// h += marginH + a.height + 1;
gtk_window_resize(GTK_WINDOW(shellWidget), w, 10);
- gtk_widget_set_size_request(optList[W_BOARD].handle, 100, 100); // liberate board again
+ if(!appData.fixedSize) gtk_widget_set_size_request(optList[W_BOARD].handle, 100, 100); // liberate board again
menuBarWidget = optList[W_MENU].handle;
dropMenu = optList[W_DROP].handle;
titleWidget = optList[optList[W_TITLE].type != Skip ? W_TITLE : W_SMALL].handle;
+ DelayedDrag(); // fake configure event (i3wm tiling window manager fails to send one after initial resize)
#ifdef TODO_GTK
formWidget = XtParent(boardWidget);
XtSetArg(args[0], XtNbackground, &timerBackgroundPixel);
GtkAllocation a;
int sqx, sqy, i, w, h, lg = lineGap;
- static int first = 1;
-// DisplayBothClocks();
- if(wp->width == wpMain.width && wp->height == wpMain.height && !first) return; // not sized
+ if(wp->width == wpMain.width && wp->height == wpMain.height) return; // not sized
gtk_widget_get_allocation(optList[W_DROP+1].handle, &a); // table that should contain everything
w = a.width; h = a.height;
gtk_widget_get_allocation(shellWidget, &a);
if(sqx == oldSqx + 1 && lg == lineGap + 1) sqx = oldSqx, squareSize = 0; // prevent oscillations, force resize by kludge
for(h=0; sizeDefaults[h+1].name && sizeDefaults[h].squareSize*8 > sqx*BOARD_WIDTH; h++) {}
- if(initialSquareSize != sizeDefaults[h].squareSize) { // boardSize changed
+ if(initialSquareSize != sizeDefaults[h].squareSize && !appData.fixedSize) { // boardSize changed
initialSquareSize = sizeDefaults[h].squareSize; // used for saving font
ChangeFont(1, &appData.clockFont, CLOCK_FONT, initialSquareSize, CLOCK_FONT_NAME, 2*(sizeDefaults[h].clockFontPxlSize+1)/3);
ChangeFont(1, &appData.font, MESSAGE_FONT, initialSquareSize, DEFAULT_FONT_NAME, sizeDefaults[h].coordFontPxlSize);
- if(sqx != squareSize && !first) {
+ if(sqx != squareSize && !appData.fixedSize) {
squareSize = sqx; // adopt new square size
CreatePNGPieces(appData.pieceDirectory); // make newly scaled pieces
InitDrawingSizes(0, 0); // creates grid etc.
h = BOARD_HEIGHT * (squareSize + lineGap) + lineGap;
if(optList[W_BOARD].max > w) optList[W_BOARD].max = w;
if(optList[W_BOARD].value > h) optList[W_BOARD].value = h;
- first = appData.fixedSize;
if(twoBoards && shellUp[DummyDlg]) {
SlavePopUp(); dualOptions[3].max = 0; DoEvents(); // calls SlaveResize, kludge to force assigning new canvas
partnerUp = !partnerUp; flipView = !flipView;