Jumping pieces would capture as Knight when the victim was also attacked
b a Lion.
for(i=0; i<8; i++) { // scan all knight jumps to locate source\r
int x = sqr - nStep[i], attacker = board[x];\r
if(attacker == EMPTY || (attacker & TYPE) != stm) continue;\r
- if(p[attacker].range[i] <= N && p[attacker].range[i] >= S) { // has Knight jump in our direction\r
+ if(p[attacker].range[i] <= N && p[attacker].range[i] >= S && p[attacker].range[i] != J) { // has Knight jump in our direction\r
NewCapture(x, sqr + victimValue, p[attacker].promoFlag); // plain jump (as in N)\r
if(p[attacker].range[i] < N) { // Lion power; generate double captures over two possible intermediates\r
int v = kStep[i]; // leftish path\r