This package was debianized by H.G.Muller on Fri Jun 5 20:42:56 CEST 2009. Upstream Author(s): H.G. Muller Copyright: Copyright (C) 2009 H.G. Muller License: Fairy-Max 4.8 is free software, and you have permission do with it whatever you want, whether it is commercial or not. Note, however, that Fairy-Max can easily be configured through its fmax.ini file to play Chess variants that are legally pro- tected by patents, and to do so would also require permission of the holders of such patents. No guarantees are given that Fairy-Max does anything in particular, or that it would not wreck the hardware it runs on, and running it is entirely for your own risk. The Debian packaging is (C) H.G.Muller.