#define VERSION "1.5"\r
#include <stdio.h>\r
-#include <windows.h>\r
-#include <io.h>\r
+#include <stdlib.h>\r
+#ifdef WIN32
+# include <windows.h>
+# include <io.h>\r
+ HANDLE process;\r
+ DWORD thread_id;\r
+# include <pthread.h>
+# include <signal.h>
+# define NO_ERROR 0
+# include <sys/time.h>\r
+ int GetTickCount() // with thanks to Tord\r
+ { struct timeval t; gettimeofday(&t, NULL); return t.tv_sec*1000 + t.tv_usec/1000; }\r
#include <fcntl.h>\r
+#include <string.h>\r
#ifdef _MSC_VER \r
#define SLEEP() Sleep(1) \r
#define ANALYZE 3\r
char move[2000][10], checkOptions[8192], iniPos[256], hashOpt[20], pause, pondering, ponder, post, hasHash, c, sc='c', *suffix;\r
-int mps, tc, inc, stime, depth, myTime, hisTime, stm, computer = NONE, memory, oldMem=0, cores, moveNr, lastDepth, lastScore, startTime;\r
+int mps, tc, inc, sTime, depth, myTime, hisTime, stm, computer = NONE, memory, oldMem=0, cores, moveNr, lastDepth, lastScore, startTime;\r
int statDepth, statScore, statNodes, statTime, currNr, size; char currMove[20]; // for analyze mode\r
FILE *toE, *fromE;\r
-HANDLE process;\r
int pid;\r
-DWORD thread_id;\r
StartSearch(char *ponder)\r
int nr = moveNr + (ponder[0] != 0); // we ponder for one move ahead!\r
fprintf(toE, "\ngo btime %d wtime %d", stm == BLACK ^ sc=='s' ? myTime : hisTime, stm == WHITE ^ sc=='s' ? myTime : hisTime);\r
printf( "\n# go btime %d wtime %d", stm == BLACK ^ sc=='s' ? myTime : hisTime, stm == WHITE ^ sc=='s' ? myTime : hisTime);\r
- if(stime > 0) fprintf(toE, " movetime %d", stime),printf(" movetime %d", stime); else\r
+ if(sTime > 0) fprintf(toE, " movetime %d", sTime),printf(" movetime %d", sTime); else\r
if(mps) fprintf(toE, " movestogo %d", mps*(nr/(2*mps)+1)-nr/2),printf(" movestogo %d", mps*(nr/(2*mps)+1)-nr/2);\r
if(inc && !suffix) fprintf(toE, " winc %d binc %d", inc, inc),printf(" winc %d binc %d", inc, inc);\r
if(depth > 0) fprintf(toE, " depth %d", depth),printf(" depth %d", depth);\r
return buf;\r
+void *\r
char line[1024], command[256];\r
strstr(line+9, "0000")) { printf("%s\n", lastScore < -99999 ? "resign" : "1/2-1/2 {stalemate}"); computer = NONE; }\r
sscanf(line, "bestmove %s", move[moveNr++]);\r
myTime -= (GetTickCount() - startTime)*1.02 + inc; // update own clock, so we can give correct wtime, btime with ponder\r
- if(mps && ((moveNr+1)/2) % mps == 0) myTime += tc; if(stime) myTime = stime; // new session or move starts\r
+ if(mps && ((moveNr+1)/2) % mps == 0) myTime += tc; if(sTime) myTime = sTime; // new session or move starts\r
// first start a new ponder search, if pondering is on and we have a move to ponder on\r
if(p = strstr(line+9, "ponder")) {\r
if(computer != NONE && ponder) {\r
fflush(toE); fflush(stdout);\r
i = 0; while((x = getchar()) != EOF && (line[i] = x) != '\n') i++;\r
- line[++i] = 0; if(x == EOF) { printf("# EOF\n"); exit(-1); }\r
+ line[++i] = 0; if(x == EOF) { printf("# EOF\n"); exit(-1); }
sscanf(line, "%s", command);\r
while(pause) SLEEP(); // wait for readyok\r
if(!strcmp(command, "new")) {\r
int sec = 0;\r
sscanf(line, "level %d %d:%d %d", &mps, &tc, &sec, &inc) == 4 ||\r
sscanf(line, "level %d %d %d", &mps, &tc, &inc);\r
- tc = (60*tc + sec)*1000; inc *= 1000; stime = 0;\r
+ tc = (60*tc + sec)*1000; inc *= 1000; sTime = 0;\r
else if(!strcmp(command, "option")) {\r
char name[80], *p;\r
else if(!strcmp(command, "memory")) sscanf(line, "memory %d", &memory);\r
else if(!strcmp(command, "cores")) sscanf(line, "cores %d", &cores);\r
else if(!strcmp(command, "sd")) sscanf(line, "sd %d", &depth);\r
- else if(!strcmp(command, "st")) sscanf(line, "st %d", &stime), stime *= 1000, inc = 0;\r
+ else if(!strcmp(command, "st")) sscanf(line, "st %d", &sTime), sTime *= 1000, inc = 0;\r
else if(!strcmp(command, "quit")) fprintf(toE, "quit\n"), fflush(toE), exit(0);\r
StartEngine(char *cmdLine, char *dir)\r
+#ifdef WIN32\r
HANDLE hChildStdinRd, hChildStdinWr,\r
hChildStdoutRd, hChildStdoutWr;\r
pid = piProcInfo.dwProcessId;\r
fromE = (FILE*) _fdopen( _open_osfhandle((long)hChildStdoutRd, _O_TEXT|_O_RDONLY), "r");\r
toE = (FILE*) _fdopen( _open_osfhandle((long)hChildStdinWr, _O_WRONLY), "w");\r
+ char *argv[10], *p, buf[200];
+ int i, toEngine[2], fromEngine[2];
+ if (dir && dir[0] && chdir(dir)) { perror(dir); exit(1); }
+ pipe(toEngine); pipe(fromEngine); // create two pipes
+ if ((pid = fork()) == 0) { // Child
+ dup2(toEngine[0], 0); close(toEngine[0]); close(toEngine[1]); // stdin from toE pipe
+ dup2(fromEngine[1], 1); close(fromEngine[0]); close(fromEngine[1]); // stdout into fromE pipe
+ dup2(1, fileno(stderr)); // stderr into frome pipe
+ strcpy(buf, cmdLine); p = buf;
+ for (i=0;;) { argv[i++] = p; p = strchr(p, ' '); if (p == NULL) break; *p++ = 0; }
+ argv[i] = NULL;
+ execvp(argv[0], argv); // startup engine
+ perror(argv[0]); exit(1); // could not start engine; quit.
+ }
+ signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN);
+ close(toEngine[0]); close(fromEngine[1]); // close engine ends of pipes in adapter
+ fromE = (FILE*) fdopen(fromEngine[0], "r"); // make into high-level I/O
+ toE = (FILE*) fdopen(toEngine[1], "w");
return NO_ERROR;\r
if(argc == 2 && !strcmp(argv[1], "-v")) { printf("UCI2WB " VERSION " by H.G.Muller\n"); exit(0); }\r
if(argc > 1 && argv[1][0] == '-') { sc = argv[1][1]; argc--; argv++; }\r
- if(argc < 2) { printf("usage is: U%cI2WB [-s] <engine.exe> [<engine directory>]", sc-32); exit(-1); }\r
+ if(argc < 2) { printf("usage is: U%cI2WB [-s] <engine.exe> [<engine directory>]\n", sc-32); exit(-1); }\r
if(argc > 2) dir = argv[2];\r
if(argc > 3) suffix = argv[3];\r
// spawn engine proc\r
- if((errno = StartEngine(argv[1], dir)) != NO_ERROR) { perror(argv[1]), exit(-1); }\r
+ if(StartEngine(argv[1], dir) != NO_ERROR) { perror(argv[1]), exit(-1); }\r
// create separate thread to handle engine->GUI traffic\r
- CreateThread(NULL, 0, (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE) Engine2GUI, (LPVOID) NULL, 0, &thread_id);\r
+#ifdef WIN32
+ CreateThread(NULL, 0, (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE) Engine2GUI, (LPVOID) NULL, 0, &thread_id);
+ { pthread_t t; signal(SIGINT, SIG_IGN); pthread_create(&t, NULL, Engine2GUI, NULL); }
// handle GUI->engine traffic in original thread\r