return IllegalMove;
+// [HGM] XQ: the following code serves to detect perpetual chasing (Asian rules)
+typedef struct {
+ /* Input */
+ int rf, ff, rt, ft;
+ /* Output */
+ int recaptures;
+} ChaseClosure;
+// I guess the following variables logically belong in the closure too, but I was too lazy and used globals
+int preyStackPointer, chaseStackPointer;
+struct {
+char rf, ff, rt, ft;
+} chaseStack[100];
+struct {
+char rank, file;
+} preyStack[100];
+// there are three new callbacks for use with GenLegal: for adding captures, deleting them, and finding a recapture
+extern void AtacksCallback P((Board board, int flags, ChessMove kind,
+ int rf, int ff, int rt, int ft,
+ VOIDSTAR closure));
+void AttacksCallback(board, flags, kind, rf, ff, rt, ft, closure)
+ Board board;
+ int flags;
+ ChessMove kind;
+ int rf, ff, rt, ft;
+ VOIDSTAR closure;
+{ // For adding captures that can lead to chase indictment to the chaseStack
+ if(board[rt][ft] == EmptySquare) return; // non-capture
+ if(board[rt][ft] == WhitePawn && rt < BOARD_HEIGHT/2) return; // Pawn before river can be chased
+ if(board[rt][ft] == BlackPawn && rt >= BOARD_HEIGHT/2) return; // Pawn before river can be chased
+ if(board[rf][ff] == WhitePawn || board[rf][ff] == BlackPawn) return; // Pawns are allowed to chase
+ if(board[rf][ff] == WhiteWazir || board[rf][ff] == BlackWazir) return; // King is allowed to chase
+ // move cannot be excluded from being a chase trivially (based on attacker and victim); save it on chaseStack
+ chaseStack[chaseStackPointer].rf = rf;
+ chaseStack[chaseStackPointer].ff = ff;
+ chaseStack[chaseStackPointer].rt = rt;
+ chaseStack[chaseStackPointer].ft = ft;
+ chaseStackPointer++;
+extern void ExistingAtacksCallback P((Board board, int flags, ChessMove kind,
+ int rf, int ff, int rt, int ft,
+ VOIDSTAR closure));
+void ExistingAttacksCallback(board, flags, kind, rf, ff, rt, ft, closure)
+ Board board;
+ int flags;
+ ChessMove kind;
+ int rf, ff, rt, ft;
+ VOIDSTAR closure;
+{ // for removing pre-exsting captures from the chaseStack, to be left with newly created ones
+ int i;
+ register ChaseClosure *cl = (ChaseClosure *) closure; //closure tells us the move played in the repeat loop
+ if(board[rt][ft] == EmptySquare) return; // no capture
+ if(rf == cl->rf && ff == cl->ff) { // attacks with same piece from new position are not considered new
+ rf = cl->rt; ff = cl->ft; // doctor their fromSquare so they will be recognized in chaseStack
+ }
+ // search move in chaseStack, and delete it if it occurred there (as we know now it is not a new capture)
+ for(i=0; i<chaseStackPointer; i++) {
+ if(chaseStack[i].rf == rf && chaseStack[i].ff == ff &&
+ chaseStack[i].rt == rt && chaseStack[i].ft == ft ) {
+ // move found on chaseStack, delete it by overwriting with move popped from top of chaseStack
+ chaseStack[i] = chaseStack[--chaseStackPointer];
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+extern void ProtectedCallback P((Board board, int flags, ChessMove kind,
+ int rf, int ff, int rt, int ft,
+ VOIDSTAR closure));
+void ProtectedCallback(board, flags, kind, rf, ff, rt, ft, closure)
+ Board board;
+ int flags;
+ ChessMove kind;
+ int rf, ff, rt, ft;
+ VOIDSTAR closure;
+{ // for determining if a piece (given through the closure) is protected
+ register ChaseClosure *cl = (ChaseClosure *) closure; // closure tells us where to recapture
+ if(rt == cl->rt && ft == cl->ft) cl->recaptures++; // count legal recaptures to this square
+ if(appData.debugMode && board[rt][ft] != EmptySquare)
+ fprintf(debugFP, "try %c%c%c%c=%d\n", ff+AAA, rf+ONE,ft+AAA, rt+ONE, cl->recaptures);
+extern char moveList[MAX_MOVES][MOVE_LEN];
+int PerpetualChase(int first, int last)
+{ // this routine detects if the side to move in the 'first' position is perpetually chasing (when not checking)
+ int i, j, k, tail;
+ ChaseClosure cl;
+ ChessSquare captured;
+ preyStackPointer = 0; // clear stack of chased pieces
+ for(i=first; i<last; i+=2) { // for all positions with same side to move
+ if(appData.debugMode) fprintf(debugFP, "judge position %i\n", i);
+ chaseStackPointer = 0; // clear stack that is going to hold possible chases
+ // determine all captures possible after the move, and put them on chaseStack
+ GenLegal(boards[i+1], PosFlags(i), EP_NONE, initialRights, AttacksCallback, &cl);
+ if(appData.debugMode) { int n;
+ for(n=0; n<chaseStackPointer; n++)
+ fprintf(debugFP, "%c%c%c%c ", chaseStack[n].ff+AAA, chaseStack[n].rf+ONE,
+ chaseStack[n].ft+AAA, chaseStack[n].rt+ONE);
+ fprintf(debugFP, ": all capts\n");
+ }
+ // determine all captures possible before the move, and delete them from chaseStack
+ cl.rf = moveList[i][1]-ONE; // prepare closure to pass move that led from i to i+1
+ cl.ff = moveList[i][0]-AAA+BOARD_LEFT;
+ cl.rt = moveList[i][3]-ONE;
+ cl.ft = moveList[i][2]-AAA+BOARD_LEFT;
+ GenLegal(boards[i], PosFlags(i), EP_NONE, initialRights, ExistingAttacksCallback, &cl);
+ if(appData.debugMode) { int n;
+ for(n=0; n<chaseStackPointer; n++)
+ fprintf(debugFP, "%c%c%c%c ", chaseStack[n].ff+AAA, chaseStack[n].rf+ONE,
+ chaseStack[n].ft+AAA, chaseStack[n].rt+ONE);
+ fprintf(debugFP, ": new capts after %c%c%c%c\n", cl.ff+AAA, cl.rf+ONE, cl.ft+AAA, cl.rt+ONE);
+ }
+ // chaseSack now contains all captures made possible by the move
+ for(j=0; j<chaseStackPointer; j++) { // run through chaseStack to identify true chases
+ int attacker = (int)boards[i+1][chaseStack[j].rf][chaseStack[j].ff];
+ int victim = (int)boards[i+1][chaseStack[j].rt][chaseStack[j].ft];
+ if(attacker >= (int) BlackPawn) attacker = BLACK_TO_WHITE attacker; // convert to white, as piecee type
+ if(victim >= (int) BlackPawn) victim = BLACK_TO_WHITE victim;
+ if((attacker == WhiteKnight || attacker == WhiteCannon) && victim == WhiteRook)
+ continue; // C or H attack on R is always chase; leave on chaseStack
+ if(attacker == victim) {
+ if(LegalityTest(boards[i+1], PosFlags(i+1), EP_NONE, initialRights, chaseStack[j].rt,
+ chaseStack[j].ft, chaseStack[j].rf, chaseStack[j].ff, NULLCHAR) == NormalMove) {
+ // we can capture back with equal piece, so this is no chase but a sacrifice
+ chaseStack[j] = chaseStack[--chaseStackPointer]; // delete the capture from the chaseStack
+ j--; /* ! */ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ // the attack is on a lower piece, or on a pinned or blocked equal one
+ // test if the victim is protected by a true protector. First make the capture.
+ captured = boards[i+1][chaseStack[j].rt][chaseStack[j].ft];
+ boards[i+1][chaseStack[j].rt][chaseStack[j].ft] = boards[i+1][chaseStack[j].rf][chaseStack[j].ff];
+ boards[i+1][chaseStack[j].rf][chaseStack[j].ff] = EmptySquare;
+ // Then test if the opponent can recapture
+ cl.recaptures = 0; // prepare closure to pass recapture square and count moves to it
+ cl.rt = chaseStack[j].rt;
+ cl.ft = chaseStack[j].ft;
+ if(appData.debugMode) { int n;
+ fprintf(debugFP, "test if we can recapture %c%c\n", cl.ft+AAA, cl.rt+ONE);
+ }
+ GenLegal(boards[i+1], PosFlags(i+1), EP_NONE, initialRights, ProtectedCallback, &cl); // try all moves
+ // unmake the capture
+ boards[i+1][chaseStack[j].rf][chaseStack[j].ff] = boards[i+1][chaseStack[j].rt][chaseStack[j].ft];
+ boards[i+1][chaseStack[j].rt][chaseStack[j].ft] = captured;
+ // if a recapture was found, piece is protected, and we are not chasing it.
+ if(cl.recaptures) { // attacked piece was defended by true protector, no chase
+ chaseStack[j] = chaseStack[--chaseStackPointer]; // so delete from chaseStack
+ j--; /* ! */
+ }
+ }
+ // chaseStack now contains all moves that chased
+ if(appData.debugMode) { int n;
+ for(n=0; n<chaseStackPointer; n++)
+ fprintf(debugFP, "%c%c%c%c ", chaseStack[n].ff+AAA, chaseStack[n].rf+ONE,
+ chaseStack[n].ft+AAA, chaseStack[n].rt+ONE);
+ fprintf(debugFP, ": chases\n");
+ }
+ if(i == first) { // copy all people chased by first move of repeat cycle to preyStack
+ for(j=0; j<chaseStackPointer; j++) {
+ preyStack[j].rank = chaseStack[j].rt;
+ preyStack[j].file = chaseStack[j].ft;
+ }
+ preyStackPointer = chaseStackPointer;
+ }
+ tail = 0;
+ for(j=0; j<chaseStackPointer; j++) {
+ for(k=0; k<preyStackPointer; k++) {
+ // search the victim of each chase move on the preyStack (first occurrence)
+ if(chaseStack[j].ft == preyStack[k].file && chaseStack[j].rt == preyStack[k].rank ) {
+ if(k < tail) break; // piece was already identified as still being chased
+ preyStack[preyStackPointer] = preyStack[tail]; // move chased piece to bottom part of preyStack
+ preyStack[tail] = preyStack[k]; // by swapping
+ preyStack[k] = preyStack[preyStackPointer];
+ tail++;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ preyStackPointer = tail; // keep bottom part of preyStack, popping pieces unchased on move i.
+ if(appData.debugMode) { int n;
+ for(n=0; n<preyStackPointer; n++)
+ fprintf(debugFP, "%c%c ", preyStack[n].file+AAA, preyStack[n].rank+ONE);
+ fprintf(debugFP, "always chased upto ply %d\n", i);
+ }
+ // now adjust the location of the chased pieces according to opponent move
+ for(j=0; j<preyStackPointer; j++) {
+ if(preyStack[j].rank == moveList[i+1][1]-ONE &&
+ preyStack[j].file == moveList[i+1][0]-AAA+BOARD_LEFT) {
+ preyStack[j].rank = moveList[i+1][3]-ONE;
+ preyStack[j].file = moveList[i+1][2]-AAA+BOARD_LEFT;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return preyStackPointer; // if any piece was left on preyStack, it has been perpetually chased