This key isequivalent to pressing the left-most New Chat button.
If no unused chat present, it the command will be ignored.
if(hidden) BoardToTop();
else PaneSwitch();
+ case 14:
+ for(chat=0; chat < MAX_CHAT; chat++) if(!chatPartner[chat][0]) break;
+ if(chat < MAX_CHAT) ChatSwitch(chat + 1);
+ break;
case 10: // <Tab>
chat = start = (activePartner - hidden + MAX_CHAT) % MAX_CHAT;
while(!dirty[chat = (chat + 1)%MAX_CHAT]) if(chat == start) break;
shiftState = event->state & GDK_SHIFT_MASK;
controlState = event->state & GDK_CONTROL_MASK;
switch(event->keyval) {
+ case 'n': return (controlState && IcsHist(14, opt, dlg));
case GDK_Tab: IcsHist(10, opt, dlg); break;
case GDK_Up: IcsHist(1, opt, dlg); break;
case GDK_Down: IcsHist(-1, opt, dlg); break;