The test for when to terminate a non-fiting string was one off, and the
debug message was written stdoutin stead of debugFP.
assert( count > 0 );
for(i=0; i<count; i++) if((dst[i] = src[i]) == NULLCHAR) break;
- if( i == count-1 && dst[i] != NULLCHAR)
+ if( i == count && dst[count-1] != NULLCHAR)
dst[ count-1 ] = '\0'; // make sure incomplete copy still null-terminated
- printf("safeStrCpy: copying %s into %s didn't work, not enough space %d\n",src,dst,count);
+ fprintf(debugFP, "safeStrCpy: copying %s into %s didn't work, not enough space %d\n",src,dst,count);
return dst;