The WinBoard tournament dialog could be left in an inconsistent state
on Continue Later, when the user untickedthe checkboxes for auto-stepping
and two games per line, after on an earlier attempt their ticking had
already resulted in settng the line/position index to a negative value.
Negative values left in the numeric entriesare now reset to 0 when the
chackboxes are unticked.
if(autoinc) appData.loadGameIndex = appData.loadPositionIndex = -(twice + 1); else\r
if(!appData.loadGameFile[0]) appData.loadGameIndex = -2*twice; // kludge to pass value of "twice" for use in GUI book\r
+ if(!autoinc && !twice) { // prevent auto-inc being remembered in index value if checkboxes not ticked\r
+ if(appData.loadGameIndex < 0) appData.loadGameIndex = 0;\r
+ if(appData.loadPositionIndex < 0) appData.loadPositionIndex = 0;\r
+ }\r
if(swiss) { appData.defaultMatchGames = 1; appData.tourneyType = -1; }\r