void AddGameToBook P((int always));
void FlushBook P((void));
char PieceToChar P((ChessSquare p));
+int LoadPieceDesc P((char *s));
char *StrStr P((char *string, char *match));
char *StrCaseStr P((char *string, char *match));
return buf;
+LoadPieceDesc (char *s)
+ ChessSquare piece;
+ static char suf[] = SUFFIXES;
+ char *r, *p, *q = s;
+ int ok = TRUE, promoted, c;
+ while(q && *s) {
+ p = s;
+ q = strchr(s, ';');
+ if(q) *q = 0, s = q+1;
+ if(*p == '+') promoted = 1, p++; else promoted = 0;
+ c = *p++;
+ if(!c) { ok = FALSE; continue; } // bad syntax
+ if(*p && (r = strchr(suf, *p))) c += 64*(r - suf + 1), p++;
+ if(*p++ != ':') { ok = FALSE; continue; } // bad syntax
+ if(!strcmp(p, "(null)")) continue; // handle bug in writing of XBoard 4.8.0
+ piece = CharToPiece(c);
+ if(piece >= EmptySquare) { ok = FALSE; continue; } // non-existent piece
+ if(promoted) {
+ piece = promoPartner[piece];
+ if(pieceToChar[piece] != '+') { ok = FALSE; continue; } // promoted form does not exist
+ }
+ ASSIGN(pieceDesc[piece], p);
+ if(piece < BlackPawn && (pieceToChar[WHITE_TO_BLACK piece] == pieceToChar[piece] || promoted)) {
+ ASSIGN(pieceDesc[WHITE_TO_BLACK piece], p);
+ }
+ pieceDefs = TRUE;
+ }
+ return ok;
// [HGM] gen: configurable move generation from Betza notation sent by engine.
// Some notes about two-leg moves: GenPseudoLegal() works in two modes, depending on whether a 'kill-
// square has been set: without one is generates all moves, and a global int legNr flags in bits 0 and 1
if(*value && strcmp(value, engineVariant)) // keep current engine-defined variant if it matches
gameInfo->variant = StringToVariant(value);
} else if (StrCaseCmp(name, "VariantMen") == 0) {
- /* for now ignore this tag, as we have no method yet */
- /* for assigning the pieces to XBoard pictograms */
- success = TRUE;
+ success = LoadPieceDesc(value);
} else if (StrCaseCmp(name, PGN_OUT_OF_BOOK) == 0) {
/* [AS] Out of book annotation */
success = StrSavePtr(value, &gameInfo->outOfBook) != NULL;