KNOWN BUGS, PROBLEMS, AND MISFEATURES ------------------------------------- We only have Western-style piece bitmaps for the small-size board, which is not very pleasant to use. If you try to use the medium- or large-size board with Western bitmaps you get garbage bitmaps instead. The small bitmaps are pretty lame, too; we need new Western bitmaps at all sizes. I'd prefer if the True/False options were changed to -opt e.g. -mono or -no_mono (not necessary to have -no_opt in all cases, though). charPieceColor has no effect; the piece bitmap is *always* black. I've seen pawns disappear for no obvious reason; they come back on the next move. This is extremely hard to reproduce. I call this the "disappearing pawn bug"; the pawn is still there, but you can't see it. It almost always happens with this opening: P2f P3d P2e B3c and the pawn on 3d disappears. The coordinate printing is pretty lame. When you hit "Pause" and then move, the move isn't shown on the screen until the computer makes its next move.