-//--------------------------- UCI Menu Popup ------------------------------------------
-int UciUp;
-Widget UciShell;
-struct UciControl {
- char *name;
- Widget handle;
- void *ptr;
-struct UciControl controlDesc[] = {
- {N_("maximum nr of CPUs:"), 0, &appData.smpCores},
- {N_("Polyglot Directory:"), 0, &appData.polyglotDir},
- {N_("Hash Size (MB):"), 0, &appData.defaultHashSize},
- {N_("EGTB Path:"), 0, &appData.defaultPathEGTB},
- {N_("EGTB Cache (MB):"), 0, &appData.defaultCacheSizeEGTB},
- {N_("Polyglot Book:"), 0, &appData.polyglotBook},
- {NULL, 0, NULL},
-void UciPopDown()
- if (!UciUp) return;
- previous = NULL;
- XtPopdown(UciShell);
- XtDestroyWidget(UciShell);
- UciUp = False;
- ModeHighlight();
-void UciCallback(w, client_data, call_data)
- Widget w;
- XtPointer client_data, call_data;
- String name;
- Arg args[16];
- int oldCores = appData.smpCores, ponder = 0;
- XtSetArg(args[0], XtNlabel, &name);
- XtGetValues(w, args, 1);
- if (strcmp(name, _("OK")) == 0) {
- int i, j; String name;
- for(i=0; i<6; i++) {
- XtSetArg(args[0], XtNstring, &name);
- XtGetValues(controlDesc[i].handle, args, 1);
- if(i&1) {
- if(name)
- *(char**) controlDesc[i].ptr = strdup(name);
- } else {
- if(sscanf(name, "%d", &j) == 1)
- *(int*) controlDesc[i].ptr = j;
- }
- }
- XtSetArg(args[0], XtNstate, &appData.usePolyglotBook);
- XtGetValues(w1, args, 1);
- XtSetArg(args[0], XtNstate, &appData.firstHasOwnBookUCI);
- XtGetValues(w2, args, 1);
- XtSetArg(args[0], XtNstate, &appData.secondHasOwnBookUCI);
- XtGetValues(w3, args, 1);
- XtSetArg(args[0], XtNstate, &ponder);
- XtGetValues(w4, args, 1);
- // adjust setting in other menu for duplicates
- // (perhaps duplicates should be removed from general Option Menu?)
- XtSetArg(args[0], XtNleftBitmap, ponder ? xMarkPixmap : None);
- XtSetValues(XtNameToWidget(menuBarWidget,
- "menuOptions.Ponder Next Move"), args, 1);
- // make sure changes are sent to first engine by re-initializing it
- // if it was already started pre-emptively at end of previous game
- if(gameMode == BeginningOfGame) Reset(True, True); else {
- // Some changed setting need immediate sending always.
- PonderNextMoveEvent(ponder);
- if(oldCores != appData.smpCores)
- NewSettingEvent(False, &(first.maxCores), "cores", appData.smpCores);
- }
- UciPopDown();
- return;
- }
-void UciPopUp()
- Arg args[16];
- Widget popup, layout, form, b_ok, b_cancel, last = NULL, new, upperLeft;
- Window root, child;
- int x, y, i, j;
- int win_x, win_y;
- unsigned int mask;
- char def[MSG_SIZ];
- i = 0;
- XtSetArg(args[i], XtNresizable, True); i++;
-// XtSetArg(args[i], XtNwidth, 300); i++;
- UciShell = popup =
- XtCreatePopupShell(_("Engine Settings"), transientShellWidgetClass,
- shellWidget, args, i);
- layout =
- XtCreateManagedWidget(layoutName, formWidgetClass, popup,
- layoutArgs, XtNumber(layoutArgs));
- form =
- XtCreateManagedWidget("form", formWidgetClass, layout,
- formArgs, XtNumber(formArgs));
- j = 0;
- XtSetArg(args[j], XtNtop, XtChainTop); j++;
- XtSetArg(args[j], XtNbottom, XtChainTop); j++;
- XtSetArg(args[j], XtNleft, XtChainLeft); j++;
-// XtSetArg(args[j], XtNheight, 20); j++;
- for(i = 0; controlDesc[i].name != NULL; i++) {
- j = 3;
- XtSetArg(args[j], XtNfromVert, last); j++;
-// XtSetArg(args[j], XtNwidth, 130); j++;
- XtSetArg(args[j], XtNjustify, XtJustifyLeft); j++;
- XtSetArg(args[j], XtNright, XtChainLeft); j++;
- XtSetArg(args[j], XtNborderWidth, 0); j++;
- new = XtCreateManagedWidget(controlDesc[i].name, labelWidgetClass, form, args, j);
- if(i==0) upperLeft = new;
- j = 4;
- XtSetArg(args[j], XtNborderWidth, 1); j++;
- XtSetArg(args[j], XtNeditType, XawtextEdit); j++;
- XtSetArg(args[j], XtNuseStringInPlace, False); j++;
- XtSetArg(args[j], XtNdisplayCaret, False); j++;
- XtSetArg(args[j], XtNright, XtChainRight); j++;
- XtSetArg(args[j], XtNresizable, True); j++;
- XtSetArg(args[j], XtNwidth, i&1 ? 245 : 50); j++;
- XtSetArg(args[j], XtNinsertPosition, 9999); j++;
- if(i&1) {
- XtSetArg(args[j], XtNstring, * (char**) controlDesc[i].ptr ?
- * (char**) controlDesc[i].ptr : ""); j++;
- } else {
- snprintf(def, MSG_SIZ, "%d", * (int*) controlDesc[i].ptr);
- XtSetArg(args[j], XtNstring, def); j++;
- }
- XtSetArg(args[j], XtNfromHoriz, upperLeft); j++;
- controlDesc[i].handle = last =
- XtCreateManagedWidget("text", asciiTextWidgetClass, form, args, j);
- XtAddEventHandler(last, ButtonPressMask, False, SetFocus, (XtPointer) popup);
- }
- j=0;
- XtSetArg(args[j], XtNfromHoriz, controlDesc[0].handle); j++;
- XtSetArg(args[j], XtNbottom, XtChainTop); j++;
- XtSetArg(args[j], XtNtop, XtChainTop); j++;
- XtSetArg(args[j], XtNleft, XtChainRight); j++;
- XtSetArg(args[j], XtNright, XtChainRight); j++;
- XtSetArg(args[j], XtNstate, appData.ponderNextMove); j++;
- w4 = XtCreateManagedWidget(_("Ponder"), toggleWidgetClass, form, args, j);
- j=0;
- XtSetArg(args[j], XtNfromVert, last); j++;
- XtSetArg(args[j], XtNbottom, XtChainBottom); j++;
- XtSetArg(args[j], XtNtop, XtChainBottom); j++;
- XtSetArg(args[j], XtNleft, XtChainLeft); j++;
- XtSetArg(args[j], XtNright, XtChainLeft); j++;
- b_ok = XtCreateManagedWidget(_("OK"), commandWidgetClass, form, args, j);
- XtAddCallback(b_ok, XtNcallback, UciCallback, (XtPointer) 0);
- XtSetArg(args[j], XtNfromHoriz, b_ok); j++;
- b_cancel = XtCreateManagedWidget(_("cancel"), commandWidgetClass, form, args, j);
- XtAddCallback(b_cancel, XtNcallback, UciPopDown, (XtPointer) 0);
- j = 5;
- XtSetArg(args[j], XtNfromHoriz, upperLeft); j++;
- XtSetArg(args[j], XtNstate, appData.usePolyglotBook); j++;
- w1 = XtCreateManagedWidget(_(" use book "), toggleWidgetClass, form, args, j);
-// XtAddCallback(w1, XtNcallback, UciCallback, (XtPointer) 0);
- j = 5;
- XtSetArg(args[j], XtNfromHoriz, w1); j++;
- XtSetArg(args[j], XtNstate, appData.firstHasOwnBookUCI); j++;
- w2 = XtCreateManagedWidget(_("own book 1"), toggleWidgetClass, form, args, j);
-// XtAddCallback(w2, XtNcallback, UciCallback, (XtPointer) 0);
- j = 5;
- XtSetArg(args[j], XtNfromHoriz, w2); j++;
- XtSetArg(args[j], XtNstate, appData.secondHasOwnBookUCI); j++;
- w3 = XtCreateManagedWidget(_("own book 2"), toggleWidgetClass, form, args, j);
-// XtAddCallback(w3, XtNcallback, UciCallback, (XtPointer) 0);
- XtRealizeWidget(popup);
- CatchDeleteWindow(popup, "UciPopDown");
- XQueryPointer(xDisplay, xBoardWindow, &root, &child,
- &x, &y, &win_x, &win_y, &mask);
- XtSetArg(args[0], XtNx, x - 10);
- XtSetArg(args[1], XtNy, y - 30);
- XtSetValues(popup, args, 2);
- XtPopup(popup, XtGrabExclusive);
- UciUp = True;
- previous = NULL;
- SetFocus(controlDesc[2].handle, popup, (XEvent*) NULL, False);
-// XtSetKeyboardFocus(popup, controlDesc[1].handle);
-void UciMenuProc(w, event, prms, nprms)
- Widget w;
- XEvent *event;
- String *prms;
- Cardinal *nprms;
- UciPopUp();
//--------------------------- Engine-specific options menu ----------------------------------
int SettingsUp;
char *trialSound;
static Option *currentOption;
+static int oldCores, oldPonder;
int MakeColors P((void));
void CreateGCs P((int redo));
void CreateXPMBoard P((char *s, int kind));
void CreateXPMPieces P((void));
void GenericReadout();
+void CommonOptionsOK(int n)
+ int newPonder = appData.ponderNextMove;
+ // make sure changes are sent to first engine by re-initializing it
+ // if it was already started pre-emptively at end of previous game
+ if(gameMode == BeginningOfGame) Reset(True, True); else {
+ // Some changed setting need immediate sending always.
+ if(oldCores != appData.smpCores)
+ NewSettingEvent(False, &(first.maxCores), "cores", appData.smpCores);
+ appData.ponderNextMove = oldPonder;
+ PonderNextMoveEvent(newPonder);
+ }
+Option commonEngineOptions[] = {
+{ 0, 0, 0, NULL, (void*) &appData.ponderNextMove, "", NULL, CheckBox, _("Ponder Next Move") },
+{ 0, 0, 1000, NULL, (void*) &appData.smpCores, "", NULL, Spin, _("Maximum Number of CPUs per Engine:") },
+{ 0, 0, 0, NULL, (void*) &appData.polyglotDir, "", NULL, PathName, _("Polygot Directory:") },
+{ 0, 0, 16000, NULL, (void*) &appData.defaultHashSize, "", NULL, Spin, _("Hash-Table Size (MB):") },
+{ 0, 0, 0, NULL, (void*) &appData.defaultPathEGTB, "", NULL, PathName, _("Nalimov EGTB Path:") },
+{ 0, 0, 1000, NULL, (void*) &appData.defaultCacheSizeEGTB, "", NULL, Spin, _("EGTB Cache Size (MB):") },
+{ 0, 0, 0, NULL, (void*) &appData.usePolyglotBook, "", NULL, CheckBox, _("Use GUI Book") },
+{ 0, 0, 0, NULL, (void*) &appData.polyglotBook, "", NULL, FileName, _("Opening-Book Filename:") },
+{ 0, 0, 100, NULL, (void*) &appData.bookDepth, "", NULL, Spin, _("Book Depth (moves):") },
+{ 0, 0, 100, NULL, (void*) &appData.bookStrength, "", NULL, Spin, _("Book Variety (0) vs. Strength (100):") },
+{ 0, 0, 0, NULL, (void*) &appData.firstHasOwnBookUCI, "", NULL, CheckBox, _("Engine #1 Has Own Book") },
+{ 0, 0, 0, NULL, (void*) &appData.secondHasOwnBookUCI, "", NULL, CheckBox, _("Engine #2 Has Own Book ") },
+{ 0, 1, 0, NULL, (void*) &CommonOptionsOK, "", NULL, EndMark , "" }
Option adjudicationOptions[] = {
{ 0, 0, 0, NULL, (void*) &appData.checkMates, "", NULL, CheckBox, _("Detect all Mates") },
{ 0, 0, 0, NULL, (void*) &appData.testClaims, "", NULL, CheckBox, _("Verify Engine Result Claims") },
GenericPopUp(adjudicationOptions, "Adjudicate non-ICS Games");
+void UciMenuProc(w, event, prms, nprms)
+ Widget w;
+ XEvent *event;
+ String *prms;
+ Cardinal *nprms;
+ oldCores = appData.smpCores;
+ oldPonder = appData.ponderNextMove;
+ GenericPopUp(commonEngineOptions, _("Common Engine Settings"));
//---------------------------- Chat Windows ----------------------------------------------
void OutputChatMessage(int partner, char *mess)