char buf[MSG_SIZ];
ChessSquare piece = boards[0][y][x];
+ static Board erasedBoard, currentBoard, menuBoard;
if (gameMode != EditPosition && gameMode != IcsExamining) return;
switch (selection) {
case ClearBoard:
+ CopyBoard(currentBoard, boards[0]);
+ CopyBoard(menuBoard, initialPosition);
if (gameMode == IcsExamining && ics_type == ICS_FICS) {
SendToICS("bsetup clear\n");
} else {
+ int nonEmpty = 0;
for (x = 0; x < BOARD_WIDTH; x++) { ChessSquare p = EmptySquare;
if(x == BOARD_LEFT-1 || x == BOARD_RGHT) p = (ChessSquare) 0; /* [HGM] holdings */
for (y = 0; y < BOARD_HEIGHT; y++) {
} else {
+ if(boards[0][y][x] != p) nonEmpty++;
boards[0][y][x] = p;
+ menuBoard[1][x] = menuBoard[BOARD_HEIGHT-2][x] = p;
+ }
+ if(gameMode != IcsExamining) { // [HGM] editpos: cycle trough boards
+ for(x = BOARD_LEFT; x < BOARD_RGHT; x++) { // create 'menu board' by removing duplicates
+ ChessSquare p = menuBoard[0][x];
+ for(y = x + 1; y < BOARD_RGHT; y++) if(menuBoard[0][y] == p) menuBoard[0][y] = EmptySquare;
+ p = menuBoard[BOARD_HEIGHT-1][x];
+ for(y = x + 1; y < BOARD_RGHT; y++) if(menuBoard[BOARD_HEIGHT-1][y] == p) menuBoard[BOARD_HEIGHT-1][y] = EmptySquare;
+ }
+ if(!nonEmpty) { // asked to clear an empty board
+ CopyBoard(boards[0], menuBoard);
+ } else
+ if(CompareBoards(currentBoard, menuBoard)) { // asked to clear an empty board
+ CopyBoard(boards[0], initialPosition);
+ } else
+ if(CompareBoards(currentBoard, initialPosition) && !CompareBoards(currentBoard, erasedBoard)) {
+ CopyBoard(boards[0], erasedBoard);
+ } else
+ CopyBoard(erasedBoard, currentBoard);
if (gameMode == EditPosition) {