To get a registered account, send mail to: (New installations plaese put something here!) With the Subject: "Fics Registration" Include a line like the following in your mail. Please make the appropriate substitutions inside of the <>'s: fics_addplayer "" NOTE1: quotes have to be around the name field. NOTE2: If a human account, human need not be specified. NOTE3: do not include the <>'s in your mail. They only indicate where you need to place information. An example would be like the following, which would register Sparky with the correct name and email information. Ex: fics_addplayer AdminGuy "I. M. Admin" or: fics_addplayer AdminGuy "I. M. Admin" human Please tell us if you will be playing with a computer (meaning that a COMPUTER is deciding what moves to make), or if you are an FM, IM or GM (master's titles for international competition).