//--------------------------- Engine-specific options menu ----------------------------------
-int SettingsUp;
-Widget SettingsShell;
int values[MAX_OPTIONS];
ChessProgramState *currentCps;
static Option *currentOption;
-void SettingsPopDown()
- if (!SettingsUp) return;
- previous = NULL;
- XtPopdown(SettingsShell);
- XtDestroyWidget(SettingsShell);
- SettingsUp = False;
- ModeHighlight();
+extern Widget shells[];
void SpinCallback(w, client_data, call_data)
Widget w;
XtGetValues(currentOption[data].handle, args, 1);
sscanf(val, "%d", &j);
if (strcmp(name, "browse") == 0) {
- if(XsraSelFile(SettingsShell, currentOption[data].name, NULL, NULL, "", "",
+ if(XsraSelFile(shells[0], currentOption[data].name, NULL, NULL, "", "",
currentOption[data].type == PathName ? "p" : "f", NULL, &p)) {
int len = strlen(p);
if(len && p[len-1] == '/') p[len-1] = NULLCHAR;
XtSetArg(args[0], XtNstring, p);
XtSetValues(currentOption[data].handle, args, 1);
- SetFocus(currentOption[data].handle, SettingsShell, (XEvent*) NULL, False);
+ SetFocus(currentOption[data].handle, shells[0], (XEvent*) NULL, False);
} else
if (strcmp(name, "+") == 0) {
XtSetValues(currentOption[data].handle, args, 1);
-void SettingsCallback(w, client_data, call_data)
- Widget w;
- XtPointer client_data, call_data;
- String name, val;
- Arg args[16];
- char buf[MSG_SIZ];
- int i, j;
- int data = (intptr_t) client_data;
- XtSetArg(args[0], XtNlabel, &name);
- XtGetValues(w, args, 1);
- if (strcmp(name, _("cancel")) == 0) {
- SettingsPopDown();
- return;
- }
- if (strcmp(name, _("OK")) == 0 || data) { // save buttons imply OK
- for(i=0; i<currentCps->nrOptions; i++) { // send all options that had to be OK-ed to engine
- switch(currentOption[i].type) {
- case TextBox:
- XtSetArg(args[0], XtNstring, &val);
- XtGetValues(currentOption[i].handle, args, 1);
- if(strcmp(currentOption[i].textValue, val)) {
- safeStrCpy(currentOption[i].textValue, val, MSG_SIZ - (currentOption[i].textValue - currentOption[i].name) );
- snprintf(buf, MSG_SIZ, "option %s=%s\n", currentOption[i].name, val);
- SendToProgram(buf, currentCps);
- }
- break;
- case Spin:
- XtSetArg(args[0], XtNstring, &val);
- XtGetValues(currentOption[i].handle, args, 1);
- sscanf(val, "%d", &j);
- if(j > currentOption[i].max) j = currentOption[i].max;
- if(j < currentOption[i].min) j = currentOption[i].min;
- if(currentOption[i].value != j) {
- currentOption[i].value = j;
- snprintf(buf, MSG_SIZ, "option %s=%d\n", currentOption[i].name, j);
- SendToProgram(buf, currentCps);
- }
- break;
- case CheckBox:
- j = 0;
- XtSetArg(args[0], XtNstate, &j);
- XtGetValues(currentOption[i].handle, args, 1);
- if(currentOption[i].value != j) {
- currentOption[i].value = j;
- snprintf(buf, MSG_SIZ, "option %s=%d\n", currentOption[i].name, j);
- SendToProgram(buf, currentCps);
- }
- break;
- case ComboBox:
- if(currentOption[i].value != values[i]) {
- currentOption[i].value = values[i];
- snprintf(buf, MSG_SIZ, "option %s=%s\n", currentOption[i].name,
- ((char**)currentOption[i].textValue)[values[i]]);
- SendToProgram(buf, currentCps);
- }
- break;
- default:
- if( appData.debugMode )
- fprintf(debugFP, "SettingsPopUp: unexpected case in switch.\n");
- break;
- }
- }
- if(data) { // send save-button command to engine
- snprintf(buf, MSG_SIZ, "option %s\n", name);
- SendToProgram(buf, currentCps);
- }
- SettingsPopDown();
- return;
- }
- snprintf(buf, MSG_SIZ, "option %s\n", name);
- SendToProgram(buf, currentCps);
void ComboSelect(w, addr, index) // callback for all combo items
Widget w;
caddr_t addr;
-SettingsPopUp(ChessProgramState *cps)
- Arg args[16];
- Widget popup, layout, dialog, edit=NULL, form, last, b_ok, b_cancel, leftMargin = NULL, textField = NULL;
- Window root, child;
- int x, y, i, j, height, width, h, c;
- int win_x, win_y, maxWidth, maxTextWidth;
- unsigned int mask;
- char def[MSG_SIZ];
- static char pane[6] = "paneX";
- Widget texts[100], forelast = NULL, anchor, widest;
- // to do: start up second engine if needed
- if(!cps->initDone || !cps->nrOptions) return; // nothing to be done
- currentCps = cps; currentOption = cps->option;
- if(cps->nrOptions > 50) width = 4; else if(cps->nrOptions>24) width = 2; else width = 1;
- height = cps->nrOptions / width + 1;
- i = 0;
- XtSetArg(args[i], XtNresizable, True); i++;
- SettingsShell = popup =
- XtCreatePopupShell(_("Settings Menu"), transientShellWidgetClass,
- shellWidget, args, i);
- layout =
- XtCreateManagedWidget(layoutName, formWidgetClass, popup,
- layoutArgs, XtNumber(layoutArgs));
- for(c=0; c<width; c++) {
- pane[4] = 'A'+c;
- form =
- XtCreateManagedWidget(pane, formWidgetClass, layout,
- formArgs, XtNumber(formArgs));
- j=0;
- XtSetArg(args[j], XtNfromHoriz, leftMargin); j++;
- XtSetValues(form, args, j);
- leftMargin = form;
- last = widest = NULL; anchor = forelast;
- for(h=0; h<height; h++) {
- forelast = last;
- i = h + c*height;
- if(i >= cps->nrOptions) break;
- switch(cps->option[i].type) {
- case Spin:
- snprintf(def, MSG_SIZ, "%d", cps->option[i].value);
- case TextBox:
- j=0;
- XtSetArg(args[j], XtNfromVert, last); j++;
- XtSetArg(args[j], XtNborderWidth, 0); j++;
- XtSetArg(args[j], XtNjustify, XtJustifyLeft); j++;
- texts[h] =
- dialog = XtCreateManagedWidget(cps->option[i].name, labelWidgetClass, form, args, j);
- j=0;
- XtSetArg(args[j], XtNfromVert, last); j++;
- XtSetArg(args[j], XtNfromHoriz, dialog); j++;
- XtSetArg(args[j], XtNborderWidth, 1); j++;
- XtSetArg(args[j], XtNwidth, cps->option[i].type == Spin ? 40 : 175); j++;
- XtSetArg(args[j], XtNeditType, XawtextEdit); j++;
- XtSetArg(args[j], XtNuseStringInPlace, False); j++;
- XtSetArg(args[j], XtNdisplayCaret, False); j++;
- XtSetArg(args[j], XtNright, XtChainRight); j++;
- XtSetArg(args[j], XtNresizable, True); j++;
- XtSetArg(args[j], XtNstring, cps->option[i].type==Spin ? def : cps->option[i].textValue); j++;
- XtSetArg(args[j], XtNinsertPosition, 9999); j++;
- edit = last;
- cps->option[i].handle = (void*)
- (textField = last = XtCreateManagedWidget("text", asciiTextWidgetClass, form, args, j));
- XtAddEventHandler(last, ButtonPressMask, False, SetFocus, (XtPointer) popup);
- if(cps->option[i].type == TextBox) break;
- // add increment and decrement controls for spin
- j=0;
- XtSetArg(args[j], XtNfromVert, edit); j++;
- XtSetArg(args[j], XtNfromHoriz, last); j++;
- XtSetArg(args[j], XtNheight, 10); j++;
- XtSetArg(args[j], XtNwidth, 20); j++;
- edit = XtCreateManagedWidget("+", commandWidgetClass, form, args, j);
- XtAddCallback(edit, XtNcallback, SpinCallback,
- (XtPointer)(intptr_t) i);
- j=0;
- XtSetArg(args[j], XtNfromVert, edit); j++;
- XtSetArg(args[j], XtNfromHoriz, last); j++;
- XtSetArg(args[j], XtNheight, 10); j++;
- XtSetArg(args[j], XtNwidth, 20); j++;
- last = XtCreateManagedWidget("-", commandWidgetClass, form, args, j);
- XtAddCallback(last, XtNcallback, SpinCallback,
- (XtPointer)(intptr_t) i);
- break;
- case CheckBox:
- j=0;
- XtSetArg(args[j], XtNfromVert, last); j++;
- XtSetArg(args[j], XtNwidth, 10); j++;
- XtSetArg(args[j], XtNheight, 10); j++;
- XtSetArg(args[j], XtNstate, cps->option[i].value); j++;
- cps->option[i].handle = (void*)
- (dialog = XtCreateManagedWidget(" ", toggleWidgetClass, form, args, j));
- j=0;
- XtSetArg(args[j], XtNfromVert, last); j++;
- XtSetArg(args[j], XtNfromHoriz, dialog); j++;
- XtSetArg(args[j], XtNborderWidth, 0); j++;
- XtSetArg(args[j], XtNjustify, XtJustifyLeft); j++;
- last = XtCreateManagedWidget(cps->option[i].name, labelWidgetClass, form, args, j);
- break;
- case SaveButton:
- case Button:
- j=0;
- XtSetArg(args[j], XtNfromVert, last); j++;
- XtSetArg(args[j], XtNstate, cps->option[i].value); j++;
- cps->option[i].handle = (void*)
- (dialog = last = XtCreateManagedWidget(cps->option[i].name, commandWidgetClass, form, args, j));
- XtAddCallback(last, XtNcallback, SettingsCallback,
- (XtPointer)(intptr_t) (cps->option[i].type == SaveButton));
- break;
- case ComboBox:
- j=0;
- XtSetArg(args[j], XtNfromVert, last); j++;
- XtSetArg(args[j], XtNborderWidth, 0); j++;
- XtSetArg(args[j], XtNjustify, XtJustifyLeft); j++;
- dialog = XtCreateManagedWidget(cps->option[i].name, labelWidgetClass, form, args, j);
- j=0;
- XtSetArg(args[j], XtNfromVert, last); j++;
- XtSetArg(args[j], XtNfromHoriz, dialog); j++;
- XtSetArg(args[j], XtNwidth, 100); j++;
- XtSetArg(args[j], XtNmenuName, XtNewString(cps->option[i].name)); j++;
- XtSetArg(args[j], XtNlabel, ((char**)cps->option[i].textValue)[cps->option[i].value]); j++;
- cps->option[i].handle = (void*)
- (last = XtCreateManagedWidget(" ", menuButtonWidgetClass, form, args, j));
- CreateComboPopup(last, cps->option[i].name, i, (char **) cps->option[i].textValue);
- values[i] = cps->option[i].value;
- break;
- default:
- if( appData.debugMode )
- fprintf(debugFP, "SettingsPopUp: unexpected case in switch.\n");
- break;
- }
- }
- // make an attempt to align all spins and textbox controls
- maxWidth = maxTextWidth = 0;
- for(h=0; h<height; h++) {
- i = h + c*height;
- if(i >= cps->nrOptions) break;
- if(cps->option[i].type == Spin || cps->option[i].type == TextBox) {
- Dimension w;
- j=0;
- XtSetArg(args[j], XtNwidth, &w); j++;
- XtGetValues(texts[h], args, j);
- if(cps->option[i].type == Spin) {
- if(w > maxWidth) maxWidth = w;
- widest = texts[h];
- } else {
- if(w > maxTextWidth) maxTextWidth = w;
- if(!widest) widest = texts[h];
- }
- }
- }
- if(maxTextWidth + 110 < maxWidth)
- maxTextWidth = maxWidth - 110;
- else maxWidth = maxTextWidth + 110;
- for(h=0; h<height; h++) {
- i = h + c*height;
- if(i >= cps->nrOptions) break;
- j=0;
- if(cps->option[i].type == Spin) {
- XtSetArg(args[j], XtNwidth, maxWidth); j++;
- XtSetValues(texts[h], args, j);
- } else
- if(cps->option[i].type == TextBox) {
- XtSetArg(args[j], XtNwidth, maxTextWidth); j++;
- XtSetValues(texts[h], args, j);
- }
- }
- }
- j=0;
- XtSetArg(args[j], XtNfromVert, anchor ? anchor : last); j++;
- XtSetArg(args[j], XtNbottom, XtChainBottom); j++;
- XtSetArg(args[j], XtNtop, XtChainBottom); j++;
- XtSetArg(args[j], XtNleft, XtChainRight); j++;
- XtSetArg(args[j], XtNright, XtChainRight); j++;
- XtSetArg(args[j], XtNfromHoriz, widest ? widest : dialog); j++;
- b_ok = XtCreateManagedWidget(_("OK"), commandWidgetClass, form, args, j);
- XtAddCallback(b_ok, XtNcallback, SettingsCallback, (XtPointer) 0);
- XtSetArg(args[j-1], XtNfromHoriz, b_ok);
- b_cancel = XtCreateManagedWidget(_("cancel"), commandWidgetClass, form, args, j);
- XtAddCallback(b_cancel, XtNcallback, SettingsPopDown, (XtPointer) 0);
- XtRealizeWidget(popup);
- CatchDeleteWindow(popup, "SettingsPopDown");
- XQueryPointer(xDisplay, xBoardWindow, &root, &child,
- &x, &y, &win_x, &win_y, &mask);
- XtSetArg(args[0], XtNx, x - 10);
- XtSetArg(args[1], XtNy, y - 30);
- XtSetValues(popup, args, 2);
- XtPopup(popup, XtGrabExclusive);
- SettingsUp = True;
- previous = NULL;
- if(textField)SetFocus(textField, popup, (XEvent*) NULL, False);
-void FirstSettingsProc(w, event, prms, nprms)
- Widget w;
- XEvent *event;
- String *prms;
- Cardinal *nprms;
- SettingsPopUp(&first);
-void SecondSettingsProc(w, event, prms, nprms)
- Widget w;
- XEvent *event;
- String *prms;
- Cardinal *nprms;
- if(WaitForSecond(SettingsMenuIfReady)) return;
- SettingsPopUp(&second);
//----------------------------Generic dialog --------------------------------------------
-// cloned from Engine Settings dialog
+// cloned from Engine Settings dialog (and later merged with it)
typedef void ButtonCallback(int n);
XtSetArg(args[j], XtNfromVert, last); j++;
XtSetArg(args[j], XtNfromHoriz, dialog); j++;
- XtSetArg(args[j], XtNwidth, option[i].max ? option[i].max : 100); j++;
+ XtSetArg(args[j], XtNwidth, option[i].max && !currentCps ? option[i].max : 100); j++;
XtSetArg(args[j], XtNleft, XtChainLeft); j++;
XtSetArg(args[j], XtNmenuName, XtNewString(option[i].name)); j++;
XtSetArg(args[j], XtNlabel, ((char**)option[i].textValue)[option[i].value]); j++;
GenericPopUp(matchOptions, _("Match Options"), 0);
+SettingsPopUp(ChessProgramState *cps)
+ currentCps = cps;
+ GenericPopUp(cps->option, _("Engine Settings"), 0);
+void FirstSettingsProc(w, event, prms, nprms)
+ Widget w;
+ XEvent *event;
+ String *prms;
+ Cardinal *nprms;
+ SettingsPopUp(&first);
+void SecondSettingsProc(w, event, prms, nprms)
+ Widget w;
+ XEvent *event;
+ String *prms;
+ Cardinal *nprms;
+ if(WaitForSecond(SettingsMenuIfReady)) return;
+ SettingsPopUp(&second);
//---------------------------- Chat Windows ----------------------------------------------
void OutputChatMessage(int partner, char *mess)