adm_info Information about server administrators (admins) This chess server is coordinated by several administrators ("admins") who ensure that the server is working properly and deal with problem situations and cases of abuse (see etiquette and abuser). Certain commands that regulate the server can only be used by admins. The group of admins is small in order to keep things fair and uniform. For the moment, the server has a sufficient number of admins for its needs, so new admins are not being added (see adm_new). If you have a question, problem situation or concern as a user of this server, feel free to contact an admin. For the most part, they are designated by (*) on "who" lists. They are also on channel 0 (the admin channel). Type "in 0" to see which admins are logged on. To see a current list of all admins, type "=admin". The "admins" help file indicates the role each admin plays on the server. Admins tend to listen to channel 1. To contact several admins at once, you can "tell" to channel 1. You can also "message" an admin, especially if you need to relay detailed information. Special accounts have been set aside for feedback from users; these are listed in the "admins" help file. See Also: abuser adm_new admins channel etiquette inchannel intro_welcome message tell who [Last modified: September 9, 1995 -- Friar]