DisplayMessage(second ? "!" : "", seekAdList[closest]);
lastSecond = second; displayed = closest;
- sprintf(buf, "play %d\n", seekNrList[closest]);
if(click == Press) {
if(moving == 2) zList[closest] = 100; // right-click; push to back on press
lastDown = closest;
return TRUE;
} // on press 'hit', only show info
if(moving == 2) return TRUE; // ignore right up-clicks on dot
+ sprintf(buf, "play %d\n", seekNrList[closest]);
- SendToICS(buf); // should this be "sought all"?
+ SendToICS(buf);
+ return TRUE; // let incoming board of started game pop down the graph
} else if(click == Release) { // release 'miss' is ignored
zList[lastDown] = 100; // make future selection of the rejected ad more difficult
if(moving == 2) { // right up-click