{ "secondHasOwnBookUCI", ArgBoolean, (void *) &appData.secondHasOwnBookUCI, FALSE, (ArgIniType) TRUE },
{ "sNoOwnBookUCI", ArgFalse, (void *) &appData.secondHasOwnBookUCI, FALSE, INVALID },
{ "secondXBook", ArgFalse, (void *) &appData.secondHasOwnBookUCI, FALSE, INVALID },
+ { "adapterCommand", ArgFilename, (void *) &appData.adapterCommand, TRUE, (ArgIniType) "polyglot -noini -ec %%cp -ed %%d" },
{ "polyglotDir", ArgFilename, (void *) &appData.polyglotDir, TRUE, (ArgIniType) "" },
{ "usePolyglotBook", ArgBoolean, (void *) &appData.usePolyglotBook, TRUE, (ArgIniType) FALSE },
{ "polyglotBook", ArgFilename, (void *) &appData.polyglotBook, TRUE, (ArgIniType) "" },
+GetArgValue(char *name)
+{ // retrieve (as text) current value of string or int argument given by name
+ // (this is used for maing the values available in the adapter command)
+ ArgDescriptor *ad;
+ for (ad = argDescriptors; ad->argName != NULL; ad++)
+ if (strcmp(ad->argName, name) == 0) break;
+ if (ad->argName == NULL) return FALSE;
+ switch(ad->argType) {
+ case ArgString:
+ case ArgFilename:
+ strcpy(name, *(char**) ad->argLoc);
+ return TRUE;
+ case ArgInt:
+ sprintf(name, "%d", *(int*) ad->argLoc);
+ return TRUE;
+ case ArgBoolean:
+ sprintf(name, "%s", *(Boolean*) ad->argLoc ? "true" : "false");
+ return TRUE;
+ default: ;
+ }
+ return FALSE;
#include <malloc.h>
-#ifdef WIN32
-// [HGM] this was probably a Windows-specific constant. Needs to be defined here now I
-// threw out the Windows-specific includes (winboard.h etc.). 100 seems enough.
-#include <windows.h>
-#define SLASH_CHAR "\\"
-#define MAX_PATH 100
-#define SLASH_CHAR "/"
#include "common.h"
#include "backend.h"
-#define INIFILE_PREFIX "polyglot_"
-#define INIFILE_SUFFIX_1ST "1st"
-#define INIFILE_SUFFIX_2ND "2nd"
-#define INIFILE_EXT ".ini"
-static const char * GetIniFilename( ChessProgramState * cps )
- }
void InitEngineUCI( const char * iniDir, ChessProgramState * cps )
+{ // replace engine command line by adapter command with expanded meta-symbols
if( cps->isUCI ) {
- const char * iniFileName = GetIniFilename( cps );
- char polyglotIniFile[ MAX_PATH ];
- FILE * f;
- /* Build name of initialization file */
- if( strchr( iniDir, ' ' ) != NULL ) {
- char iniDirShort[ MAX_PATH ];
-#ifdef WIN32
- GetShortPathName( iniDir, iniDirShort, sizeof(iniDirShort) );
- strcpy( polyglotIniFile, iniDirShort );
- // [HGM] UCI: not sure if this works, but GetShortPathName seems Windows pecific
- // and names with spaces in it do not work in xboard in many places, so ignore
- strcpy( polyglotIniFile, iniDir );
- }
- else {
- strcpy( polyglotIniFile, iniDir );
- }
- strcat( polyglotIniFile, SLASH_CHAR );
- strcat( polyglotIniFile, iniFileName );
- /* Create initialization file */
- f = fopen( polyglotIniFile, "w" );
- if( f != NULL ) {
- fprintf( f, "[Polyglot]\n" );
- if( cps->dir != 0 && strlen(cps->dir) > 0 ) {
- fprintf( f, "EngineDir = %s\n", cps->dir );
+ char *p, *q;
+ char polyglotCommand[MSG_SIZ];
+ p = appData.adapterCommand;
+ q = polyglotCommand;
+ while(*p) {
+ if(*p == '\\') p++; else
+ if(*p == '%') { // substitute marker
+ char argName[MSG_SIZ], *s = argName;
+ if(*++p == '%') { // second %, expand as f or s in option name (e.g. %%cp -> fcp)
+ *s++ = cps == &first ? 'f' : 's';
+ p++;
- if( cps->program != 0 && strlen(cps->program) > 0 ) {
- fprintf( f, "EngineCommand = %s\n", cps->program );
- }
- fprintf( f, "Book = %s\n", appData.usePolyglotBook ? "true" : "false" );
- fprintf( f, "BookFile = %s\n", appData.polyglotBook );
- fprintf( f, "[Engine]\n" );
- fprintf( f, "Hash = %d\n", appData.defaultHashSize );
- fprintf( f, "NalimovPath = %s\n", appData.defaultPathEGTB );
- fprintf( f, "NalimovCache = %d\n", appData.defaultCacheSizeEGTB );
- fprintf( f, "OwnBook = %s\n", cps->hasOwnBookUCI ? "true" : "false" );
- fclose( f );
- /* Replace program with properly configured Polyglot */
- cps->dir = appData.polyglotDir;
- cps->program = (char *) malloc( strlen(polyglotIniFile) + 32 );
- strcpy( cps->program, "polyglot " );
- strcat( cps->program, polyglotIniFile );
+ while(*p != ' ' && *p) *s++ = *p++; // copy option name
+ *s = NULLCHAR;
+ if(GetArgValue(argName)) { // look up value of option with this name
+ s = argName;
+ while(*s) *q++ = *s++;
+ } else DisplayFatalError("Bad adapter command", 0, 1);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if(*p) *q++ = *p++;
+ *q = NULLCHAR;
+ cps->program = StrSave(polyglotCommand);
+ cps->dir = appData.polyglotDir;