// [HGM] gen: configurable move generation from Betza notation sent by engine.
// alphabet "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
-char symmetry[] = "FBNW.F.WFNKN.N..QR....W..N";
-char xStep[] = "2110.1.03102.10.00....0..2";
-char yStep[] = "2132.1.33313.20.11....1..3";
+char symmetry[] = "FBNW.FFW.NKN.NW.QR....W..N";
+char xStep[] = "2110.";
+char yStep[] = "2132.133.313.20.11....1..3";
char dirType[] = "01000104000200000260050000";
// alphabet "a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z "
int dirs1[] = { 0,0x3C,0,0,0,0xC3,0,0, 0,0,0,0xF0,0,0,0,0,0,0x0F,0 ,0,0,0 ,0,0,0,0 };
int mine, his, dir, bit, occup, i;
if(flags & F_WHITE_ON_MOVE) his = 2, mine = 1; else his = 1, mine = 2;
while(*p) { // more moves to go
- int expo = 1, dx, dy, x, y, mode, dirSet, retry=0, initial=0;
- if(*p == 'i') initial = 1, p++;
+ int expo = 1, dx, dy, x, y, mode, dirSet, retry=0, initial=0, jump=1;
+ if(*p == 'i') initial = 1, desc = ++p;
while(islower(*p)) p++; // skip prefixes
if(!isupper(*p)) return; // syntax error: no atom
dirSet = 0; // build direction set based on atom symmetry
if(*desc == 'm') mode |= 4, desc++;
if(*desc == 'c') mode |= his, desc++;
if(*desc == 'd') mode |= mine, desc++;
+ if(*desc == 'e') mode |= 8, desc++;
+ if(*desc == 'n') jump = 0, desc++;
+ while(*desc == 'j') jump++, desc++;
if(!mode) mode = his + 4;// no mode spec, use default = mc
dx = xStep[*p-'A'] - '0'; // step vector of atom
dy = yStep[*p-'A'] - '0';
if(isdigit(*++p)) expo = atoi(p++); // read exponent
if(expo > 9) p++; // allow double-digit
desc = p; // this is start of next move
- if(initial && (mine == 1 ? r > 1 : r < BOARD_HEIGHT - 2)) continue;
+ if(initial && board[r][f] != initialPosition[r][f]) continue;
do {
for(dir=0, bit=1; dir<8; dir++, bit += bit) { // loop over directions
- int i = expo;
+ int i = expo, vx, vy;
if(!(bit & dirSet)) continue; // does not move in this direction
+ vx = dx*rot[dir][0] + dy*rot[dir][1]; // rotate step vector
+ vy = dx*rot[dir][2] + dy*rot[dir][3];
x = f; y = r; // start square
do {
- x += dx*rot[dir][0] + dy*rot[dir][1]; // step to next square
- y += dx*rot[dir][2] + dy*rot[dir][3];
+ x += vx; y += vy; // step to next square
if(y < 0 || y >= BOARD_HEIGHT || x < BOARD_LEFT || x >= BOARD_RGHT) break;
+ if(!jump && board[y - vy + vy/2][x - vx + vx/2] != EmptySquare) break; // blocked
+ if(jump > 1 && board[y - vy + vy/2][x - vx + vx/2] == EmptySquare) break; // no hop
if(board[y][x] < BlackPawn) occup = 1; else
if(board[y][x] < EmptySquare) occup = 2; else
occup = 4;
+ if(mode & 8 && y == board[EP_RANK] && occup == 4 && board[EP_FILE] == x) { // to e.p. square
+ cb(board, flags, mine == 1 ? WhiteCapturesEnPassant : BlackCapturesEnPassant, r, f, y, x, cl);
+ }
if(occup & mode) cb(board, flags, NormalMove, r, f, y, x, cl); // allowed, generate
if(occup != 4) break; // not valid transit square
} while(--i);
ChessSquare piece;
ChessMove kind;
- char *outp = out, c;
+ char *outp = out, c, capture;
CoordsToAlgebraicClosure cl;
if (rf == DROP_RANK) {
/* Pawn move */
*outp++ = ff + AAA;
- if (ff == ft && board[rt][ft] == EmptySquare) { /* [HGM] Xiangqi has straight noncapts! */
+ capture = board[rt][ft] != EmptySquare || kind == WhiteCapturesEnPassant || kind == BlackCapturesEnPassant;
+ if (ff == ft && !capture) { /* [HGM] Xiangqi has straight noncapts! */
/* Non-capture; use style "e5" */
if(rt+ONE <= '9')
*outp++ = rt + ONE;
else { *outp++ = (rt+ONE-'0')/10 + '0';*outp++ = (rt+ONE-'0')%10 + '0'; }
} else {
/* Capture; use style "exd5" */
- if(gameInfo.variant != VariantXiangqi || board[rt][ft] != EmptySquare )
+ if(capture)
*outp++ = 'x'; /* [HGM] Xiangqi has sideway noncaptures across river! */
*outp++ = ft + AAA;
if(rt+ONE <= '9')