case MachinePlaysWhite:
case MachinePlaysBlack:
if (WhiteOnMove(forwardMostMove) == (gameMode == MachinePlaysWhite)) {
- DisplayError(_("Wait until your turn,\nor select Move Now"), 0);
+ DisplayError(_("Wait until your turn,\nor select 'Move Now'."), 0);
/* fall through */
case MachinePlaysWhite:
case MachinePlaysBlack:
if (WhiteOnMove(forwardMostMove) == (gameMode == MachinePlaysWhite)) {
- DisplayError(_("Wait until your turn,\nor select Move Now"), 0);
+ DisplayError(_("Wait until your turn,\nor select 'Move Now'."), 0);
if (forwardMostMove < 2) return;
switch (gameMode) {
case MachinePlaysWhite:
if (WhiteOnMove(forwardMostMove)) {
- DisplayError(_("Wait until your turn"), 0);
+ DisplayError(_("Wait until your turn."), 0);
case BeginningOfGame:
case MachinePlaysBlack:
if (!WhiteOnMove(forwardMostMove)) {
- DisplayError(_("Wait until your turn"), 0);
+ DisplayError(_("Wait until your turn."), 0);
switch (gameMode) {
case MachinePlaysWhite:
if (WhiteOnMove(forwardMostMove)) {
- DisplayError(_("Wait until your turn"), 0);
+ DisplayError(_("Wait until your turn."), 0);
case BeginningOfGame:
case MachinePlaysBlack:
if (!WhiteOnMove(forwardMostMove)) {
- DisplayError(_("Wait until your turn"), 0);
+ DisplayError(_("Wait until your turn."), 0);
{ VariantBerolina,SAME_ROW,135, NULL, (void*) &Pick, "#FFFFFF", NULL, Button, N_("Berolina *")},
{ VariantAtomic, 0, 135, NULL, (void*) &Pick, "#FFFFFF", NULL, Button, N_("Atomic")},
{ VariantTwoKings,SAME_ROW,135, NULL, (void*) &Pick, "#FFFFFF", NULL, Button, N_("Two kings")},
-{ 0, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, Label, N_("Board size ( -1 = default for selected variant):")},
+{ 0, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, Label, N_("Board size (-1 = default for selected variant):")},
{ 0, -1, BOARD_RANKS-1, NULL, (void*) &appData.NrRanks, "", NULL, Spin, N_("Number of Board Ranks:") },
{ 0, -1, BOARD_FILES, NULL, (void*) &appData.NrFiles, "", NULL, Spin, N_("Number of Board Files:") },
{ 0, -1, BOARD_RANKS-1, NULL, (void*) &appData.holdingsSize, "", NULL, Spin, N_("Holdings Size:") },
{ 0, 0, 275, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, Label, warning },
-{ 0, 0, 275, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, Label, "Variants marked with * can only be played\nwith legality testing off"},
+{ 0, 0, 275, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, Label, N_("Variants marked with * can only be played\nwith legality testing off.")},
{ 0, SAME_ROW, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, Break, ""},
{ VariantASEAN, 0, 135, NULL, (void*) &Pick, "#FFFFFF", NULL, Button, N_("ASEAN")},
{ VariantGreat, SAME_ROW, 135, NULL, (void*) &Pick, "#BFBFFF", NULL, Button, N_("Great Shatranj (10x8)")},
static int start;
int i, last;
- if(appData.noChessProgram) sprintf(warning, _("Only bughouse is not available in viewer mode")); else
- sprintf(warning, _("All variants not supported by first engine\n(currently %s) are disabled"), first.tidy);
+ if(appData.noChessProgram) sprintf(warning, _("Only bughouse is not available in viewer mode.")); else
+ sprintf(warning, _("All variants not supported by the first engine\n(currently %s) are disabled."), first.tidy);
if(!start) while(variantDescriptors[start].type != -1) start++; // locate first spare
last = -1;
for(i=0; variantDescriptors[start+i].type != EndMark; i++) { // create buttons for engine-defined variants
{ 0, 0, 0, NULL, (void*) &appData.upsideDown, "", NULL, CheckBox, N_("Flip Pieces Shogi Style (Colored buttons restore default)") },
//{ 0, 0, 0, NULL, (void*) &appData.allWhite, "", NULL, CheckBox, N_("Use Outline Pieces for Black") },
{ 0, 0, 0, NULL, (void*) &appData.monoMode, "", NULL, CheckBox, N_("Mono Mode") },
-{ 0,-1, 5, NULL, (void*) &appData.overrideLineGap, "", NULL, Spin, N_("Line Gap ( -1 = default for board size):") },
+{ 0,-1, 5, NULL, (void*) &appData.overrideLineGap, "", NULL, Spin, N_("Line Gap (-1 = default for board size):") },
{ 0, 0, 0, NULL, (void*) &appData.useBitmaps, "", NULL, CheckBox, N_("Use Board Textures") },
{ 0, 0, 0, NULL, (void*) &appData.liteBackTextureFile, ".png", NULL, FileName, N_("Light-Squares Texture File:") },
{ 0, 0, 0, NULL, (void*) &appData.darkBackTextureFile, ".png", NULL, FileName, N_("Dark-Squares Texture File:") },
{ 0, LL|T2T, 18, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, Icon, " " },
{ 0, L2L|T2T|SAME_ROW, 162, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, Label, N_("engine name") },
{ 0, T2T|SAME_ROW, 30, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, Icon, " " },
+/* TRANSLATORS: noun, as in "the move Nf3"*/
{ 0, R2R|T2T|SAME_ROW, 188, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, Label, N_("move") },
{ 0, RR|T2T|SAME_ROW, 80, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, Label, N_("NPS") },
{200, T_VSCRL | T_TOP, 500, NULL, (void*) &mem1, "", (char**) MemoProc, TextBox, "" },
{ 0, LL|T2T, 18, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, Icon, " " },
{ 0, L2L|T2T|SAME_ROW, 162, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, Label, N_("engine name") },
{ 0, T2T|SAME_ROW, 30, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, Icon, " " },
+/* TRANSLATORS: noun, as in "the move Nf3"*/
{ 0, R2R|T2T|SAME_ROW, 188, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, Label, N_("move") },
{ 0, RR|T2T|SAME_ROW, 80, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, Label, N_("NPS") },
{200, T_VSCRL | T_TOP, 500, NULL, (void*) &mem2, "", (char**) MemoProc, TextBox, "" },