-ReadScroll (Option *opt, float *top, float *bottom)
-{ // retreives fractions of top and bottom of thumb
-#ifdef TODO_GTK
- Arg args[16];
- Widget w = XtParent(opt->handle); // viewport
- Widget v = XtNameToWidget(w, "vertical");
- int j=0;
- float h;
- if(!v) return FALSE; // no scroll bar
- XtSetArg(args[j], XtNshown, &h); j++;
- XtSetArg(args[j], XtNtopOfThumb, top); j++;
- XtGetValues(v, args, j);
- *bottom = *top + h;
- return TRUE;
-SetScroll (Option *opt, float f)
-{ // sets top of thumb to given fraction
-#ifdef TODO_GTK
- static char *params[3] = { "", "Continuous", "Proportional" };
- static XEvent event;
- Widget w = XtParent(opt->handle); // viewport
- Widget v = XtNameToWidget(w, "vertical");
- if(!v) return; // no scroll bar
- XtCallActionProc(v, "StartScroll", &event, params+1, 1);
- XawScrollbarSetThumb(v, f, -1.0);
- XtCallActionProc(v, "NotifyThumb", &event, params, 0);
-// XtCallActionProc(v, "NotifyScroll", &event, params+2, 1);
- XtCallActionProc(v, "EndScroll", &event, params, 0);
HighlightListBoxItem (Option *opt, int index)
-#ifdef TODO_GTK
-static void
-CheckCallback (Widget ww, XtPointer client_data, XEvent *event, Boolean *b)
- int s, data = (intptr_t) client_data;
- Option *opt = dialogOptions[data >> 8] + (data & 255);
- if(opt->type == Label) { ((ButtonCallback*) opt->target)(data&255); return; }
- GetWidgetState(opt, &s);
- SetWidgetState(opt, !s);
-#ifdef TODO_GTK
-static void
-SpinCallback (Widget w, XtPointer client_data, XtPointer call_data)
- String name, val;
- Arg args[16];
- char buf[MSG_SIZ], *p;
- int j = 0; // Initialisation is necessary because the text value may be non-numeric causing the scanf conversion to fail
- int data = (intptr_t) client_data;
- Option *opt = dialogOptions[data >> 8] + (data & 255);
- XtSetArg(args[0], XtNlabel, &name);
- XtGetValues(w, args, 1);
- GetWidgetText(opt, &val);
- sscanf(val, "%d", &j);
- if (strcmp(name, _("browse")) == 0) {
- char *q=val, *r;
- for(r = ""; *q; q++) if(*q == '.') r = q; else if(*q == '/') r = ""; // last dot after last slash
- if(!strcmp(r, "") && !currentCps && opt->type == FileName && opt->textValue)
- r = opt->textValue;
- Browse(data>>8, opt->name, NULL, r, opt->type == PathName, "", &p, (FILE**) opt);
- return;
- } else
- if (strcmp(name, "+") == 0) {
- if(++j > opt->max) return;
- } else
- if (strcmp(name, "-") == 0) {
- if(--j < opt->min) return;
- } else return;
- snprintf(buf, MSG_SIZ, "%d", j);
- SetWidgetText(opt, buf, TransientDlg);
void ComboSelect(GtkWidget *widget, gpointer addr)
Option *opt = dialogOptions[((intptr_t)addr)>>8]; // applicable option list
-#ifdef TODO_GTK
-static Widget
-CreateComboPopup (Widget parent, Option *opt, int n, int fromList, int def)
-{ // fromList determines if the item texts are taken from a list of strings, or from a menu table
- int i;
- Widget menu, entry;
- Arg arg;
- MenuItem *mb = (MenuItem *) opt->choice;
- char **list = (char **) opt->choice;
- if(list[0] == NULL) return NULL; // avoid empty menus, as they cause crash
- menu = XtCreatePopupShell(opt->name, simpleMenuWidgetClass, parent, NULL, 0);
- for (i=0; 1; i++)
- {
- char *msg = fromList ? list[i] : mb[i].string;
- if(!msg) break;
- entry = CreateMenuItem(menu, opt->min & NO_GETTEXT ? msg : _(msg), (XtCallbackProc) ComboSelect, (n<<16)+i);
- if(!fromList) mb[i].handle = (void*) entry; // save item ID, for enabling / checkmarking
- if(i==def) {
- XtSetArg(arg, XtNpopupOnEntry, entry);
- XtSetValues(menu, &arg, 1);
- }
- }
- return menu;
static void
MenuSelect (gpointer addr) // callback for all combo items
return menu;
char moveTypeInTranslations[] =
"<Key>Return: TypeInProc(1) \n"
dialog = NULL;
-#ifdef TODO_GTK
-TabProc (Widget w, XEvent *event, String *prms, Cardinal *nprms)
-{ // for transfering focus to the next text-edit
- Option *opt;
- for(opt = currentOption; opt->type != EndMark; opt++) {
- if(opt->handle == w) {
- while(++opt) {
- if(opt->type == EndMark) opt = currentOption; // wrap
- if(opt->handle == w) return; // full circle
- if(opt->type == TextBox || opt->type == Spin || opt->type == Fractional || opt->type == FileName || opt->type == PathName) {
- SetFocus(opt->handle, XtParent(XtParent(XtParent(w))), NULL, 0);
- return;
- }
- }
- }
- }
-#ifdef TODO_GTK
-WheelProc (Widget w, XEvent *event, String *prms, Cardinal *nprms)
-{ // for scrolling a widget seen through a viewport with the mouse wheel (ListBox!)
- int j=0, n = atoi(prms[0]);
- static char *params[3] = { "", "Continuous", "Proportional" };
- Arg args[16];
- float h, top;
- Widget v;
- if(!n) { // transient dialogs also use this for list-selection callback
- n = prms[1][0]-'0';
- Option *opt=dialogOptions[prms[2][0]-'A'] + n;
- if(opt->textValue) ((ListBoxCallback*) opt->textValue)(n, SelectedListBoxItem(opt));
- return;
- }
- v = XtNameToWidget(XtParent(w), "vertical");
- if(!v) return;
- XtSetArg(args[j], XtNshown, &h); j++;
- XtSetArg(args[j], XtNtopOfThumb, &top); j++;
- XtGetValues(v, args, j);
- top += 0.1f*h*n; if(top < 0.f) top = 0.;
- XtCallActionProc(v, "StartScroll", event, params+1, 1);
- XawScrollbarSetThumb(v, top, -1.0);
- XtCallActionProc(v, "NotifyThumb", event, params, 0);
-// XtCallActionProc(w, "NotifyScroll", event, params+2, 1);
- XtCallActionProc(v, "EndScroll", event, params, 0);
static char *oneLiner =
"<Key>Return: redraw-display() \n \
<Key>Tab: TabProc() \n ";