BoxAutoPopUp (char *buf)
+{ // only used in Xaw. GTK calls ConsoleAutoPopUp in stead (when we type to board)
if(!appData.autoBox) return;
if(appData.icsActive) { // text typed to board in ICS mode: divert to ICS input box
if(DialogExists(InputBoxDlg)) { // box already exists: append to current contents
AddHandler(&chatOptions[CHAT_PARTNER], ChatDlg, 2), AddHandler(&chatOptions[CHAT_IN], ChatDlg, 2); // treats return as OK
PaneSwitch(); HardSetFocus(&chatOptions[CHAT_IN]);
MarkMenu("View.OpenChatWindow", ChatDlg);
+ CursorAtEnd(&chatOptions[CHAT_IN]);
+ConsoleAutoPopUp (char *buf)
+ if(!appData.autoBox) return;
+ if(appData.icsActive) { // text typed to board in ICS mode: divert to ICS input box
+ if(DialogExists(ChatDlg)) { // box already exists: append to current contents
+ char *p, newText[MSG_SIZ];
+ GetWidgetText(&chatOptions[CHAT_IN], &p);
+ snprintf(newText, MSG_SIZ, "%s%c", p, *buf);
+ SetWidgetText(&chatOptions[CHAT_IN], newText, ChatDlg);
+ if(shellUp[ChatDlg]) HardSetFocus (&boxOptions[CHAT_IN]); //why???
+ } else { ASSIGN(line, buf); } // box did not exist: make sure it pops up with char in it
+ ChatProc();
+ } else PopUpMoveDialog(*buf);
//--------------------------------- Game-List options dialog ------------------------------------------
int SetCurrentComboSelection P((Option *opt));
void BoxAutoPopUp P((char *buf));
+void ConsoleAutoPopUp P((char *buf));
void IcsKey P((int n));
void ICSInputBoxPopUp P((void));
void LoadOptionsPopUp P((DialogClass parent));