hDlg, OPT_Range, "");\r
switch (appData.searchMode) {\r
case 1:\r
CheckDlgButton(hDlg, OPT_Exact, TRUE);\r
appData.searchMode = LoadOptionsWhichRadio(hDlg);\r
appData.ignoreColors = IsDlgButtonChecked(hDlg, OPT_Reversed);\r
appData.findMirror = IsDlgButtonChecked(hDlg, OPT_Mirror);\r
+ appData.eloThreshold1 = GetDlgItemText(hDlg, OPT_Range, buf, MSG_SIZ);\r
+ appData.minPieces = appData.maxPieces = 0;\r
+ sscanf(buf, "%d-%d", appData.minPieces, appData.maxPieces);\r
+ if(appData.maxPieces < appData.minPieces) appData.maxPieces = appData.minPieces;\r
EndDialog(hDlg, TRUE);\r
return TRUE;\r