int flock(int f, int code);
#define LOCK_EX 2
+#define SLASH '\\'
#define DoSleep( n ) if( (n) >= 0) sleep(n)
+#define SLASH '/'
char *TimeControlTagValue P((void));
void Attention P((ChessProgramState *cps));
void FeedMovesToProgram P((ChessProgramState *cps, int upto));
-void ResurrectChessProgram P((void));
+int ResurrectChessProgram P((void));
void DisplayComment P((int moveNumber, char *text));
void DisplayMove P((int moveNumber));
int PerpetualChase(int first, int last);
int EngineOutputIsUp();
void InitDrawingSizes(int x, int y);
+void NextMatchGame P((void));
+int NextTourneyGame P((int nr, int *swap));
#ifdef WIN32
extern void ConsoleCreate();
long timeControl_2; /* [AS] Allow separate time controls */
char *fullTimeControlString = NULL, *nextSession, *whiteTC, *blackTC; /* [HGM] secondary TC: merge of MPS, TC and inc */
long timeRemaining[2][MAX_MOVES];
-int matchGame = 0;
-TimeMark programStartTime;
+int matchGame = 0, nextGame = 0, roundNr = 0;
+Boolean waitingForGame = FALSE;
+TimeMark programStartTime, pauseStart;
char ics_handle[MSG_SIZ];
int have_set_title = 0;
DestroyChildProcess(cps->pr, cps->useSigterm);
cps->pr = NoProc;
+ if(appData.debugMode) fprintf(debugFP, "Unload %s\n", cps->which);
InitEngine(ChessProgramState *cps, int n)
{ // [HGM] all engine initialiation put in a function that does one engine
- appData.noChessProgram = False;
- appData.clockMode = True;
+ appData.noChessProgram = FALSE;
+ appData.clockMode = TRUE;
InitEngine(cps, n);
if(n) return; // only startup first engine immediately; second can wait
savCps = cps; // parameter to LoadEngine passed as globals, to allow scheduled calling :-(
+extern char *engineName, *engineDir, *engineChoice, *engineLine, *nickName;
+extern Boolean isUCI, hasBook, storeVariant, v1, addToList;
+void Load(ChessProgramState *cps, int i)
+ char *p, *q, buf[MSG_SIZ];
+ if(engineLine[0]) { // an engine was selected from the combo box
+ snprintf(buf, MSG_SIZ, "-fcp %s", engineLine);
+ SwapEngines(i); // kludge to parse -f* / -first* like it is -s* / -second*
+ ParseArgsFromString("-firstIsUCI false -firstHasOwnBookUCI true -firstTimeOdds 1");
+ ParseArgsFromString(buf);
+ SwapEngines(i);
+ ReplaceEngine(cps, i);
+ return;
+ }
+ p = engineName;
+ while(q = strchr(p, SLASH)) p = q+1;
+ if(*p== NULLCHAR) return;
+ appData.chessProgram[i] = strdup(p);
+ if(engineDir[0] != NULLCHAR)
+[i] = engineDir;
+ else if(p != engineName) { // derive directory from engine path, when not given
+ p[-1] = 0;
+[i] = strdup(engineName);
+ p[-1] = '/';
+ } else[i] = ".";
+ appData.isUCI[i] = isUCI;
+ appData.protocolVersion[i] = v1 ? 1 : PROTOVER;
+ appData.hasOwnBookUCI[i] = hasBook;
+ if(addToList) {
+ int len;
+ q = firstChessProgramNames;
+ if(nickName[0]) snprintf(buf, MSG_SIZ, "\"%s\" -fcp ", nickName); else buf[0] = NULLCHAR;
+ snprintf(buf+strlen(buf), MSG_SIZ-strlen(buf), "\"%s\" -fd \"%s\"%s%s%s%s%s\n", p,[i],
+ v1 ? " -firstProtocolVersion 1" : "",
+ hasBook ? "" : " -fNoOwnBookUCI",
+ isUCI ? " -fUCI" : "",
+ storeVariant ? " -variant " : "",
+ storeVariant ? VariantName(gameInfo.variant) : "");
+fprintf(debugFP, "new line: %s", buf);
+ firstChessProgramNames = malloc(len = strlen(q) + strlen(buf) + 1);
+ snprintf(firstChessProgramNames, len, "%s%s", q, buf);
+ if(q) free(q);
+ }
+ ReplaceEngine(cps, i);
srandom(( + 1000*programStartTime.sec)*0x1001001); // [HGM] book: makes sure random is unpredictabe to msec level
+ pauseStart = programStartTime; pauseStart.sec -= 100; // [HGM] matchpause: fake a pause that has long since ended
programStats.ok_to_send = 1;
+ReserveGame(int gameNr, char resChar)
+ FILE *tf = fopen(appData.tourneyFile, "r+");
+ char *p, *q, c, buf[MSG_SIZ];
+ if(tf == NULL) { nextGame = appData.matchGames + 1; return; } // kludge to terminate match
+ safeStrCpy(buf, lastMsg, MSG_SIZ);
+ DisplayMessage(_("Pick new game"), "");
+ flock(fileno(tf), LOCK_EX); // lock the tourney file while we are messing with it
+ ParseArgsFromFile(tf);
+ p = q = appData.results;
+ if(appData.debugMode) {
+ char *r = appData.participants;
+ fprintf(debugFP, "results = '%s'\n", p);
+ while(*r) fprintf(debugFP, *r >= ' ' ? "%c" : "\\%03o", *r), r++;
+ fprintf(debugFP, "\n");
+ }
+ while(*q && *q != ' ') q++; // get first un-played game (could be beyond end!)
+ nextGame = q - p;
+ q = malloc(strlen(p) + 2); // could be arbitrary long, but allow to extend by one!
+ safeStrCpy(q, p, strlen(p) + 2);
+ if(gameNr >= 0) q[gameNr] = resChar; // replace '*' with result
+ if(appData.debugMode) fprintf(debugFP, "pick next game from '%s': %d\n", q, nextGame);
+ if(nextGame <= appData.matchGames && resChar != ' ') { // already reserve next game, if tourney not yet done
+ if(q[nextGame] == NULLCHAR) q[nextGame+1] = NULLCHAR; // append one char
+ q[nextGame] = '*';
+ }
+ fseek(tf, -(strlen(p)+4), SEEK_END);
+ c = fgetc(tf);
+ if(c != '"') // depending on DOS or Unix line endings we can be one off
+ fseek(tf, -(strlen(p)+2), SEEK_END);
+ else fseek(tf, -(strlen(p)+3), SEEK_END);
+ fprintf(tf, "%s\"\n", q); fclose(tf); // update, and flush by closing
+ DisplayMessage(buf, "");
+ free(p); appData.results = q;
+ if(nextGame <= appData.matchGames && resChar != ' ' &&
+ (gameNr < 0 || nextGame / appData.defaultMatchGames != gameNr / appData.defaultMatchGames)) {
+ UnloadEngine(&first); // next game belongs to other pairing;
+ UnloadEngine(&second); // already unload the engines, so TwoMachinesEvent will load new ones.
+ }
MatchEvent(int mode)
{ // [HGM] moved out of InitBackend3, to make it callable when match starts through menu
+ int dummy;
/* Set up machine vs. machine match */
- if (appData.noChessProgram) {
+ nextGame = 0;
+ NextTourneyGame(0, &dummy); // sets appData.matchGames if this is tourney, to make sure ReserveGame knows it
+ if(appData.tourneyFile[0]) {
+ ReserveGame(-1, 0);
+ if(nextGame > appData.matchGames) {
+ char buf[MSG_SIZ];
+ snprintf(buf, MSG_SIZ, _("All games in tourney '%s' are already played or playing"), appData.tourneyFile);
+ DisplayError(buf, 0);
+ appData.tourneyFile[0] = 0;
+ return;
+ }
+ } else
+ if (appData.noChessProgram) { // [HGM] in tourney engines are loaded automatically
DisplayFatalError(_("Can't have a match with no chess programs"),
0, 2);
matchMode = mode;
- matchGame = 1;
- if(!LoadGameOrPositionFile(1)) return;
+ matchGame = roundNr = 1;
first.matchWins = second.matchWins = 0; // [HGM] match: needed in later matches\r
- TwoMachinesEvent();
+ NextMatchGame();
if (appData.matchMode) {
+ if(appData.tourneyFile[0]) { // start tourney from command line
+ FILE *f;
+ if(f = fopen(appData.tourneyFile, "r")) {
+ ParseArgsFromFile(f); // make sure tourney parmeters re known
+ fclose(f);
+ } else appData.tourneyFile[0] = NULLCHAR; // for now ignore bad tourney file
+ }
} else if (*appData.cmailGameName != NULLCHAR) {
/* Set up cmail mode */
TwoMachinesEventIfReady P((void))
+ static int curMess = 0;
if (first.lastPing != first.lastPong) {
- DisplayMessage("", _("Waiting for first chess program"));
+ if(curMess != 1) DisplayMessage("", _("Waiting for first chess program")); curMess = 1;
ScheduleDelayedEvent(TwoMachinesEventIfReady, 10); // [HGM] fast: lowered from 1000
if (second.lastPing != second.lastPong) {
- DisplayMessage("", _("Waiting for second chess program"));
+ if(curMess != 2) DisplayMessage("", _("Waiting for second chess program")); curMess = 2;
ScheduleDelayedEvent(TwoMachinesEventIfReady, 10); // [HGM] fast: lowered from 1000
+ DisplayMessage("", ""); curMess = 0;
-NextMatchGame P((void))
+CreateTourney(char *name)
+ FILE *f;
+ if(name[0] == NULLCHAR) return 0;
+ f = fopen(appData.tourneyFile, "r");
+ if(f) { // file exists
+ ParseArgsFromFile(f); // parse it
+ } else {
+ f = fopen(appData.tourneyFile, "w");
+ if(f == NULL) { DisplayError("Could not write on tourney file", 0); return 0; } else {
+ // create a file with tournament description
+ fprintf(f, "-participants {%s}\n", appData.participants);
+ fprintf(f, "-tourneyType %d\n", appData.tourneyType);
+ fprintf(f, "-tourneyCycles %d\n", appData.tourneyCycles);
+ fprintf(f, "-defaultMatchGames %d\n", appData.defaultMatchGames);
+ fprintf(f, "-syncAfterRound %s\n", appData.roundSync ? "true" : "false");
+ fprintf(f, "-syncAfterCycle %s\n", appData.cycleSync ? "true" : "false");
+ fprintf(f, "-saveGameFile \"%s\"\n", appData.saveGameFile);
+ fprintf(f, "-loadGameFile \"%s\"\n", appData.loadGameFile);
+ fprintf(f, "-loadGameIndex %d\n", appData.loadGameIndex);
+ fprintf(f, "-loadPositionFile \"%s\"\n", appData.loadPositionFile);
+ fprintf(f, "-loadPositionIndex %d\n", appData.loadPositionIndex);
+ fprintf(f, "-rewindIndex %d\n", appData.rewindIndex);
+ fprintf(f, "-results \"\"\n");
+ }
+ }
+ fclose(f);
+ appData.noChessProgram = FALSE;
+ appData.clockMode = TRUE;
+ SetGNUMode();
+ return 1;
+#define MAXENGINES 1000
+char *command[MAXENGINES], *mnemonic[MAXENGINES];
+void NamesToList(char *names, char **engineList, char **engineMnemonic)
- Reset(FALSE, TRUE);
- LoadGameOrPosition(matchGame);
- TwoMachinesEventIfReady();
+ char buf[MSG_SIZ], *p, *q;
+ int i=1;
+ while(*names) {
+ p = names; q = buf;
+ while(*p && *p != '\n') *q++ = *p++;
+ *q = 0;
+ if(engineList[i]) free(engineList[i]);
+ engineList[i] = strdup(buf);
+ if(*p == '\n') p++;
+ TidyProgramName(engineList[i], "localhost", buf);
+ if(engineMnemonic[i]) free(engineMnemonic[i]);
+ if((q = strstr(engineList[i]+2, "variant")) && q[-2]== ' ' && (q[-1]=='/' || q[-1]=='-') && (q[7]==' ' || q[7]=='=')) {
+ strcat(buf, " (");
+ sscanf(q + 8, "%s", buf + strlen(buf));
+ strcat(buf, ")");
+ }
+ engineMnemonic[i] = strdup(buf);
+ names = p; i++;
+ if(i > MAXENGINES - 2) break;
+ }
+ engineList[i] = NULL;
+// following implemented as macro to avoid type limitations
+#define SWAP(item, temp) temp = appData.item[0]; appData.item[0] = appData.item[n]; appData.item[n] = temp;
+void SwapEngines(int n)
+{ // swap settings for first engine and other engine (so far only some selected options)
+ int h;
+ char *p;
+ if(n == 0) return;
+ SWAP(directory, p)
+ SWAP(chessProgram, p)
+ SWAP(isUCI, h)
+ SWAP(hasOwnBookUCI, h)
+ SWAP(protocolVersion, h)
+ SWAP(reuse, h)
+ SWAP(scoreIsAbsolute, h)
+ SWAP(timeOdds, h)
+ SWAP(logo, p)
+SetPlayer(int player)
+{ // [HGM] find the engine line of the partcipant given by number, and parse its options.
+ int i;
+ char buf[MSG_SIZ], *engineName, *p = appData.participants;
+ static char resetOptions[] = "-reuse -firstIsUCI false -firstHasOwnBookUCI true -firstTimeOdds 1 -firstOptions \"\" "
+ "-firstNeedsNoncompliantFEN false -firstNPS -1";
+ for(i=0; i<player; i++) p = strchr(p, '\n') + 1;
+ engineName = strdup(p); if(p = strchr(engineName, '\n')) *p = NULLCHAR;
+ for(i=1; command[i]; i++) if(!strcmp(mnemonic[i], engineName)) break;
+ if(mnemonic[i]) {
+ snprintf(buf, MSG_SIZ, "-fcp %s", command[i]);
+ ParseArgsFromString(resetOptions);
+ ParseArgsFromString(buf);
+ }
+ free(engineName);
+Pairing(int nr, int nPlayers, int *whitePlayer, int *blackPlayer, int *syncInterval)
+{ // determine players from game number
+ int curCycle, curRound, curPairing, gamesPerCycle, gamesPerRound, roundsPerCycle, pairingsPerRound;
+ if(appData.tourneyType == 0) {
+ roundsPerCycle = (nPlayers - 1) | 1;
+ pairingsPerRound = nPlayers / 2;
+ } else if(appData.tourneyType > 0) {
+ roundsPerCycle = nPlayers - appData.tourneyType;
+ pairingsPerRound = appData.tourneyType;
+ }
+ gamesPerRound = pairingsPerRound * appData.defaultMatchGames;
+ gamesPerCycle = gamesPerRound * roundsPerCycle;
+ appData.matchGames = gamesPerCycle * appData.tourneyCycles - 1; // fake like all games are one big match
+ curCycle = nr / gamesPerCycle; nr %= gamesPerCycle;
+ curRound = nr / gamesPerRound; nr %= gamesPerRound;
+ curPairing = nr / appData.defaultMatchGames; nr %= appData.defaultMatchGames;
+ matchGame = nr + curCycle * appData.defaultMatchGames + 1; // fake game nr that loads correct game or position from file
+ roundNr = (curCycle * roundsPerCycle + curRound) * appData.defaultMatchGames + nr + 1;
+ if(appData.cycleSync) *syncInterval = gamesPerCycle;
+ if(appData.roundSync) *syncInterval = gamesPerRound;
+ if(appData.debugMode) fprintf(debugFP, "cycle=%d, round=%d, pairing=%d curGame=%d\n", curCycle, curRound, curPairing, matchGame);
+ if(appData.tourneyType == 0) {
+ if(curPairing == (nPlayers-1)/2 ) {
+ *whitePlayer = curRound;
+ *blackPlayer = nPlayers - 1; // this is the 'bye' when nPlayer is odd
+ } else {
+ *whitePlayer = curRound - pairingsPerRound + curPairing;
+ if(*whitePlayer < 0) *whitePlayer += nPlayers-1+(nPlayers&1);
+ *blackPlayer = curRound + pairingsPerRound - curPairing;
+ if(*blackPlayer >= nPlayers-1+(nPlayers&1)) *blackPlayer -= nPlayers-1+(nPlayers&1);
+ }
+ } else if(appData.tourneyType > 0) {
+ *whitePlayer = curPairing;
+ *blackPlayer = curRound + appData.tourneyType;
+ }
+ // take care of white/black alternation per round.
+ // For cycles and games this is already taken care of by default, derived from matchGame!
+ return curRound & 1;
+NextTourneyGame(int nr, int *swapColors)
+{ // !!!major kludge!!! fiddle appData settings to get everything in order for next tourney game
+ char *p, *q;
+ int whitePlayer, blackPlayer, firstBusy=1000000000, syncInterval = 0, nPlayers=0;
+ FILE *tf;
+ if(appData.tourneyFile[0] == NULLCHAR) return 1; // no tourney, always allow next game
+ tf = fopen(appData.tourneyFile, "r");
+ if(tf == NULL) { DisplayFatalError(_("Bad tournament file"), 0, 1); return 0; }
+ ParseArgsFromFile(tf); fclose(tf);
+ p = appData.participants;
+ while(p = strchr(p, '\n')) p++, nPlayers++; // count participants
+ *swapColors = Pairing(nr, nPlayers, &whitePlayer, &blackPlayer, &syncInterval);
+ if(syncInterval) {
+ p = q = appData.results;
+ while(*q) if(*q++ == '*' || q[-1] == ' ') { firstBusy = q - p - 1; break; }
+ if(firstBusy/syncInterval < (nextGame/syncInterval)) {
+ DisplayMessage(_("Waiting for other game(s)"),"");
+ waitingForGame = TRUE;
+ ScheduleDelayedEvent(NextMatchGame, 1000); // wait for all games of previous round to finish
+ return 0;
+ }
+ waitingForGame = FALSE;
+ }
+ if( != NoProc) return 1; // engines already loaded
+ // redefine engines, engine dir, etc.
+ NamesToList(firstChessProgramNames, command, mnemonic); // get mnemonics of installed engines
+ SetPlayer(whitePlayer); // find white player amongst it, and parse its engine line
+ SwapEngines(1);
+ SetPlayer(blackPlayer); // find black player amongst it, and parse its engine line
+ SwapEngines(1); // and make that valid for second engine by swapping
+ InitEngine(&first, 0); // initialize ChessProgramStates based on new settings.
+ InitEngine(&second, 1);
+ CommonEngineInit(); // after this TwoMachinesEvent will create correct engine processes
+ return 1;
+{ // performs game initialization that does not invoke engines, and then tries to start the game
+ int firstWhite, swapColors = 0;
+ if(!NextTourneyGame(nextGame, &swapColors)) return; // this sets matchGame, -fcp / -scp and other options for next game, if needed
+ firstWhite = appData.firstPlaysBlack ^ (matchGame & 1 | appData.sameColorGames > 1); // non-incremental default
+ firstWhite ^= swapColors; // reverses if NextTourneyGame says we are in an odd round
+ first.twoMachinesColor = firstWhite ? "white\n" : "black\n"; // perform actual color assignement
+ second.twoMachinesColor = firstWhite ? "black\n" : "white\n";
+ appData.noChessProgram = ( == NoProc); // kludge to prevent Reset from starting up chess program
+ Reset(FALSE, != NoProc);
+ appData.noChessProgram = FALSE;
+ if(!LoadGameOrPosition(matchGame)) return; // setup game; abort when bad game/pos file
+ TwoMachinesEvent();
void UserAdjudicationEvent( int result )
GameMode nextGameMode;
int isIcsGame;
- char buf[MSG_SIZ], popupRequested = 0;
+ char buf[MSG_SIZ], popupRequested = 0, forceUnload;
if(endingGame) return; /* [HGM] crash: forbid recursion */
endingGame = 1; = NoProc;
- if (matchMode && gameMode == TwoMachinesPlay) {
+ if (matchMode && (gameMode == TwoMachinesPlay || waitingForGame && exiting)) {
+ char resChar = '=';
switch (result) {
case WhiteWins:
+ resChar = '+';
if (first.twoMachinesColor[0] == 'w') {
} else {
case BlackWins:
+ resChar = '-';
if (first.twoMachinesColor[0] == 'b') {
} else {
+ case GameUnfinished:
+ resChar = ' ';
- if (matchGame < appData.matchGames) {
- char *tmp;
- if(appData.sameColorGames <= 1) { /* [HGM] alternate: suppress color swap */
- tmp = first.twoMachinesColor;
- first.twoMachinesColor = second.twoMachinesColor;
- second.twoMachinesColor = tmp;
- }
+ if(waitingForGame) resChar = ' '; // quit while waiting for round sync: unreserve already reserved game
+ if(appData.tourneyFile[0]){ // [HGM] we are in a tourney; update tourney file with game result
+ ReserveGame(nextGame, resChar); // sets nextGame
+ if(nextGame > appData.matchGames) appData.tourneyFile[0] = 0; // tourney is done
+ } else roundNr = nextGame = matchGame + 1; // normal match, just increment; round equals matchGame
+ if (nextGame <= appData.matchGames) {
gameMode = nextGameMode;
- matchGame++;
- if(appData.matchPause>10000 || appData.matchPause<10)
- appData.matchPause = 10000; /* [HGM] make pause adjustable */
- ScheduleDelayedEvent(NextMatchGame, appData.matchPause);
+ matchGame = nextGame; // this will be overruled in tourney mode!
+ GetTimeMark(&pauseStart); // [HGM] matchpause: stipulate a pause
+ ScheduleDelayedEvent(NextMatchGame, 10); // but start game immediately (as it will wait out the pause itself)
endingGame = 0; /* [HGM] crash */
} else {
endingGame = 0; /* [HGM] crash */
if(popupRequested) { // [HGM] crash: this calls GameEnds recursively through ExitEvent! Make it a harmless tail recursion.
if(matchMode == TRUE) DisplayFatalError(buf, 0, 0); else {
- matchMode = FALSE; appData.matchGames = matchGame = 0;
+ matchMode = FALSE; appData.matchGames = matchGame = roundNr = 0;
/* The chess program may have exited.
If so, restart it and feed it all the moves made so far. */
+ static int doInit = 0;
- if (appData.noChessProgram || != NoProc) return;
+ if (appData.noChessProgram) return 1;
- StartChessProgram(&first);
+ if(matchMode && appData.tourneyFile[0]) { // [HGM] tourney: make sure we get features after engine replacement. (Should we always do this?)
+ if(WaitForEngine(&first, TwoMachinesEventIfReady)) { doInit = 1; return 0; } // request to do init on next visit
+ if(!doInit) return 1; // this replaces testing != NoProc, which is true when we get here, but first time no reason to abort
+ doInit = 0; // we fell through (first time after starting the engine); make sure it doesn't happen again
+ } else {
+ if ( != NoProc) return 1;
+ StartChessProgram(&first);
+ }
InitChessProgram(&first, FALSE);
FeedMovesToProgram(&first, currentMove);
SendToProgram("analyze\n", &first);
first.analyzing = TRUE;
+ return 1;
timeRemaining[0][0] = whiteTimeRemaining;
timeRemaining[1][0] = blackTimeRemaining;
if ( == NULL) {
ChessProgramState *onmove;
char *bookHit = NULL;
static int stalling = 0;
+ TimeMark now;
+ long wait;
if (appData.noChessProgram) return;
// forwardMostMove = currentMove;
TruncateGame(); // [HGM] vari: MachineWhite and MachineBlack do this...
- ResurrectChessProgram(); /* in case first program isn't running */
- if(WaitForEngine(&second, TwoMachinesEventIfReady)) return;
+ if(!ResurrectChessProgram()) return; /* in case first program isn't running (unbalances its ping due to InitChessProgram!) */
+ if(WaitForEngine(&second, TwoMachinesEventIfReady)) return; // (if needed:) started up second engine, so wait for features
if(first.lastPing != first.lastPong) { // [HGM] wait till we are sure first engine has set up position
- DisplayMessage("", _("Waiting for first chess program"));
- ScheduleDelayedEvent(TwoMachinesEvent, 10);
+ ScheduleDelayedEvent(TwoMachinesEventIfReady, 10);
if(!stalling) {
- InitChessProgram(&second, FALSE);
+ InitChessProgram(&second, FALSE); // unbalances ping of second engine
SendToProgram("force\n", &second);
- }
- if(second.lastPing != second.lastPong) { // [HGM] second engine might have to reallocate hash
- if(!stalling) DisplayMessage("", _("Waiting for second chess program"));
stalling = 1;
- ScheduleDelayedEvent(TwoMachinesEvent, 10);
+ ScheduleDelayedEvent(TwoMachinesEventIfReady, 10);
+ GetTimeMark(&now); // [HGM] matchpause: implement match pause after engine load
+ if(appData.matchPause>10000 || appData.matchPause<10)
+ appData.matchPause = 10000; /* [HGM] make pause adjustable */
+ wait = SubtractTimeMarks(&now, &pauseStart);
+ if(wait < appData.matchPause) {
+ ScheduleDelayedEvent(TwoMachinesEventIfReady, appData.matchPause - wait);
+ return;
+ }
stalling = 0;
DisplayMessage("", "");
if (startedFromSetupPosition) {
} else {
onmove = &second;
+ if(appData.debugMode) fprintf(debugFP, "New game (%d): %s-%s (%c)\n", matchGame, first.tidy, second.tidy, first.twoMachinesColor[0]);
SendToProgram(first.computerString, &first);
if (first.sendName) {
snprintf(buf, MSG_SIZ, "name %s\n", second.tidy);
gameInfo.event = StrSave( appData.pgnEventHeader ); = StrSave(HostName()); = PGNDate();
- if (matchGame > 0) {
+ if (roundNr > 0) {
char buf[MSG_SIZ];
- snprintf(buf, MSG_SIZ, "%d", matchGame);
+ snprintf(buf, MSG_SIZ, "%d", roundNr);
gameInfo.round = StrSave(buf);
} else {
gameInfo.round = StrSave("-");
snprintf(buf, MSG_SIZ, _("Error writing to %s chess program"), _(cps->which));
if(gameInfo.resultDetails==NULL) { /* [HGM] crash: if game in progress, give reason for abort */
if((signed char)boards[forwardMostMove][EP_STATUS] <= EP_DRAWS) {
- gameInfo.result = GameIsDrawn; /* [HGM] accept exit as draw claim */
snprintf(buf, MSG_SIZ, _("%s program exits in draw position (%s)"), _(cps->which), cps->program);
+ if(matchMode && appData.tourneyFile[0]) { cps->pr = NoProc; GameEnds(GameIsDrawn, buf, GE_XBOARD); return; }
+ gameInfo.result = GameIsDrawn; /* [HGM] accept exit as draw claim */
} else {
- gameInfo.result = cps->twoMachinesColor[0]=='w' ? BlackWins : WhiteWins;
+ ChessMove res = cps->twoMachinesColor[0]=='w' ? BlackWins : WhiteWins;
+ if(matchMode && appData.tourneyFile[0]) { cps->pr = NoProc; GameEnds(res, buf, GE_XBOARD); return; }
+ gameInfo.result = res;
gameInfo.resultDetails = StrSave(buf);
+ if(matchMode && appData.tourneyFile[0]) { cps->pr = NoProc; return; }
if(!cps->userError || !appData.popupExitMessage) DisplayFatalError(buf, error, 1); else errorExitStatus = 1;
if (isr != cps->isr) return; /* Killed intentionally */
if (count <= 0) {
if (count == 0) {
+ RemoveInputSource(cps->isr);
snprintf(buf, MSG_SIZ, _("Error: %s chess program (%s) exited unexpectedly"),
_(cps->which), cps->program);
if(gameInfo.resultDetails==NULL) { /* [HGM] crash: if game in progress, give reason for abort */
if((signed char)boards[forwardMostMove][EP_STATUS] <= EP_DRAWS) {
- gameInfo.result = GameIsDrawn; /* [HGM] accept exit as draw claim */
snprintf(buf, MSG_SIZ, _("%s program exits in draw position (%s)"), _(cps->which), cps->program);
+ if(matchMode && appData.tourneyFile[0]) { cps->pr = NoProc; GameEnds(GameIsDrawn, buf, GE_XBOARD); return; }
+ gameInfo.result = GameIsDrawn; /* [HGM] accept exit as draw claim */
} else {
- gameInfo.result = cps->twoMachinesColor[0]=='w' ? BlackWins : WhiteWins;
+ ChessMove res = cps->twoMachinesColor[0]=='w' ? BlackWins : WhiteWins;
+ if(matchMode && appData.tourneyFile[0]) { cps->pr = NoProc; GameEnds(res, buf, GE_XBOARD); return; }
+ gameInfo.result = res;
gameInfo.resultDetails = StrSave(buf);
- RemoveInputSource(cps->isr);
+ if(matchMode && appData.tourneyFile[0]) { cps->pr = NoProc; return; }
if(!cps->userError || !appData.popupExitMessage) DisplayFatalError(buf, 0, 1); else errorExitStatus = 1;
} else {
snprintf(buf, MSG_SIZ, _("Error reading from %s chess program (%s)"),
if ((cb == InitBackEnd3 && cps == &first) ||
(cb == SettingsMenuIfReady && cps == &second) ||
(cb == LoadEngine) ||
- (cb == TwoMachinesEventIfReady && cps == &second)) {
+ (cb == TwoMachinesEventIfReady)) {
ScheduleDelayedEvent(cb, val ? 1 : 3600000);
PopDown(prms[0][0] - '0');
+char *engineName, *engineDir, *engineChoice, *engineLine;
+Boolean isUCI, hasBook, storeVariant, v1, addToList;
+extern Option installOptions[], matchOptions[];
+char *engineNr[] = { N_("First Engine"), N_("Second Engine"), NULL };
+char *engineList[100] = {" "}, *engineMnemonic[100] = {""};
+void AddToTourney(int n)
+ Arg args[2];
+ char *p, *val, buf[10000];
+ XawTextBlock t;
+ GenericReadout(4); // selected engine
+ t.ptr = engineChoice; t.firstPos = 0; t.length = strlen(engineChoice); t.format = XawFmt8Bit;
+ XawTextReplace(matchOptions[3].handle, 9999, 9999, &t);
+ t.ptr = "\n"; t.length = 1;
+ XawTextReplace(matchOptions[3].handle, 9999, 9999, &t);
+void MatchOK(int n)
+ if(appData.participants && appData.participants[0]) free(appData.participants);
+ appData.participants = strdup(engineName);
+ PopDown(0); // early popdown to prevent FreezeUI called through MatchEvent from causing XtGrab warning
+ if(CreateTourney(appData.tourneyFile)) MatchEvent(2); // start tourney
Option matchOptions[] = {
-{ 0, 2, 1000000000, NULL, (void*) &appData.defaultMatchGames, "", NULL, Spin, N_("Default Number of Games in Match:") },
+{ 0, 0, 0, NULL, (void*) &appData.tourneyFile, "", NULL, FileName, N_("Tournament file:") },
+{ 0, 0, 0, NULL, (void*) &appData.roundSync, "", NULL, CheckBox, N_("Sync after round (for concurrent playing of a single") },
+{ 0, 0, 0, NULL, (void*) &appData.cycleSync, "", NULL, CheckBox, N_("Sync after cycle tourney with multiple XBoards)") },
+{ 0xD, 150, 0, NULL, (void*) &engineName, "", NULL, TextBox, "Tourney participants:" },
+{ 0, 1, 0, NULL, (void*) &engineChoice, (char*) (engineMnemonic+1), (engineMnemonic+1), ComboBox, N_("Select Engine:") },
+{ 0, 0, 10, NULL, (void*) &appData.tourneyType, "", NULL, Spin, N_("Tourney type (0 = round-robin, 1 = gauntlet):") },
+{ 0, 1, 1000000000, NULL, (void*) &appData.tourneyCycles, "", NULL, Spin, N_("Number of tourney cycles:") },
+{ 0, 1, 1000000000, NULL, (void*) &appData.defaultMatchGames, "", NULL, Spin, N_("Default Number of Games in Match (or Pairing):") },
{ 0, 0, 1000000000, NULL, (void*) &appData.matchPause, "", NULL, Spin, N_("Pause between Match Games (msec):") },
{ 0, 0, 0, NULL, (void*) &appData.loadGameFile, "", NULL, FileName, N_("Game File with Opening Lines:") },
{ 0, -2, 1000000000, NULL, (void*) &appData.loadGameIndex, "", NULL, Spin, N_("Game Number (-1 or -2 = Auto-Increment):") },
{ 0, 0, 0, NULL, (void*) &appData.loadPositionFile, "", NULL, FileName, N_("File with Start Positions:") },
{ 0, -2, 1000000000, NULL, (void*) &appData.loadPositionIndex, "", NULL, Spin, N_("Position Number (-1 or -2 = Auto-Increment):") },
{ 0, 0, 1000000000, NULL, (void*) &appData.rewindIndex, "", NULL, Spin, N_("Rewind Index after this many Games (0 = never):") },
-{ 0, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, "", NULL, EndMark , "" }
+{ 0, 0, 0, NULL, (void*) &MatchOK, "", NULL, EndMark , "" }
void GeneralOptionsOK(int n)
String *prms;
Cardinal *nprms;
+ NamesToList(firstChessProgramNames, engineList, engineMnemonic);
+ comboCallback = &AddToTourney;
GenericPopUp(matchOptions, _("Match Options"), 0);
-char *engineName, *engineDir, *engineChoice, *engineLine;
-Boolean isUCI, hasBook, storeVariant, v1, addToList;
-extern Option installOptions[];
-extern char *firstChessProgramNames;
-char *engineNr[] = { N_("First Engine"), N_("Second Engine"), NULL };
-char *engineList[100] = {" "}, *engineMnemonic[100] = {""};
-void NamesToList(char *names)
- char buf[MSG_SIZ], *p, *q;
- int i=1;
- while(*names) {
- p = names; q = buf;
- while(*p && *p != '\n') *q++ = *p++;
- *q = 0;
- if(engineList[i]) free(engineList[i]);
- engineList[i] = strdup(buf);
- if(*p == '\n') p++;
- TidyProgramName(engineList[i], "localhost", buf);
- if(engineMnemonic[i]) free(engineMnemonic[i]);
- if(q = strstr(engineList[i], " -variant ")) {
- strcat(buf, "(");
- sscanf(q + 10, "%s", buf + strlen(buf));
- strcat(buf, ")");
- }
- engineMnemonic[i] = strdup(buf);
- names = p; i++;
- }
- engineList[i] = NULL;
-// following implemented as macro to avoid type limitations
-#define SWAP(item, temp) temp = appData.item[0]; appData.item[0] = appData.item[n]; appData.item[n] = temp;
-void SwapEngines(int n)
-{ // swap settings for first engine and other engine (so far only some selected options)
- int h;
- char *p;
- if(n == 0) return;
- SWAP(directory, p)
- SWAP(chessProgram, p)
- SWAP(isUCI, h)
- SWAP(hasOwnBookUCI, h)
- SWAP(protocolVersion, h)
- SWAP(reuse, h)
- SWAP(scoreIsAbsolute, h)
- SWAP(timeOdds, h)
-void Load(ChessProgramState *cps, int i)
- char *p, *q, buf[MSG_SIZ];
- if(engineLine[0]) { // an engine was selected from the combo box
- snprintf(buf, MSG_SIZ, "-fcp %s", engineLine);
- SwapEngines(i); // kludge to parse -f* / -first* like it is -s* / -second*
- ParseArgsFromString(buf);
- SwapEngines(i);
- ReplaceEngine(cps, i);
- return;
- }
- p = engineName;
- while(q = strchr(p, '/')) p = q+1;
- if(*p== NULLCHAR) return;
- appData.chessProgram[i] = strdup(p);
- if(engineDir[0] != NULLCHAR)
-[i] = engineDir;
- else if(p != engineName) { // derive directory from engine path, when not given
- p[-1] = 0;
-[i] = strdup(engineName);
- p[-1] = '/';
- } else[i] = ".";
- appData.isUCI[i] = isUCI;
- appData.protocolVersion[i] = v1 ? 1 : PROTOVER;
- appData.hasOwnBookUCI[i] = hasBook;
- if(addToList) {
- int len;
- q = firstChessProgramNames;
- if(nickName[0]) snprintf(buf, MSG_SIZ, "\"%s\" -fcp ", nickName); else buf[0] = NULLCHAR;
- snprintf(buf+strlen(buf), MSG_SIZ-strlen(buf), "\"%s\" -fd \"%s\"%s%s%s%s%s\n", p,[i],
- v1 ? " -firstProtocolVersion 1" : "",
- hasBook ? "" : " -fNoOwnBookUCI",
- isUCI ? " -fUCI" : "",
- storeVariant ? " -variant " : "",
- storeVariant ? VariantName(gameInfo.variant) : "");
-printf("new line: %s", buf);
- firstChessProgramNames = malloc(len = strlen(q) + strlen(buf) + 1);
- snprintf(firstChessProgramNames, len, "%s%s", q, buf);
- if(q) free(q);
- }
- ReplaceEngine(cps, i);
void InstallOK(int n)
PopDown(0); // early popdown, to allow FreezeUI to instate grab
engineDir = nickName = "";
if(engineChoice) free(engineChoice); engineChoice = strdup(engineNr[0]);
if(engineLine) free(engineLine); engineLine = strdup("");
- NamesToList(firstChessProgramNames);
+ NamesToList(firstChessProgramNames, engineList, engineMnemonic);
GenericPopUp(installOptions, _("Load engine"), 0);