FICSFAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) The admins at this site can be very busy so, if you find a bug or have questions, read this file first: 1> How do I register? Read the "register" help file -- "help register". 2> What is network vs local: It has to do with distributed ratings -- contact an admin if you get this one. 3> Can I have more than one account? Only if for blind/computer/admin/team reasons. 4> Can I register more than one computer? Yes. 5> Can I have more than one person using my email? Yes. 6> Can more than one person share an account for team games? Yes, WEENIES is an example. 7> Can I be an admin? Read the "admin-new" help file -- "help admin-new". 8> Can I help with programming. Ask hawk. 9> Who's programming? Dan/DAV/foxbat/grimm/hawk/Len/Mann/Shane,etc Thanks to Friar for some help files. And Cthulu(clong) for ECO database - coming soon. Thanks to Richard Nash (red) and Michael Moore for the old fics code. 10> Where else can I play FREE chess? 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 If you know of more FREE sites tell us. 11> Where do I get an interface from? pub/chess on ftp (use anonynous ftp) 12> Where can I get the latest code from. pub/chess/Unix on ftp (use anonynous ftp) help files are in the oldest version FICS.tar.gz 13> I don't like admin x. Admin y is treating me badly. See Sparky (onenet) and hawk (helium) 14> Darooha, arcsin and POTZY have come for a peek. What gives? Sometimes people pretend to be them. Do not abuse them if they log on. Our code is GNU - they can use our ideas and code on ICC if they want. Remember who wrote it first. 15> What is ICC? Don't ask -- no free advertising -- you pay $49 for chess there. :) 16> Can I shout about ICC? Yes, sure. Given a choice to pay $49 or $0. I'd take the $0. 17> Should I advertise FICS? Yes do so. Watch you don't get nuked on ICC, though. Do help ads there. Remember, Burger King burgers are free. :) 18> I can't shout! Are you unreg or have you been muzzled? 19> I can't play rated. Have both of you set rated 1? Have you got the network vs local bug. 20> How do I use the -->name thing I see displayed? Use "it" "i" or ":" followed by a message 21> The Hormone channel(51) has been reinstated I notice. Yes, but cleanish language only. This is a family server. Don't say something you wouldn't say in front of someone's kids. But maybe you would :) 22> The board is the wrong way up: Problem flip in style 12 -- old ZIICS and SLICS are affected. 23> Can't promote (xboard). Try e7e8 for a queen. 24> How do I continue a game that was adjourned? "match" the player again, and it will resume the game if the player accepts 25> I can't castle after king takeback. We know. 26> I can castle through check. This has been observed once. 27> Takeback gives wrong lastmove info. A bug. 28> Simuls don't work. They were broken once; they should be okay now. 29> My rating is over/under inflated There may be a bug somewhere. 30> +alias/+censor etc don't work. Try alias/unalias and censor/uncensor for now. 31> I've got an old account here, I can't remember my password. Ask an admin for help -- be ready to verify your email address. 34> Stats gives silly info. We know. 35> Is there any wild? Yes .. and rated, too. 36> Zippy won't shut up, too many shouts. Use censor [name], cshout (sshout on ICC) is coming. 37> How many channels can I be in? As many as you like, don't be in too many though as this takes up file space; do "help channel" for predefined ones. 39> The "who" listing appears staggered. Fixed soon. 40> How do I withdraw a match request? Type "withdraw". 41> I'm getting lag -- what can I do? Either Ctrl C to escape or use adjourn. Otherwise get your opponent to do "moretime #" where # <= 600 seconds. 42> I suddenly got a Connection closed message. 1> There has been a shutdown 2> There has been a crash -- please bear with us. 3> The server dumped you for some reason. 4> You got nuked. 43> How long do shutdowns last and why? About 10 seconds. Sometimes we need to add new code or fix bugs -- please bear with us. 44> I get unprintable characters / delete don't work. Being fixed. 45> How do I get further help? Follow these steps: (a) "channel 1" (b) "tell 1 help me!" (c) When you are done, you can type "channel 1" exit this channel. 46> How do I pause a long file from scrolling? Use ctrl q and ctrl s -- or use your scroll bar. Also, "set height ##" fixes how many lines will be displayed at a time.