jsave Usage: jsave [slot] [user_name] [gamenumber] This command is used to save games to your journal (see the "journal" help file). You can save games from a "history" file or from another journal. To save from a "history" file ----------------------------- The general format is: jsave slot user_name game_number. For example: jsave A Friar 3 where 'A' is your journal slot; 'Friar' is the handle of the player whose game you want to save -- whether it is your handle or the handle of another player; and '3' is the number of the game from that player's 'history' file. To save from another journal ---------------------------- The general format is: jsave slot user_name slot. For example: jsave B Rattlesnake A where 'B' is your journal slot, 'Rattlesnake' is the handle of the player whose journal game you want to transfer to your journal; 'A' is that player's journal slot for that game. Using this journal-transfer feature, you can also relabel your own journal entries. For example: jsave A your_handle D will take the journal game in slot 'D' and copy it to journal slot 'A'. At the moment, it is not possible to delete a slot (except by overwritting); that capability will be added in the future. See also: history journal [Last modified: December 25, 1995 -- Friar]