admins Admins on this server have various functions. Many are here solely for programming reasons; when they are logged on, they are often busy and working with the server code. Other admins are here for general assistance to users. There are also special accounts that make it easy for users to give the admins feedback, suggestions and special requests. Here is a breakdown.... Programming admins: cranium Cthulhu DAV foxbat Grimm Hawk hersco loon Mann Shane Sparky General admins: Clovis equiLibre Friar Len McKeork schert Solid sveshi Sparky Thanatos TheDane Special admin accounts: adjudicate Bug filter helpfiles Suggestion Note: Admins have been chosen based on some simple but important criteria. Programmer admins obviously are chosen for ability and willingness to volunteer much time and energy toward the GNU-ICS project. In general, however, a good working knowledge of the game itself along with some practicle tournamant experience is quite valuable. Even more valuable is Tournamant directorship experience either on the club or national level. Also of great value is a knowledge of different computers and operating systems and the ability to help new players with setting up interfaces and getting started toward their first game. :-) Sparky [Minor edits: September 19, 1995 -- Friar] See Also: adjudication adm_info adm_new