XtSetArg(args[j], XtNwidth, &w); j++;
XtSetArg(args[j], XtNheight, &h); j++;
XtGetValues(widget, args, j);
- sizing = ((w != graph->max || h != graph->value) && ((XExposeEvent*)event)->count >= 0);
- graph->max = w; graph->value = h;
+ if(w < graph->max || w > graph->max + 1 || h != graph->value) { // use width fudge of 1 pixel
+ sizing = (((XExposeEvent*)event)->count >= 0); // suppress sizing on ordered redraw in response to sizing.
+ graph->max = w; graph->value = h; // note: old values are kept if we we don't exceed width fudge
+ }
if(sizing && ((XExposeEvent*)event)->count > 0) { graph->max = 0; return; } // don't bother if further exposure is pending during resize
if(!graph->textValue || sizing) { // create surfaces of new size for display widget
if(graph->textValue) cairo_surface_destroy((cairo_surface_t *)graph->textValue);
graph->textValue = (char*) cairo_xlib_surface_create(xDisplay, XtWindow(widget), DefaultVisual(xDisplay, 0), w, h);
if(sizing) { // the memory buffer was already created in GenericPopup(),
- // to give drawing routines opportunity to use it befor first expose event
+ // to give drawing routines opportunity to use it before first expose event
// (which are only processed when main gets to the event loop, so after all init!)
// so only change when size is no longer good
if(graph->choice) cairo_surface_destroy((cairo_surface_t *) graph->choice);
graph->choice = (char**) cairo_image_surface_create (CAIRO_FORMAT_ARGB32, w, h);
- ExposeRedraw(graph, ((XExposeEvent*)event)->x, ((XExposeEvent*)event)->y,
- ((XExposeEvent*)event)->width, ((XExposeEvent*)event)->height);
+ w = ((XExposeEvent*)event)->width;
+ if(((XExposeEvent*)event)->x + w > graph->max) w--; // cut off fudge pixel
+ if(w) ExposeRedraw(graph, ((XExposeEvent*)event)->x, ((XExposeEvent*)event)->y, w, ((XExposeEvent*)event)->height);
case MotionNotify:
f = 0;