#define NONE 2\r
#define ANALYZE 3\r
-char move[2000][10], iniPos[256], hashOpt[20], pause, pondering, suspended, ponder, post, hasHash, c, sc='c', suffix[81], varOpt, searching, *binary;\r
+char move[2000][10], iniPos[256], hashOpt[20], pause, suspended, ponder, post, hasHash, c, sc='c', suffix[81], varOpt, searching, *binary;\r
int mps, tc, inc, sTime, depth, myTime, hisTime, stm, computer = NONE, memory, oldMem=0, cores, moveNr, lastDepth, lastScore, startTime, debug, flob;\r
int statDepth, statScore, statNodes, statTime, currNr, size, collect, nr, sm, inex, on[500], frc, byo = -1, namOpt, comp;\r
char currMove[20], moveMap[500][10], /* for analyze mode */ canPonder[20], threadOpt[20], varList[8000], anaOpt[20], backLog[10000], checkOptions[8192] = "Ponder";\r
if(!move[moveNr][0]) return; // no ponder move\r
- pondering = 1; lastDepth = 1;\r
+ searching = 1; lastDepth = 1;\r
StartSearch(" ponder");\r
{ // send setoption commands backlogged during thinking to engine, aborting ponder or analysis search if necessary\r
- int len = logLen - sentLen, analyse = searching;\r
+ int len = logLen - sentLen, analyse = (searching == 2);\r
if(len <= 0) return 0;\r
- StopPonder(pondering | searching); pondering = searching = 0; // force new search if settings change during analysis (multi-PV!)\r
+ StopPonder(searching); searching = 0; // force new search if settings change during analysis (multi-PV!)\r
fwrite(backLog + sentLen, 1, len, toE); sentLen += len; DPRINT("# release %d\n", len);\r
if(ponder && computer == 1 - stm) StartPonder(moveNr); // (re)start ponder search\r
return analyse; // return 1 if analysis search should be restarted\r
DPRINT("# engine said: %s", line), fflush(stdout);\r
if(sscanf(line, "%s", command) != 1) continue;\r
if(!strcmp(command, "bestmove")) {\r
- if(pause == 1) { pondering = pause = 0; Sync(WAKEUP); continue; } // bestmove was reply to ponder miss or analysis result; ignore.\r
- else if(pondering) { pondering = 0; printf("%d 0 0 0 UCI violation! Engine moves during ponder\n", lastDepth+1); continue; } // ignore ponder search\r
+ if(pause == 1) { searching = pause = 0; Sync(WAKEUP); continue; } // bestmove was reply to ponder miss or analysis result; ignore.\r
+ else if(searching == 1) { searching = 0; printf("%d 0 0 0 UCI violation! Engine moves during ponder\n", lastDepth+1); continue; } // ignore ponder search\r
// move was a move to be played\r
if(p = strstr(line+8, " draw")) *p = 0, printf("offer draw\n"); // UCCI\r
if(strstr(line+9, "resign")) { printf("resign\n"); computer = NONE; }\r
EPRINT((f, " searchmoves"))\r
for(i=1; i<nr; i++) if(on[i]) EPRINT((f, " %s", moveMap[i]))\r
- EPRINT((f, "\n")) searching = 1; // suppresses spurious commands during analysis starting new searches\r
+ EPRINT((f, "\n")) searching = 2; // suppresses spurious commands during analysis starting new searches\r
} else pause = think = 2, StartSearch(""); // request suspending of input processing while thinking\r
} else if(ponderAlways && computer == NONE) move[moveNr][0] = 0, StartPonder(moveNr-1);\r
else if(!strcmp(command, "nopost"))post = 0;\r
else if(!strcmp(command, "pause")) {\r
if(computer == stm) myTime -= GetTickCount() - startTime;\r
- suspended = 1 + pondering; // remember if we were pondering, and stop search ignoring bestmove\r
- StopPonder(pondering || computer == stm);\r
+ suspended = 1 + (searching == 1); // remember if we were pondering, and stop search ignoring bestmove\r
+ StopPonder(searching);\r
else { //convert easy & hard to "option" after treating their effect on the adapter\r
if(!strcmp(command, "easy")) {\r
stm = WHITE+BLACK - stm; collect = (computer == ANALYZE); sm = 0;\r
// when pondering we either continue the ponder search as normal search, or abort it\r
- if(pondering || computer == ANALYZE) {\r
- if(pondering && !strcmp(command, move[moveNr])) { // ponder hit\r
+ if(searching) { // move cannot come during think\r
+ if(searching == 1 && !strcmp(command, move[moveNr])) { // ponder hit\r
char *draw = drawOffer ? " draw" : ""; drawOffer = 0;\r
- pondering = 0; pause = 2; moveNr++; startTime = GetTickCount(); // clock starts running now\r
+ searching = 0; pause = 2; moveNr++; startTime = GetTickCount(); // clock starts running now\r
EPRINT((f, "# ponderhit%s\n", draw)) fflush(toE); fflush(stdout);\r
think = 2; // request blocking input during thinking\r
goto nomove;\r
if(!strcmp(line+8, "fischerandom\n")) { frc |= 1; if(frc > 0) EPRINT((f, "# setoption name UCI_Chess960 value true\n")) }\r
else if(!strcmp(command, "undo") && (i=1) || !strcmp(command, "remove") && (i=2)) {\r
- if(pondering || computer == ANALYZE) StopPonder(1), searching = 0;\r
+ if(searching) StopPonder(1), searching = 0;\r
moveNr = moveNr > i ? moveNr - i : 0; collect = (computer == ANALYZE); sm = 0;\r
else if(!strcmp(command, ".")) {\r
else if(!strcmp(command, "xboard")) ;\r
else if(!strcmp(command, "analyze"))computer = ANALYZE, collect = 1, sm = 0, Analyze("true");\r
else if(!strcmp(command, "exit")) computer = NONE, StopPonder(1), searching = 0, Analyze("false");\r
- else if(!strcmp(command, "force")) computer = NONE, StopPonder(pondering);\r
+ else if(!strcmp(command, "force")) computer = NONE, StopPonder(searching == 1);\r
else if(!strcmp(command, "go")) computer = stm;\r
else if(!strcmp(command, "ping")) { /* static int done; if(!done) pause = 1, fprintf(toE, "isready\n"), fflush(toE), printf("# send isready\n"), fflush(stdout), Sync(PAUSE); done = 1;*/ printf("po%s", line+2); }\r
else if(!strcmp(command, "memory")) sscanf(line, "memory %d", &memory);\r