shutdown Usage: shutdown [now,cancel,time,die] [comment] RESTRICTED TO ADMINISTRATORS. This command shuts down the server, but with different consequences. If the parameter is omitted or is 'now' then the server is immediately halted cleanly (including games being saved). If a time is given then a countdown commences and the server is halted when time is up; "time" is given in seconds (not minutes). If 'cancel' is given then the countdown is stopped. If the parameter is 'die', the server will be halted immediately without saving games; this version can be useful for debugging purposes, but users will need to be warned in advance because the consequences differ from a normal, announced shutdown. You can add an optional comment to this command. If there is a comment, it will be displayed to users each time the countdown is updated. Having a comment is a useful way to explain the reason for the shutdown and cut down on the number of questions admins will have to answer about the shutdown. Using "announce" may be useful during a coutdown so that users can be informed of special information, such as how long the shutdown will last. See ahelp: announce See help: [Last modified: December 25, 1995 -- Friar]