line[++i] = 0; if(x == EOF) { printf("# EOF\n"); sprintf(line, "quit -1\n"); }\r
if(think && !pause) Sync(PAUSE), think = 0, Release(); // if no longer thinking, take dummy pause\r
sscanf(line, "%s", command); DPRINT("# '%s' think=%d pause=%d log=%d sent=%d\n", command, think, pause, logLen, sentLen);\r
- if(!strcmp(command, "easy")) {\r
- if(*canPonder) ponder = 0, sprintf(command, "option"), sprintf(line, "option %s=0\n", canPonder); else continue;\r
- }\r
- else if(!strcmp(command, "hard")) {\r
- if(*canPonder) ponder = 1, sprintf(command, "option"), sprintf(line, "option %s=1\n", canPonder); else continue;\r
- }\r
- if(!strcmp(command, "offer")) drawOffer = 1; // backlogged anyway, so this can be done instantly\r
+ if(!strcmp(command, "usermove")) { difficult--; break; } // for efficiency during game play, moves, time & otim are tried first\r
+ else if(!strcmp(command, "time")) sscanf(line+4, "%d", &myTime), myTime = (10*myTime)/unit;\r
+ else if(!strcmp(command, "otim")) sscanf(line+4, "%d", &hisTime), hisTime = (10*hisTime)/unit;\r
+ else if(!strcmp(command, "offer")) drawOffer = 1; // backlogged anyway, so this can be done instantly\r
else if(!strcmp(command, "post")) post = 1;\r
else if(!strcmp(command, "nopost"))post = 0;\r
- else if(!strcmp(command, "option")) {\r
+ else if(!strcmp(command, "pause")) {\r
+ if(computer == stm) myTime -= GetTickCount() - startTime;\r
+ suspended = 1 + pondering; // remember if we were pondering, and stop search ignoring bestmove\r
+ StopPonder(pondering || computer == stm);\r
+ }\r
+ else { //convert easy & hard to "option" after treating their effect on the adapter\r
+ if(!strcmp(command, "easy")) {\r
+ if(*canPonder) ponder = 0, sprintf(command, "option"), sprintf(line, "option %s=0\n", canPonder); else continue;\r
+ }\r
+ else if(!strcmp(command, "hard")) {\r
+ if(*canPonder) ponder = 1, sprintf(command, "option"), sprintf(line, "option %s=1\n", canPonder); else continue;\r
+ }\r
+ if(!strcmp(command, "option")) {\r
char *p;\r
if(logLen == sentLen) logLen = 0, sentLen = 0; // engine is up to date; reset buffer\r
if(sscanf(line+7, "UCI2WB debug output=%d", &debug) == 1) ; else\r
} else snprintf(backLog+logLen, 9999-logLen, "setoption %s%s\n", nameWord, line+7);\r
DPRINT("# backlog: %s", backLog+logLen); logLen += strlen(backLog+logLen);\r
if(!think && Release()) break; // break will restart analysis; pondering is restarted by Release itself\r
+ }\r
+ else difficult = 1; // difficult command; terminate loop for easy ones\r
- else if(!strcmp(command, "pause")) {\r
- if(computer == stm) myTime -= GetTickCount() - startTime;\r
- suspended = 1 + pondering; // remember if we were pondering, and stop search ignoring bestmove\r
- StopPonder(pondering || computer == stm);\r
- }\r
- else difficult = 1; // difficult command; terminate loop for easy ones\r
} // next command\r
+ // some commands that should never come during thinking can be safely processed here\r
+ if(difficult < 0) { // used as kludge to signal "usermove" was already matched\r
+ sscanf(line, "usermove %s", command); // strips off linefeed\r
+ Move4Engine(command);\r
+ stm = WHITE+BLACK - stm; collect = (computer == ANALYZE); sm = 0;\r
+ // when pondering we either continue the ponder search as normal search, or abort it\r
+ if(pondering || computer == ANALYZE) {\r
+ if(pondering && !strcmp(command, move[moveNr])) { // ponder hit\r
+ char *draw = drawOffer ? " draw" : ""; drawOffer = 0;\r
+ pondering = 0; pause = 2; moveNr++; startTime = GetTickCount(); // clock starts running now\r
+ EPRINT((f, "# ponderhit%s\n", draw)) fflush(toE); fflush(stdout);\r
+ think = 2; // request blocking input during thinking\r
+ goto nomove;\r
+ }\r
+ StopPonder(1); searching = 0;\r
+ }\r
+ strcpy(move[moveNr++], command); // possibly overwrites ponder move\r
+ continue;\r
+ }\r
if(!strcmp(command, "resume")) {\r
if(suspended == 2) StartPonder(); // restart interrupted ponder search\r
suspended = think = 0; continue; // causes thinking to start in normal way if on move or analyzing\r
Sync(PAUSE); // wait for readyok\r
EPRINT((f, "# u%cinewgame\n", sc)) fflush(toE);\r
- else if(!strcmp(command, "usermove")) {\r
- sscanf(line, "usermove %s", command); // strips off linefeed\r
- Move4Engine(command);\r
- stm = WHITE+BLACK - stm; collect = (computer == ANALYZE); sm = 0;\r
- // when pondering we either continue the ponder search as normal search, or abort it\r
- if(pondering || computer == ANALYZE) {\r
- if(pondering && !strcmp(command, move[moveNr])) { // ponder hit\r
- char *draw = drawOffer ? " draw" : ""; drawOffer = 0;\r
- pondering = 0; pause = 2; moveNr++; startTime = GetTickCount(); // clock starts running now\r
- EPRINT((f, "# ponderhit%s\n", draw)) fflush(toE); fflush(stdout);\r
- think = 2; // request blocking input during thinking\r
- goto nomove;\r
- }\r
- StopPonder(1); searching = 0;\r
- }\r
- strcpy(move[moveNr++], command); // possibly overwrites ponder move\r
- }\r
else if(!strcmp(command, "level")) {\r
int sec = 0;\r
sscanf(line, "level %d %d:%d %d", &mps, &tc, &sec, &inc) == 4 ||\r
else if(!strcmp(command, "exit")) computer = NONE, StopPonder(1), searching = 0, Analyze("false");\r
else if(!strcmp(command, "force")) computer = NONE, StopPonder(pondering);\r
else if(!strcmp(command, "go")) computer = stm;\r
- else if(!strcmp(command, "time")) sscanf(line+4, "%d", &myTime), myTime = (10*myTime)/unit;\r
- else if(!strcmp(command, "otim")) sscanf(line+4, "%d", &hisTime), hisTime = (10*hisTime)/unit;\r
else if(!strcmp(command, "ping")) { /* static int done; if(!done) pause = 1, fprintf(toE, "isready\n"), fflush(toE), printf("# send isready\n"), fflush(stdout), Sync(PAUSE); done = 1;*/ printf("po%s", line+2); }\r
else if(!strcmp(command, "memory")) sscanf(line, "memory %d", &memory);\r
else if(!strcmp(command, "cores")&& !!*threadOpt) { sscanf(line, "cores %d", &cores); EPRINT((f, "# setoption %s%s %s%d\n", nameWord, threadOpt, valueWord, cores)) }\r