sscanf(line, "%s", command);\r
if(!strcmp(command, "offer")) { drawOffer = 1; goto nomove; } // backlogged anyway, so this can be done instantly\r
if(think) { // command arrived during thinking; order abort for 'instant commands'\r
- if(!strcmp(command, "quit") || !strcmp(command, "force") || !strcmp(command, "?")) { EPRINT((f, "# stop\n")); fflush(toE); }\r
+ if(!strcmp(command, "?") || !strcmp(command, "quit") ||\r
+ !strcmp(command, "force") || !strcmp(command, "result")) { EPRINT((f, "# stop\n")); fflush(toE); }\r
Sync(PAUSE); // block processing of input during thinking\r
if(!strcmp(command, "new")) {\r
else if(!strcmp(command, "st")) sscanf(line, "st %d", &sTime), sTime = 1000*sTime - 30, inc = 0, sTime /= unit;\r
else if(!strcmp(command, "name")) { if(namOpt) EPRINT((f, "# setoption name UCI_Opponent value none none %s %s", comp ? "computer" : "human", line+5)) }\r
else if(!strcmp(command, "computer")) comp = 1;\r
- else if(!strcmp(command, "result")) { if(sc == 's') EPRINT((f, "# gameover %s\n", line[8] == '/' ? "draw" : (line[7] == '0') == mySide ? "win" : "lose")) }\r
+ else if(!strcmp(command, "result")) {\r
+ if(sc == 's') EPRINT((f, "# gameover %s\n", line[8] == '/' ? "draw" : (line[7] == '0') == mySide ? "win" : "lose"))\r
+ computer = NONE;\r
+ }\r
else if(!strcmp(command, "quit")) { EPRINT((f, "# quit\n")) fflush(toE), exit(atoi(line+4)); }\r