Variant fairy does not really have a defined opening position, but lots
of pieces defined, so we might want to play with legality checking on,
but still rely on the engine for the opening position
return; // [HGM] This return was missing, causing option features to be recognized as non-compliant commands!
- if (!appData.testLegality && !strncmp(message, "setup ", 6)) { // [HGM] allow first engine to define opening position
+ if ((!appData.testLegality || gameInfo.variant == VariantFairy) &&
+ !strncmp(message, "setup ", 6)) { // [HGM] allow first engine to define opening position
int dummy, s=6; char buf[MSG_SIZ];
if(appData.icsActive || forwardMostMove != 0 || cps != &first) return;
if(sscanf(message, "setup (%s", buf) == 1) s = 8 + strlen(buf), buf[s-9] = NULLCHAR, SetCharTable(pieceToChar, buf);