--- /dev/null
+ * Move history for WinBoard
+ *
+ * Author: Alessandro Scotti (Dec 2005)
+ * back-end part split off by HGM
+ *
+ * Copyright 2005 Alessandro Scotti
+ *
+ * ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ *
+ * GNU XBoard is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at
+ * your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * GNU XBoard is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+ * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/.
+ *
+ * ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ** See the file ChangeLog for a revision history. */
+#include "config.h"
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <malloc.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include "common.h"
+#include "frontend.h"
+#include "backend.h"
+/* templates for low-level front-end tasks (requiring platform-dependent implementation) */
+void ClearHistoryMemo P((void)); // essential
+int AppendToHistoryMemo P(( char * text, int bold, int colorNr )); // essential (coloring / styling optional)
+void HighlightMove P(( int from, int to, Boolean highlight )); // optional (can be dummy)
+void ScrollToCurrent P((int caretPos)); // optional (can be dummy)
+/* templates for front-end entry point to allow inquiring about front-end state */
+Boolean MoveHistoryDialogExists P((void));
+Boolean MoveHistoryIsUp P((void));
+/* Module globals */
+typedef char MoveHistoryString[ MOVE_LEN*2 ];
+static int lastFirst = 0;
+static int lastLast = 0;
+static int lastCurrent = -1;
+static char lastLastMove[ MOVE_LEN ];
+static MoveHistoryString * currMovelist;
+static ChessProgramStats_Move * currPvInfo;
+static int currFirst = 0;
+static int currLast = 0;
+static int currCurrent = -1;
+typedef struct {
+ int memoOffset;
+ int memoLength;
+} HistoryMove;
+static HistoryMove histMoves[ MAX_MOVES ];
+/* Note: in the following code a "Memo" is a Rich Edit control (it's Delphi lingo) */
+// back-end after replacing Windows data-types by equivalents
+static Boolean OnlyCurrentPositionChanged()
+ Boolean result = FALSE;
+ if( lastFirst >= 0 &&
+ lastLast >= lastFirst &&
+ lastCurrent >= lastFirst &&
+ currFirst == lastFirst &&
+ currLast == lastLast &&
+ currCurrent >= 0 &&
+ TRUE )
+ {
+ result = TRUE;
+ /* Special case: last move changed */
+ if( currCurrent == currLast-1 ) {
+ if( strcmp( currMovelist[currCurrent], lastLastMove ) != 0 ) {
+ result = FALSE;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return result;
+// back-end, after replacing Windows data types
+static Boolean OneMoveAppended()
+ Boolean result = FALSE;
+ if( lastCurrent >= 0 && lastCurrent >= lastFirst && lastLast >= lastFirst &&
+ currCurrent >= 0 && currCurrent >= currFirst && currLast >= currFirst &&
+ lastFirst == currFirst &&
+ lastLast == (currLast-1) &&
+ lastCurrent == (currCurrent-1) &&
+ currCurrent == (currLast-1) &&
+ TRUE )
+ {
+ result = TRUE;
+ }
+ return result;
+// back-end, now that color and font-style are passed as numbers
+static void AppendMoveToMemo( int index )
+ char buf[64];
+ if( index < 0 || index >= MAX_MOVES ) {
+ return;
+ }
+ buf[0] = '\0';
+ /* Move number */
+ if( (index % 2) == 0 ) {
+ sprintf( buf, "%d.%s ", (index / 2)+1, index & 1 ? ".." : "" );
+ AppendToHistoryMemo( buf, 1, 0 ); // [HGM] 1 means bold, 0 default color
+ }
+ /* Move text */
+ strcpy( buf, SavePart( currMovelist[index] ) );
+ strcat( buf, " " );
+ histMoves[index].memoOffset = AppendToHistoryMemo( buf, 0, 0 );
+ histMoves[index].memoLength = strlen(buf)-1;
+ /* PV info (if any) */
+ if( appData.showEvalInMoveHistory && currPvInfo[index].depth > 0 ) {
+ sprintf( buf, "{%s%.2f/%d} ",
+ currPvInfo[index].score >= 0 ? "+" : "",
+ currPvInfo[index].score / 100.0,
+ currPvInfo[index].depth );
+ AppendToHistoryMemo( buf, 0, 1); // [HGM] 1 means gray
+ }
+// back-end
+void RefreshMemoContent()
+ int i;
+ ClearHistoryMemo();
+ for( i=currFirst; i<currLast; i++ ) {
+ AppendMoveToMemo( i );
+ }
+// back-end part taken out of HighlightMove to determine character positions
+static void DoHighlight(int index, int onoff)
+ if( index >= 0 && index < MAX_MOVES ) {
+ HighlightMove( histMoves[index].memoOffset,
+ histMoves[index].memoOffset + histMoves[index].memoLength, onoff );
+ }
+// back-end, now that a wrapper is provided for the front-end code to do the actual scrolling
+void MemoContentUpdated()
+ int caretPos;
+ DoHighlight( lastCurrent, FALSE );
+ DoHighlight( currCurrent, TRUE );
+ lastFirst = currFirst;
+ lastLast = currLast;
+ lastCurrent = currCurrent;
+ lastLastMove[0] = '\0';
+ if( lastLast > 0 ) {
+ strcpy( lastLastMove, SavePart( currMovelist[lastLast-1] ) );
+ }
+ /* Deselect any text, move caret to end of memo */
+ if( currCurrent >= 0 ) {
+ caretPos = histMoves[currCurrent].memoOffset + histMoves[currCurrent].memoLength;
+ }
+ else {
+ caretPos = -1;
+ }
+ ScrollToCurrent(caretPos);
+// back-end. Must be called as double-click call-back on move-history text edit
+void FindMoveByCharIndex( int char_index )
+ int index;
+ for( index=currFirst; index<currLast; index++ ) {
+ if( char_index >= histMoves[index].memoOffset &&
+ char_index < (histMoves[index].memoOffset + histMoves[index].memoLength) )
+ {
+ ToNrEvent( index + 1 ); // moved here from call-back
+ }
+ }
+// back-end. In WinBoard called by call-back, but could be called directly by SetIfExists?
+void UpdateMoveHistory()
+ /* Update the GUI */
+ if( OnlyCurrentPositionChanged() ) {
+ /* Only "cursor" changed, no need to update memo content */
+ }
+ else if( OneMoveAppended() ) {
+ AppendMoveToMemo( currCurrent );
+ }
+ else {
+ RefreshMemoContent();
+ }
+ MemoContentUpdated();
+// back-end
+void MoveHistorySet( char movelist[][2*MOVE_LEN], int first, int last, int current, ChessProgramStats_Move * pvInfo )
+ /* [AS] Danger! For now we rely on the movelist parameter being a static variable! */
+ currMovelist = movelist;
+ currFirst = first;
+ currLast = last;
+ currCurrent = current;
+ currPvInfo = pvInfo;
+ if(MoveHistoryDialogExists())
+ UpdateMoveHistory(); // [HGM] call this directly, in stead of through call-back
* Move history for WinBoard\r
* Author: Alessandro Scotti (Dec 2005)\r
+ * front-end code split off by HGM\r
* Copyright 2005 Alessandro Scotti\r
#include "config.h"\r
-#include <windows.h> /* required for all Windows applications */\r
-#include <richedit.h>\r
#include <stdio.h>\r
#include <stdlib.h>\r
#include <malloc.h>\r
+#include <windows.h> /* required for all Windows applications */\r
+#include <richedit.h>\r
#include <commdlg.h>\r
#include <dlgs.h>\r
#include "frontend.h"\r
#include "backend.h"\r
#include "winboard.h"\r
#include "wsnap.h"\r
-/* Module globals */\r
-typedef char MoveHistoryString[ MOVE_LEN*2 ];\r
-static BOOLEAN moveHistoryDialogUp = FALSE;\r
-static int lastFirst = 0;\r
-static int lastLast = 0;\r
-static int lastCurrent = -1;\r
-static char lastLastMove[ MOVE_LEN ];\r
-static MoveHistoryString * currMovelist;\r
-static ChessProgramStats_Move * currPvInfo;\r
-static int currFirst = 0;\r
-static int currLast = 0;\r
-static int currCurrent = -1;\r
-typedef struct {\r
- int memoOffset;\r
- int memoLength;\r
-} HistoryMove;\r
-static HistoryMove histMoves[ MAX_MOVES ];\r
-#define WM_REFRESH_HISTORY (WM_USER+4657)\r
+// templates for calls into back-end\r
+void RefreshMemoContent P((void));\r
+void MemoContentUpdated P((void));\r
+void FindMoveByCharIndex P(( int char_index ));\r
#define H_MARGIN 2\r
#define V_MARGIN 2\r
-/* Note: in the following code a "Memo" is a Rich Edit control (it's Delphi lingo) */\r
+static BOOLEAN moveHistoryDialogUp = FALSE;\r
-static VOID HighlightMove( int index, BOOL highlight )\r
+// ------------- low-level front-end actions called by MoveHistory back-end -----------------\r
+// low-level front-end, after calculating from & to is left to caller\r
+// it task is to highlight the indicated characters. (In WinBoard it makes them bold and blue.)\r
+void HighlightMove( int from, int to, Boolean highlight )\r
- if( index >= 0 && index < MAX_MOVES ) {\r
HWND hMemo = GetDlgItem( moveHistoryDialog, IDC_MoveHistory );\r
- SendMessage( hMemo, \r
- histMoves[index].memoOffset, \r
- histMoves[index].memoOffset + histMoves[index].memoLength );\r
+ SendMessage( hMemo, EM_SETSEL, from, to);\r
/* Set style */\r
- }\r
-static BOOL OnlyCurrentPositionChanged()\r
- BOOL result = FALSE;\r
- if( lastFirst >= 0 &&\r
- lastLast >= lastFirst &&\r
- lastCurrent >= lastFirst && \r
- currFirst == lastFirst &&\r
- currLast == lastLast &&\r
- currCurrent >= 0 &&\r
- TRUE )\r
- {\r
- result = TRUE;\r
- /* Special case: last move changed */\r
- if( currCurrent == currLast-1 ) {\r
- if( strcmp( currMovelist[currCurrent], lastLastMove ) != 0 ) {\r
- result = FALSE;\r
- }\r
- }\r
- }\r
- return result;\r
-static BOOL OneMoveAppended()\r
- BOOL result = FALSE;\r
- if( lastCurrent >= 0 && lastCurrent >= lastFirst && lastLast >= lastFirst &&\r
- currCurrent >= 0 && currCurrent >= currFirst && currLast >= currFirst &&\r
- lastFirst == currFirst &&\r
- lastLast == (currLast-1) &&\r
- lastCurrent == (currCurrent-1) &&\r
- currCurrent == (currLast-1) &&\r
- TRUE )\r
- {\r
- result = TRUE;\r
- }\r
- return result;\r
-static VOID ClearMemo()\r
+// low-level front-end, but replace Windows data types to make it callable from back-end\r
+// its task is to clear the contents of the move-history text edit\r
+void ClearHistoryMemo()\r
SendDlgItemMessage( moveHistoryDialog, IDC_MoveHistory, WM_SETTEXT, 0, (LPARAM) "" );\r
-static int AppendToMemo( char * text, DWORD flags, DWORD color )\r
+// low-level front-end, made callable from back-end by passing flags and color numbers\r
+// its task is to append the given text to the text edit\r
+// the bold argument says 0 = normal, 1 = bold typeface\r
+// the colorNr argument says 0 = font-default, 1 = gray\r
+int AppendToHistoryMemo( char * text, int bold, int colorNr )\r
+ DWORD flags = bold ? CFE_BOLD :0;\r
+ DWORD color = colorNr ? GetSysColor(COLOR_GRAYTEXT) : DEFAULT_COLOR;\r
HWND hMemo = GetDlgItem( moveHistoryDialog, IDC_MoveHistory );\r
return cbTextLen;\r
-static VOID AppendMoveToMemo( int index )\r
- char buf[64];\r
- DWORD flags = 0;\r
- if( index < 0 || index >= MAX_MOVES ) {\r
- return;\r
- }\r
- buf[0] = '\0';\r
- /* Move number */\r
- if( (index % 2) == 0 ) {\r
- sprintf( buf, "%d.%s ", (index / 2)+1, index & 1 ? ".." : "" );\r
- AppendToMemo( buf, CFE_BOLD, DEFAULT_COLOR );\r
- }\r
- /* Move text */\r
- strcpy( buf, SavePart( currMovelist[index] ) );\r
- strcat( buf, " " );\r
- histMoves[index].memoOffset = AppendToMemo( buf, flags, color );\r
- histMoves[index].memoLength = strlen(buf)-1;\r
- /* PV info (if any) */\r
- if( appData.showEvalInMoveHistory && currPvInfo[index].depth > 0 ) {\r
- sprintf( buf, "{%s%.2f/%d} ", \r
- currPvInfo[index].score >= 0 ? "+" : "",\r
- currPvInfo[index].score / 100.0,\r
- currPvInfo[index].depth );\r
- AppendToMemo( buf, flags, \r
- color == DEFAULT_COLOR ? GetSysColor(COLOR_GRAYTEXT) : color );\r
- }\r
-static void RefreshMemoContent()\r
+// low-level front-end; wrapper for the code to scroll the mentioned character in view (-1 = end)\r
+void ScrollToCurrent(int caretPos)\r
- int i;\r
- ClearMemo();\r
- for( i=currFirst; i<currLast; i++ ) {\r
- AppendMoveToMemo( i );\r
- }\r
-static void MemoContentUpdated()\r
- int caretPos;\r
- HighlightMove( lastCurrent, FALSE );\r
- HighlightMove( currCurrent, TRUE );\r
- lastFirst = currFirst;\r
- lastLast = currLast;\r
- lastCurrent = currCurrent;\r
- lastLastMove[0] = '\0';\r
- if( lastLast > 0 ) {\r
- strcpy( lastLastMove, SavePart( currMovelist[lastLast-1] ) );\r
- }\r
- /* Deselect any text, move caret to end of memo */\r
- if( currCurrent >= 0 ) {\r
- caretPos = histMoves[currCurrent].memoOffset + histMoves[currCurrent].memoLength;\r
- }\r
- else {\r
+ if(caretPos < 0)\r
caretPos = (int) SendDlgItemMessage( moveHistoryDialog, IDC_MoveHistory, WM_GETTEXTLENGTH, 0, 0 );\r
- }\r
SendDlgItemMessage( moveHistoryDialog, IDC_MoveHistory, EM_SETSEL, caretPos, caretPos );\r
SendDlgItemMessage( moveHistoryDialog, IDC_MoveHistory, EM_SCROLLCARET, 0, 0 );\r
-int FindMoveByCharIndex( int char_index )\r
- int index;\r
- for( index=currFirst; index<currLast; index++ ) {\r
- if( char_index >= histMoves[index].memoOffset &&\r
- char_index < (histMoves[index].memoOffset + histMoves[index].memoLength) )\r
- {\r
- return index;\r
- }\r
- }\r
- return -1;\r
+// ------------------------------ call backs --------------------------\r
+// front-end. Universal call-back for any event. Recognized vents are dialog creation, OK and cancel button-press\r
+// (dead code, as these buttons do not exist?), mouse clicks on the text edit, and moving / sizing\r
LRESULT CALLBACK HistoryDialogProc( HWND hDlg, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam )\r
static SnapData sd;\r
index = SendDlgItemMessage( hDlg, IDC_MoveHistory, EM_CHARFROMPOS, 0, (LPARAM) &pt );\r
- index = FindMoveByCharIndex( index );\r
- if( index >= 0 ) {\r
- ToNrEvent( index + 1 );\r
- }\r
+ FindMoveByCharIndex( index ); // [HGM] also does the actual moving to it, now\r
/* Zap the message for good: apparently, returning non-zero is not enough */\r
lpMF->msg = WM_USER;\r
- /* Update the GUI */\r
- if( OnlyCurrentPositionChanged() ) {\r
- /* Only "cursor" changed, no need to update memo content */\r
- }\r
- else if( OneMoveAppended() ) {\r
- AppendMoveToMemo( currCurrent );\r
- }\r
- else {\r
- RefreshMemoContent();\r
- }\r
- MemoContentUpdated();\r
- break;\r
case WM_SIZE:\r
SetWindowPos( GetDlgItem( moveHistoryDialog, IDC_MoveHistory ),\r
return FALSE;\r
+// ------------ standard entry points into MoveHistory code -----------\r
+// front-end\r
VOID MoveHistoryPopUp()\r
FARPROC lpProc;\r
moveHistoryDialogUp = TRUE;\r
+// Note that in WIndows creating the dialog causes its call-back to perform\r
+// RefreshMemoContent() and MemoContentUpdated() immediately after it is realized.\r
+// To port this to X we might have to do that from here.\r
+// front-end\r
VOID MoveHistoryPopDown()\r
CheckMenuItem(GetMenu(hwndMain), IDM_ShowMoveHistory, MF_UNCHECKED);\r
moveHistoryDialogUp = FALSE;\r
-VOID MoveHistorySet( char movelist[][2*MOVE_LEN], int first, int last, int current, ChessProgramStats_Move * pvInfo )\r
+// front-end\r
+Boolean MoveHistoryIsUp()\r
- /* [AS] Danger! For now we rely on the movelist parameter being a static variable! */\r
- currMovelist = movelist;\r
- currFirst = first;\r
- currLast = last;\r
- currCurrent = current;\r
- currPvInfo = pvInfo;\r
- if( moveHistoryDialog ) {\r
- SendMessage( moveHistoryDialog, WM_REFRESH_HISTORY, 0, 0 );\r
- }\r
+ return moveHistoryDialogUp;\r
-Boolean MoveHistoryIsUp()\r
+// front-end\r
+Boolean MoveHistoryDialogExists()\r
- return moveHistoryDialogUp;\r
+ return moveHistoryDialog != NULL;\r