marginW = a.width - bw;
gtk_widget_get_allocation(optList[W_WHITE].handle, &a);
gtk_widget_set_size_request(optList[W_BOARD].handle, w, h); // protect board widget
- w += marginW + 1; // [HGM] not sure why the +1 is (sometimes) needed...
- h += marginH + a.height + 1;
+// w += marginW + 1; // [HGM] not sure why the +1 is (sometimes) needed...
+// h += marginH + a.height + 1;
gtk_window_resize(GTK_WINDOW(shellWidget), w, h);
+ DoEvents();
gtk_widget_set_size_request(optList[W_BOARD].handle, -1, -1); // liberate board again
clockKludge = hc = a.height;
gtk_widget_get_allocation(boardWidget, &a);
// marginW = w - boardWidth; // [HGM] needed to set new shellWidget size when we resize board
- marginH = h - a.height - hc; // subtract current clock height, so it can be added back dynamically
+// marginH = h - a.height - hc; // subtract current clock height, so it can be added back dynamically
GtkAllocation a;
int sqx, sqy, w, h, hc, lg = lineGap;
+ static int first = 1;
gtk_widget_get_allocation(optList[W_WHITE].handle, &a);
hc = a.height; // clock height can depend on single / double line clock text!
- if(clockKludge && hc != clockKludge) wp->height += hc - clockKludge, clockKludge = 0;
+// if(clockKludge && hc != clockKludge) wp->height += hc - clockKludge, clockKludge = 0;
wpMain.height = BOARD_HEIGHT * (squareSize + lineGap) + lineGap + marginH + hc;
if(wp->width == wpMain.width && wp->height == wpMain.height) return; // not sized
sqx = (wp->width - lg - marginW) / BOARD_WIDTH - lg;
lg = sqx < 37 ? 1 : sqx < 59 ? 2 : sqx < 116 ? 3 : 4;
if(sqx == oldSqx + 1 && lg == lineGap + 1) sqx = oldSqx, squareSize = 0; // prevent oscillations, force resize by kludge
- if(sqx != squareSize) {
+ if(sqx != squareSize && !first) {
squareSize = sqx; // adopt new square size
CreatePNGPieces(); // make newly scaled pieces
InitDrawingSizes(0, 0); // creates grid etc.
h = BOARD_HEIGHT * (squareSize + lineGap) + lineGap;
if(optList[W_BOARD].max > w) optList[W_BOARD].max = w;
if(optList[W_BOARD].value > h) optList[W_BOARD].value = h;
+ first = 0;
static guint delayedDragTag = 0;