char *s = tcString;
if(!*s) return 0; // empty TC string means we ran out of the last sudden-death version
- if(appData.debugMode) fprintf(debugFP, "TC string = '%s'\n", tcString);
do {
if(moves) NextSessionFromString(&s, &moves, &time, &increment, &incType);
nextSession = s; suddenDeath = moves == 0 && increment == 0;
- if(appData.debugMode) fprintf(debugFP, "mps=%d tc=%d inc=%d\n", moves, (int) time, (int) increment);
if(movenr == -1) return time; /* last move before new session */
if(incType == '*') increment = 0; else // for sandclock, time is added while not thinking
if(incType == '!' && lastUsed < increment) increment = lastUsed;
UnloadEngine(&first); // next game belongs to other pairing;
UnloadEngine(&second); // already unload the engines, so TwoMachinesEvent will load new ones.
- if(appData.debugMode) fprintf(debugFP, "Reserved, next=%d, nr=%d, procs=(%x,%x)\n", nextGame, gameNr,,;
+ if(appData.debugMode) fprintf(debugFP, "Reserved, next=%d, nr=%d\n", nextGame, gameNr);
} else moveCount = 6;
- if (appData.debugMode) { int i;
- fprintf(debugFP, "repeat test fmm=%d bmm=%d ep=%d, reps=%d\n",
- forwardMostMove, backwardMostMove, boards[backwardMostMove][EP_STATUS],
- appData.drawRepeats);
- for( i=forwardMostMove; i>=backwardMostMove; i-- )
- fprintf(debugFP, "%d ep=%d\n", i, (signed char)boards[i][EP_STATUS]);
- }
// Repetition draws and 50-move rule can be applied independently of legality testing
- if (appData.debugMode) { int f = forwardMostMove;
- fprintf(debugFP, "machine move %d, castling = %d %d %d %d %d %d\n", f,
- boards[f][CASTLING][0],boards[f][CASTLING][1],boards[f][CASTLING][2],
- boards[f][CASTLING][3],boards[f][CASTLING][4],boards[f][CASTLING][5]);
- }
if(cps->alphaRank) AlphaRank(machineMove, 4);
if (!ParseOneMove(machineMove, forwardMostMove, &moveType,
&fromX, &fromY, &toX, &toY, &promoChar)) {
ChessMove moveType;
moveType = LegalityTest(boards[forwardMostMove], PosFlags(forwardMostMove),
fromY, fromX, toY, toX, promoChar);
- if (appData.debugMode) {
- int i;
- for(i=0; i< nrCastlingRights; i++) fprintf(debugFP, "(%d,%d) ",
- boards[forwardMostMove][CASTLING][i], castlingRank[i]);
- fprintf(debugFP, "castling rights\n");
- }
if(moveType == IllegalMove) {
snprintf(buf1, MSG_SIZ*10, "Xboard: Forfeit due to illegal move: %s (%c%c%c%c)%c",
machineMove, fromX+AAA, fromY+ONE, toX+AAA, toY+ONE, 0);
strcat(parseList[forwardMostMove - 1], "#");
- if (appData.debugMode) {
- fprintf(debugFP, "move: %s, parse: %s (%c)\n", moveList[forwardMostMove-1], parseList[forwardMostMove-1], moveList[forwardMostMove-1][4]);
- }
/* [HGM] translate opponent's time by time-odds factor */
otime = (otime * cps->other->timeOdds) / cps->timeOdds;
- if (appData.debugMode) {
- fprintf(debugFP, "time odds: %f %f \n", cps->timeOdds, cps->other->timeOdds);
- }
if (time <= 0) time = 1;
if (otime <= 0) otime = 1;
register LegalityTestClosure *cl = (LegalityTestClosure *) closure;
-// if (appData.debugMode) {
-// fprintf(debugFP, "Legality test: %c%c%c%c\n", ff+AAA, rf+ONE, ft+AAA, rt+ONE);
-// }
if(board[rt][ft] != EmptySquare || kind==WhiteCapturesEnPassant || kind==BlackCapturesEnPassant)
cl->captures++; // [HGM] losers: count legal captures
if (rf == cl->rf && ff == cl->ff && rt == cl->rt && ft == cl->ft)
piece = filterPiece = board[rf][ff];
if(PieceToChar(piece) == '~') filterPiece = DEMOTED piece;
- if (appData.debugMode) {
- int i;
- for(i=0; i<6; i++) fprintf(debugFP, "%d ", castlingRights[i]);
- fprintf(debugFP, "Legality test? %c%c%c%c\n", ff+AAA, rf+ONE, ft+AAA, rt+ONE);
- }
/* [HGM] Cobra and Falcon are wildcard pieces; consider all their moves legal */
/* (perhaps we should disallow moves that obviously leave us in check?) */
if(piece == WhiteFalcon || piece == BlackFalcon ||
else hisPieces++;
- if(appData.debugMode) fprintf(debugFP, "MateTest: K=%d, my=%d, his=%d\n", nrKing, myPieces, hisPieces);
switch(gameInfo.variant) { // [HGM] losers: extinction wins
case VariantShatranj:
if(hisPieces == 1) return myPieces > 1 ? MT_BARE : MT_DRAW;
piece = board[rf][ff];
if(PieceToChar(piece)=='~') piece = (ChessSquare)(DEMOTED piece);
- if (appData.debugMode)
- fprintf(debugFP, "CoordsToAlgebraic, piece=%d (%d,%d)-(%d,%d) %c\n", (int)piece,ff,rf,ft,rt,promoChar >= ' ' ? promoChar : '-');
switch (piece) {
case WhitePawn:
case BlackPawn:
/* Use promotion suffix style "=Q" */
*outp = NULLCHAR;
- if (appData.debugMode)
- fprintf(debugFP, "movetype=%d, promochar=%d=%c\n", (int)kind, promoChar, promoChar >= ' ' ? promoChar : '-');
if (promoChar != NULLCHAR) {
if(gameInfo.variant == VariantShogi) {
/* [HGM] ... but not in Shogi! */