forceMono |= MakeOneColor(appData.blackPieceColor, &blackPieceColor);
forceMono |= MakeOneColor(appData.highlightSquareColor, &highlightSquareColor);
forceMono |= MakeOneColor(appData.premoveHighlightColor, &premoveHighlightColor);
+ if (appData.lowTimeWarning)
+ forceMono |= MakeOneColor(appData.lowTimeWarningColor, &lowTimeWarningColor);
if(appData.dialogColor[0]) MakeOneColor(appData.dialogColor, &dialogColor);
if(appData.buttonColor[0]) MakeOneColor(appData.buttonColor, &buttonColor);
+InitializeFonts (int clockFontPxlSize, int coordFontPxlSize, int fontPxlSize)
+{ // determine what fonts to use, and create them
+ XrmValue vFrom, vTo;
+ XrmDatabase xdb;
+ if(!fontIsSet[CLOCK_FONT] && fontValid[CLOCK_FONT][squareSize])
+ appData.clockFont = fontTable[CLOCK_FONT][squareSize];
+ if(!fontIsSet[MESSAGE_FONT] && fontValid[MESSAGE_FONT][squareSize])
+ appData.font = fontTable[MESSAGE_FONT][squareSize];
+ if(!fontIsSet[COORD_FONT] && fontValid[COORD_FONT][squareSize])
+ appData.coordFont = fontTable[COORD_FONT][squareSize];
+ appData.font = InsertPxlSize(appData.font, fontPxlSize);
+ appData.clockFont = InsertPxlSize(appData.clockFont, clockFontPxlSize);
+ appData.coordFont = InsertPxlSize(appData.coordFont, coordFontPxlSize);
+ fontSet = CreateFontSet(appData.font);
+ clockFontSet = CreateFontSet(appData.clockFont);
+ {
+ /* For the coordFont, use the 0th font of the fontset. */
+ XFontSet coordFontSet = CreateFontSet(appData.coordFont);
+ XFontStruct **font_struct_list;
+ XFontSetExtents *fontSize;
+ char **font_name_list;
+ XFontsOfFontSet(coordFontSet, &font_struct_list, &font_name_list);
+ coordFontID = XLoadFont(xDisplay, font_name_list[0]);
+ coordFontStruct = XQueryFont(xDisplay, coordFontID);
+ fontSize = XExtentsOfFontSet(fontSet); // [HGM] figure out how much vertical space font takes
+ textHeight = fontSize->max_logical_extent.height + 5; // add borderWidth
+ }
+ appData.font = FindFont(appData.font, fontPxlSize);
+ appData.clockFont = FindFont(appData.clockFont, clockFontPxlSize);
+ appData.coordFont = FindFont(appData.coordFont, coordFontPxlSize);
+ clockFontID = XLoadFont(xDisplay, appData.clockFont);
+ clockFontStruct = XQueryFont(xDisplay, clockFontID);
+ coordFontID = XLoadFont(xDisplay, appData.coordFont);
+ coordFontStruct = XQueryFont(xDisplay, coordFontID);
+ // textHeight in !NLS mode!
+ countFontID = coordFontID; // [HGM] holdings
+ countFontStruct = coordFontStruct;
+ xdb = XtDatabase(xDisplay);
+ XrmPutLineResource(&xdb, "*international: True");
+ vTo.size = sizeof(XFontSet);
+ vTo.addr = (XtPointer) &fontSet;
+ XrmPutResource(&xdb, "*fontSet", XtRFontSet, &vTo);
+ XrmPutStringResource(&xdb, "*font", appData.font);
main (int argc, char **argv)
XSetWindowAttributes window_attributes;
Arg args[16];
Dimension timerWidth, boardWidth, boardHeight, w, h, sep, bor, wr, hr;
- XrmValue vFrom, vTo;
XtGeometryResult gres;
char *p;
- XrmDatabase xdb;
int forceMono = False;
srandom(time(0)); // [HGM] book: make random truly random
- XtSetLanguageProc(NULL, NULL, NULL);
bindtextdomain(PACKAGE, LOCALEDIR);
- shellWidget =
- XtAppInitialize(&appContext, "XBoard", shellOptions,
- XtNumber(shellOptions),
- &argc, argv, xboardResources, NULL, 0);
appData.boardSize = "";
InitAppData(ConvertToLine(argc, argv));
p = getenv("HOME");
snprintf(gameCopyFilename,i, "%s/.xboard%05uc.pgn", p, getpid());
snprintf(gamePasteFilename,i, "%s/.xboard%05up.pgn", p, getpid());
- XtGetApplicationResources(shellWidget, (XtPointer) &appData,
- clientResources, XtNumber(clientResources),
- NULL, 0);
{ // [HGM] initstring: kludge to fix bad bug. expand '\n' characters in init string and computer string.
static char buf[MSG_SIZ];
EscapeExpand(buf, appData.firstInitString);
setbuf(debugFP, NULL);
- if (appData.debugMode) {
- fprintf(debugFP, "locale = %s\n", setlocale(LC_ALL, NULL));
- }
/* [HGM,HR] make sure board size is acceptable */
if(appData.NrFiles > BOARD_FILES ||
appData.NrRanks > BOARD_RANKS )
+ gameInfo.variant = StringToVariant(appData.variant);
+ InitPosition(FALSE);
+ shellWidget =
+ XtAppInitialize(&appContext, "XBoard", shellOptions,
+ XtNumber(shellOptions),
+ &argc, argv, xboardResources, NULL, 0);
+#ifdef ENABLE_NLS
+ XtSetLanguageProc(NULL, NULL, NULL);
+ if (appData.debugMode) {
+ fprintf(debugFP, "locale = %s\n", setlocale(LC_ALL, NULL));
+ }
+ XtGetApplicationResources(shellWidget, (XtPointer) &appData,
+ clientResources, XtNumber(clientResources),
+ NULL, 0);
xDisplay = XtDisplay(shellWidget);
xScreen = DefaultScreen(xDisplay);
wm_delete_window = XInternAtom(xDisplay, "WM_DELETE_WINDOW", True);
- gameInfo.variant = StringToVariant(appData.variant);
- InitPosition(FALSE);
+ /*
+ * determine size, based on supplied or remembered -size, or screen size
+ */
if (isdigit(appData.boardSize[0])) {
i = sscanf(appData.boardSize, "%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d", &squareSize,
&lineGap, &clockFontPxlSize, &coordFontPxlSize,
tinyLayout = szd->tinyLayout;
// [HGM] font: use defaults from settings file if available and not overruled
- if(!fontIsSet[CLOCK_FONT] && fontValid[CLOCK_FONT][squareSize])
- appData.clockFont = fontTable[CLOCK_FONT][squareSize];
- if(!fontIsSet[MESSAGE_FONT] && fontValid[MESSAGE_FONT][squareSize])
- appData.font = fontTable[MESSAGE_FONT][squareSize];
- if(!fontIsSet[COORD_FONT] && fontValid[COORD_FONT][squareSize])
- appData.coordFont = fontTable[COORD_FONT][squareSize];
/* Now, using squareSize as a hint, find a good XPM/XIM set size */
if (strlen(appData.pixmapDirectory) > 0) {
* Determine what fonts to use.
- appData.font = InsertPxlSize(appData.font, fontPxlSize);
- appData.clockFont = InsertPxlSize(appData.clockFont, clockFontPxlSize);
- appData.coordFont = InsertPxlSize(appData.coordFont, coordFontPxlSize);
- fontSet = CreateFontSet(appData.font);
- clockFontSet = CreateFontSet(appData.clockFont);
- {
- /* For the coordFont, use the 0th font of the fontset. */
- XFontSet coordFontSet = CreateFontSet(appData.coordFont);
- XFontStruct **font_struct_list;
- XFontSetExtents *fontSize;
- char **font_name_list;
- XFontsOfFontSet(coordFontSet, &font_struct_list, &font_name_list);
- coordFontID = XLoadFont(xDisplay, font_name_list[0]);
- coordFontStruct = XQueryFont(xDisplay, coordFontID);
- fontSize = XExtentsOfFontSet(fontSet); // [HGM] figure out how much vertical space font takes
- textHeight = fontSize->max_logical_extent.height + 5; // add borderWidth
- }
- appData.font = FindFont(appData.font, fontPxlSize);
- appData.clockFont = FindFont(appData.clockFont, clockFontPxlSize);
- appData.coordFont = FindFont(appData.coordFont, coordFontPxlSize);
- clockFontID = XLoadFont(xDisplay, appData.clockFont);
- clockFontStruct = XQueryFont(xDisplay, clockFontID);
- coordFontID = XLoadFont(xDisplay, appData.coordFont);
- coordFontStruct = XQueryFont(xDisplay, coordFontID);
- // textHeight in !NLS mode!
- countFontID = coordFontID; // [HGM] holdings
- countFontStruct = coordFontStruct;
- xdb = XtDatabase(xDisplay);
- XrmPutLineResource(&xdb, "*international: True");
- vTo.size = sizeof(XFontSet);
- vTo.addr = (XtPointer) &fontSet;
- XrmPutResource(&xdb, "*fontSet", XtRFontSet, &vTo);
- XrmPutStringResource(&xdb, "*font", appData.font);
+ InitializeFonts(clockFontPxlSize, coordFontPxlSize, fontPxlSize);
* Detect if there are not enough colors available and adapt.
appData.monoMode = True;
- if (appData.lowTimeWarning && !appData.monoMode) {
- vFrom.addr = (caddr_t) appData.lowTimeWarningColor;
- vFrom.size = strlen(appData.lowTimeWarningColor);
- XtConvert(shellWidget, XtRString, &vFrom, XtRPixel, &vTo);
- if (vTo.addr == NULL)
- appData.monoMode = True;
- else
- lowTimeWarningColor = *(Pixel *) vTo.addr;
- }
if (appData.monoMode && appData.debugMode) {
fprintf(stderr, _("white pixel = 0x%lx, black pixel = 0x%lx\n"),
(unsigned long) XWhitePixel(xDisplay, xScreen),